[Ord. No. 1825, 5-13-1991; Ord. No. 3153 §1, 11-1-2010; Ord. No. 3616, 11-21-2022]
In District "CBD-1," no building, structure, land or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or altered except those uses identified as "P" for permitted in the Land Use Table in Appendix A.[1]
Appendix A, Land Use Table, is included as Attachment 1 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1825, 5-13-1991]
The following standards shall not be exceeded by any use in this district:
No wholesale sales shall be conducted.
No merchandise or equipment shall be stored or displayed outside a building.
All products shall be sold and all services rendered inside a building, except that banks and saving-and-loan establishments may have drive-in or walk-up service. A properly zoned and licensed food or beverage service establishment may temporarily utilize public sidewalks immediately adjacent to its establishment for outdoor dining purposes contingent upon compliance with City policy and ordinances.
[Ord. No. 3284 §1, 10-20-2014]
No noise, smoke, radiation, vibration or concussion, heat or glare shall be produced that is perceptible outside a building and no dust, fly ash or gas that is toxic, caustic or obviously injurious to humans or property shall be produced.
Alcoholic beverages may be sold for consumption in conjunction with eating establishments.
Assembly of products to be sold only for retail on the premises.
Broadcasting equipment (towers, satellite dishes, etc.) shall be permitted but shall not exceed the height restrictions of this district.
[Ord. No. 1825, 5-13-1991]
In District "CBD-1", the height of buildings, the minimum dimensions of lots and yards and the minimum lot area per family permitted upon any lot shall be as follows:
Height. Buildings or structures shall not exceed three (3) stories in height, except that in a District "CBDP-1" buildings and structures shall not exceed twelve (12) stories in height.
Front yards. No front yard is required.
Side yards. No side yard is required except that where a side line of a lot in this district abuts the side line of a lot in a District "R-1" to "C-O" inclusive, a side yard shall then be provided the same as required in the district it abuts.
Rear yards. No rear yard is required except that where a rear line of a lot in this district abuts upon land in a District "R-1" to "C-O" inclusive, a rear yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet shall then be provided in this district.
Lot coverage. The lot coverage shall not exceed ninety-five percent (95%).
[Ord. No. 3627, 2-21-2023; Ord. No. 3685, 3-4-2024]
[Ord. No. 1825, 5-13-1991]
No off-street parking is required in this district.