[Ord. No. 1825, 5-13-1991; Ord. No. 3602, 9-19-2022; Ord. No. 3616, 11-21-2022]
In District "R-1," no building, structure, land or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or altered except those uses identified as "P" for permitted in the Land Use Table in Appendix A.[1]
Appendix A, Land Use Table, is included as Attachment 1 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1825, 5-13-1991; Ord. No. 3107 §3, 10-19-2009]
In District "R-1", the height of buildings, the minimum dimension of lots and yards and the minimum lot area per family permitted on any lot shall be as follows:
Height. Building or structures shall not exceed two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height except that on lots having a natural slope, a full three (3) stories may be exposed above grade on the downhill side.
Front yards. Any building hereafter constructed shall provide for a front yard, the minimum depth of which shall be thirty (30) feet.
Side yards. There shall be a side yard on each side of the dwelling the total of which side yards shall be not less than twenty (20) feet and no side yard shall be less than eight (8) feet. Buildings on corner lots shall provide a side yard on the street side of not less than twenty (20) feet.
Rear yards. The depth of the rear yard shall be at least thirty (30) feet.
Lot area per family. Every dwelling hereafter erected, moved or altered shall provide a lot area of not less than eighty-five hundred (8,500) square feet per family.
Width. The width of a lot measured at the front building line shall be not less than seventy-five (75) feet.
Lot Coverage. The lot coverage shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%).
[Ord. No. 3685, 3-4-2024]
Editor's Note: Former Section 405.145, Parking Regulations, was repealed 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 3669. Prior history includes Ord. No. 1825. See now Section 405.565, Design Standards.
[Ord. No. 3341 §2, 11-2-2015]
Intent. The intent of this district is to promote single-family neighborhood development in a compact and walkable pattern in close proximity to downtown. The standards of this district enable the original development patterns of the near downtown neighborhoods and encourage new development with a compatible character, scale and pattern as the original lots and structures. The standards also facilitate effective transitions between residences and businesses that maintain the neighborhood character near downtown and on significant corridors.
[Ord. No. 3616, 11-21-2022]
Permitted Uses. In District "R-1B," no building, structure, land or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or altered except those uses identified as "P" for permitted in the Land Use Table in Appendix A.[1] Those uses identified as "P*" or "S*" are uses that are permitted or allowed with an approved special use permit on lots fronting on Mechanic or Independence Street.
[Ord. No. 3602, 9-19-2022; Ord. No. 3616, 11-21-2022]
Appendix A, Land Use Table, is included as Attachment 1 of this chapter.
Height And Area Regulations. In District "R-1B," the height of buildings, the minimum dimension of lots and yards and the minimum lot area per family permitted on any lot shall be as follows:
Height. Building or structures shall not exceed two and one-half (2 1/2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height except that on lots having a natural slope, a full three (3) stories may be exposed above grade on the downhill side.
Front yards. Any building hereafter constructed shall provide for a front yard, the minimum depth of which shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yards. There shall be a side yard on each side of the dwelling no less than five (5) feet. Buildings on corner lots shall provide a side yard on the street side of not less than ten (10) feet.
Rear yards. The depth of the rear yard shall be at least thirty (30) feet.
Lot area per family. Every dwelling hereafter erected, moved or altered shall provide a lot area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet per family.
Width. The width of a lot measured at the front building line shall be not less than fifty (50) feet.
Depth. The depth of a lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet.
Lot coverage. The lot coverage shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%).
[Ord. No. 3685, 3-4-2024]
Editor's Note: Former Section 405.147(D), Parking Regulations, was repealed 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 3669. See now Section 405.565, Design Standards.
Design Standards.
Driveway and parking. Garages and driveways shall be limited in width to prevent wide curb-cuts and disruption of the overall streetscape design along a block:
Parking and garages shall be located in the rear portion of the lot, and accessed by an alley where practical.
Side-entry or front-loaded garages may be permitted provided the garage is set back at least ten (10) feet behind the front building line of the primary structure, and doors occupy no more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the front facade.
Driveway width shall be limited to no more than twenty percent (20%) of the lot width in front of the front building line.
Driveways may expand up to a maximum of twenty (20) feet wide for an entry pad to any side-entry or front-loaded garage that is permitted.
Where access is limited by these standards, alley access or shared driveways shall be used.
Building scale and mass. The mass of the principle structure shall be composed to avoid large blank walls along the streetscape or within close proximity to abutting lot lines. The use of off-set, wings and setbacks shall be used to break up the volume of structures within the permitted building envelope.
No wall plane at or within five (5) feet of the front or side setback shall be greater than six hundred (600) square feet without being interrupted by any of the following:
Architectural features such as structural bays, dormers, belvederes, chimneys or cupolas.
Porches, porticos or other enhanced entry features.
Off-sets or setbacks of the structure by at least three (3) feet.
Structures larger than permitted above should use compound massing with primary masses and secondary masses or wings.
Building orientation. The principle structure shall relate to the neighborhood streetscape and contribute pedestrian-scale details along the block:
All lots shall have at least a four (4) feet wide walkway connecting the sidewalk (or street) to the entry of the house.
All primary structures shall have a front entry feature oriented to the streetscape. Entry features may include a single-story porch, stoop, or portico.
Porches shall be at least eight (8) feet deep, and eighty (80) square feet, and elevate one (1) foot to three (3) feet above the grade. Unenclosed porches may encroach into the front setback up to ten (10) feet.
Stoops shall be at least six (6) feet deep, and forty-eight (48) square feet, elevate one (1) foot to three (3) feet above the grade, and be accompanied by ornamental railings and architectural details on the door that enhance and accompany the character and materials of the structure. Unenclosed stoops may encroach into the front setback up to eight (8) feet.
Porticos shall be at least six (6) feet deep, and forty-eight (48) square feet, elevate one (1) foot to three (3) feet above the grade. Porticos shall be designed with the same materials and characteristics as the principle structure.
Additional Uses. To create more effective transitions between downtown and neighborhoods and allow more flexibility for uses along entry corridors, lots zoned "R-1B," which front on Mechanic Street or Independence Street, shall be eligible for the following additional uses.
Eligible uses. The following additional uses are permitted in the "R-1B" District on lots that front on Mechanic Street or Independence Street.
Offices to be used for:
Administrative functions of companies, corporations, social or philanthropic organizations or societies.
Architects and planners.
Brokers and accountants.
Financial services.
Insurance offices.
Engineers and surveyors.
Psychologists and psychiatrists.
Barbers, beauty shops and hairdressers.
Interior decorators.
Seamstress and tailoring.
Special approvals. The following additional uses are permitted in the "R-1B" District on lots that front on Mechanic Street or Independence Street, through special approval process.
Bed and breakfast.
Bridal shops.
Coffee shops.
Cultural exhibits and services.
Flower shops.
Gift shops.
Jewelry stores.
Real estate offices.
The applicant shall obtain written permission from all property owners and/or residents within one hundred and twenty (120) feet of the applicant's property. Provided written permission cannot be obtained from all adjoining property owners and/or residents, the applicant may request a special use permit under the provisions of Section 405.525, Special Use Permits. Furthermore, provided written permission has been granted for one (1) of these commercial uses, and a written complaint regarding the commercial use has been filed with the City, the Board of Aldermen, following review of the evidence supporting the complaint, may allow the business to remain on the property, require that the commercial use be removed from the property, or grant conditional approval for the business to stay on the property.
Additional commercial uses shall only be allowed in structures designed primarily for residential use. Rehabilitation, additions or construction of new buildings that undermine the residential character are prohibited.
All buildings and sites shall meet the residential design standards specified in Subsection (E).
Parking and driveway standards. Parking shall be provided according to Section 405.565. However, the design, location and access of parking shall be discreet and any use proposed for a lot that cannot obtain adequate parking, access or follow appropriate access management standards shall not be used for commercial purposes.
All parking areas shall be setback from the lot line by at least five (5) feet from the side or rear yard property lines.
Any parking needs beyond what can be accommodated in a residential driveway shall be located behind the principle structure.
All parking shall be paved with a minimum of two (2) inches of concrete or asphalt. Curbs may not be required in order to maintain the areas residential character.
Editor's Note: Former Section 405.147(F)(4)(d), regarding parking areas over eight (8) spaces, was repealed 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 3669. See now Section 405.565, Design Standards.
Additional access points to Mechanic Street or Independence Street will not be allowed. Access to businesses shall be off an alley or other acceptable road.
Performance standards. Additional uses allow for the introduction of small-scale, low-intensity uses into residentially designed structures and lots. Any use, regardless of if it is listed as additional eligible uses above, shall be prohibited if it cannot meet the following performance criteria:
Small scale uses shall not expand or require any additions or accessory structures that are not in keeping with the size and setback requirements of homes in the area, or as otherwise required by the lot and design standards of the "R-1B" District.
No equipment shall be kept on the premises outside a building.
No merchandise shall be handled or displayed except inside buildings.
One (1) unilluminated sign of no more than three (3) square feet may be permitted. The sign shall be wood and meet all other standards of the City sign ordinance.
All lighting shall be arranged to direct light away from abutting property and the right-of-way. No glare shall be created. Lighting shall be similar to that of a residential use.
No deliveries shall be made between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Historic Overlay. Certain areas within the near downtown neighborhoods have a unique character and consistent replication of historic development patterns and structures. In order to encourage the restoration of historic Harrisonville and encourage the development or redevelopment of vacant lots within these areas that preserves these characteristics, property owners may petition for the designation of a historic overlay within the "R-1B" District. This overlay should be of sufficient size and extent to protect observable and distinct characteristics. The overlay should be initiated at the property owners' petition and upon further study and documentation of these patterns, such as:
Variations on, or enhancements of, any of the basic lot and design features of the area.
Roof forms, such as gable, gothic, hip, hip and valley, mansard, or spires.
Architectural embellishments such as dormers, belvederes, masonry chimneys, cupolas.
Characteristics of specific architectural styles such as window and door design and orientation; primary, secondary or accent materials; scale and massing of main masses, secondary masses or wings.
Landscape design and outside space features that related the building or site to the neighborhood streetscape.
Any other important details of architecture or neighborhood design documented as important patterns for the history and integrity of the area.
Designation of an overlay shall be considered an amendment to the "R-1B" zoning of any proposed properties, and follow all other procedures required by these regulations.