[Ord. No. 3137 §1, 8-2-2010; Ord. No. 3650, 5-1-2023]
Any owner, lessee or occupant or any agent, servant, representative or employee of any such owner, lessee or occupant having control of any lot of ground or any part of any lot who shall allow or maintain on any such lot any growth of weeds or grass to a height of twelve (12) inches or more shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Whenever private property abuts a public right-of-way or easement belonging to the City of Harrisonville or any public entity, except for rights-of-way sloped more than 3:1 [eighteen degrees (18°)], and there exists in such right-of-way or easement a tree lawn or grassy area between the private property line and the midline of said right-of-way or easement, then such tree lawn or grassy area shall be considered, for purposes of this Section requiring cutting of grass and weeds, to be a part of the private lot which abuts the right-of-way or easement and it shall be the duty of those responsible under this Section for the maintenance of the private lot to equally maintain the tree lawn or grassy area within the abutting right-of-way or easement, and all of the provisions of this Section shall apply with equal force and effect to said tree lawn or grassy area. The violation of this provision shall be punished by a fine as established in the City's Comprehensive Schedule of Fees[1] or such imprisonment not exceeding ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day any violation of this provision shall continue shall constitute a separate punishable offense.
Editor's Note: The Comprehensive Schedule of Fees is on file in the City offices.