Editor's Note: Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, adopted 8-19-2008, repealed §§ 405.200 — 405.330 and enacted new provisions set out herein. Former §§ 405.200 — 405.330 were adopted 10-15-2002 by Ord. No. 02-19 §§ 1 — 5.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.200; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
All subdivision of land not otherwise classified as a minor subdivision nor in conformity with the requirements for minor subdivision approval shall be subject to the major subdivision requirements and procedures of this Article.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.210; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Prior to filing a plat for approval of a major subdivision ("major subdivision"), the applicant may, but is not required to, submit a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision for oral comments from the Commission. Having the Commission's initial comments regarding the sketch plan may allow the formal process and documentation required for approval of a major subdivision to proceed more efficiently. Comments by the Commission on a sketch plan are not binding on the Commission. A sketch plan of a proposed subdivision is conceptual in nature and need not be submitted in any particular form; provided, however, the more the sketch plan resembles and conforms with the requirements for the submittal of a preliminary plat for a major subdivision the more informative comments the applicant will likely receive. If the applicant desires to have the sketch plan reviewed by the City Engineer, the applicant shall be responsible for the payment of any fees associated with the review by the City Engineer.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.220; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
In addition to any other requirements set forth in these subdivision regulations ("subdivision regulations"), the proposed preliminary plat ("preliminary plat") shall be in substantial conformance with the comments and suggestions made by the City Engineer on the sketch plan.
The preliminary plat shall comply with the applicable provisions of this Article, the subdivision regulations, the zoning regulations, all City ordinances and all applicable County, State and Federal laws. It is the responsibility of the applicant to coordinate his/her plans with the respective private and public agencies in the manner set forth in the subdivision regulations.
The proposed preliminary plat and all informational materials shall be submitted to the City Clerk. The proposed preliminary plat shall not be considered submitted to the Commission until the submittal date (as defined in Section 405.250).
At the discretion of the Commission, the proposed preliminary plat may be circulated to the other governmental agencies or public service providers (collectively "outside governmental agencies") which have jurisdiction over or an interest in the property being platted or property which is adjacent to the property being platted, including, but not limited to, the Missouri Department of Transportation, the Greene County Highway Department, City of Battlefield Sewer System, Public Water Supply District No. 1 and the Battlefield Fire Protection District. The outside governmental agencies may provide comments and input on the proposed preliminary plat. As a part of reviewing preliminary plats, the Commission may, but is not obligated to, consider comments, suggestions and recommendations, if any, received from any outside governmental agencies.
The proposed preliminary plat shall be accompanied by the applicant's engineering report required in Section 405.230.
The preliminary plat shall be prepared by qualified personnel and shall conform to the specifications set forth below:
The preliminary plat shall be accompanied by ten (10) twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch and one (1) eleven-inch by seventeen-inch black line print copies of the preliminary plat. The plat shall be drawn at a scale no greater than one hundred (100) feet to the inch.
The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
The name of the subdivision, which name shall not duplicate the name of any existing subdivision recorded in the Greene County Registry.
The name(s) and address(es) of the subdivision owner or owners and the developer.
The name, contact information and registration seal of the professional and licensed land surveyor.
Date of preliminary plat submittal.
Perimeter description of the subdivision and location by township, section and range.
True North arrow and the scale in which the plat is drawn.
A listing of the following information:
Total acreage of the subdivision;
Total number of lots;
Current zoning of the tract;
Proposed land use;
Smallest lot with lot number and area; and
Largest lot with lot number and area.
Vicinity map, at a scale of one (1) inch equals one thousand (1,000) feet showing the location of the proposed subdivision and all streets, roads, municipal boundaries, school or water district boundaries or other similar corporations existing within one thousand (1,000) feet of any part of the property to be subdivided.
Contours at vertical intervals of two (2) feet. Datum shall be referenced to the NAVD-88.
The names, locations, lot configurations and recording information (recorded book and page) of immediately adjoining subdivisions and property owners.
The location, dimensions and names of all existing or platted streets within or adjacent to the tract.
The location and approximate dimensions of any easements existing within, or adjacent to, the tract boundaries.
The location and dimension of all existing sanitary sewers, water mains and feeder lines, gas, telephone, electric and oil transmission lines, watercourses, storm sewers, detention areas, culverts and any other drainage structures within or adjacent to the tract, including pipe sizes, types and invert elevations.
The location and extent of all existing structures within the tract.
The full plan of development detailing the following information:
The location of all proposed and existing streets, roads, easements, parks, playgrounds and other public areas and facilities, sewer and water facilities and storm sewers or other drainage facilities.
Lot lines and the approximate dimensions of all lots and lot numbers in consecutive order.
All streets and other areas designated for public use or proposed to be dedicated or reserved for future public use, including the conditions of such dedications.
A draft of any proposed private restrictions, including boundaries of each type of restriction. Where applicable, a draft of restrictive covenants governing the use and maintenance of all common areas, improvements and facilities.
Records of a title search, indicating any existing easements and covenants of record and ownership certification of the land to be subdivided in accordance with and as provided by a licensed title insurance company. This may be provided as a separate statement.
All approvals of preliminary plats are subject to and contingent upon the dedication by applicant of any and all public improvements to the public by formal dedication on the final plat by appropriate certification as required and described in Section 405.330 following the construction of such improvements and as part of the final plat approval. All such dedicated public improvements must be constructed and approved by the City prior to dedication and acceptance by the City.
A Certificate of Ownership in the following form, together with an appropriate Acknowledgement of Owner as set forth in Section 405.330:
(Owner's Name), hereby certify that (I am or we are) the owner(s) of the property described hereon, which property is located within the City of Battlefield Missouri, that (I or we) freely adopt this preliminary plat.
A Certificate of Survey and Accuracy in the form set forth in Section 405.330.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.230; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Together with the preliminary plat, the applicant shall submit to the Commission and the City Engineer four (4) copies of an engineering report ("applicant's engineering report") signed and sealed by a registered engineer which shall provide a study of the following items as pertaining to the proposed subdivision:
Stormwater Drainage. The stormwater drainage report shall be conducted in accordance with and shall include all applicable information, maps, calculations and other materials as specified in accordance with the City of Battlefield Design Standards for Public Improvements.
Sanitary Sewer. A report on sewer capacity and needs to include all applicable information as specified in accordance with the City of Battlefield Design Standards for Public Improvements.
Water Supply. Plan sheets for water improvements in accordance with the specifications of the Battlefield Public Water Supply District No. 1 or such other applicable water service provided, if any.
Traffic Analysis And Street Capacity.
Description of the types of traffic expected and the effects on existing roads.
Traffic counts for each outlet from the proposed subdivision in vehicles per day. Traffic counts available from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) may be used if said traffic counts are less than one (1) year old and are considered reasonably reliable by the City and MoDOT.
The traffic analysis must extend from the proposed subdivision to the nearest arterial. Existing traffic counts may be estimated from a study of the area served by the subject road or by counting vehicles consistent with good engineering practice.
Evaluation of the capacity of the existing and proposed road system.
A listing of each proposed street by name and functional classification which shall be approved and confirmed by E-911. Proposed right-of-way and design specifications must be indicated.
If the proposed development is within one thousand (1,000) feet of a school or park, the traffic analysis shall include evaluation of need for pedestrianways through the development.
General Information.
Area of development utilized by road right-of-way.
Area of development dedicated to open space.
Area of smallest lot.
Area of largest lot.
Schematic diagram showing significant natural features such as stands of trees, sinkholes, wetlands, rock outcroppings, etc.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.240; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
City Engineer Review. Prior to submittal to the Commission for review and consideration, the applicant's engineering report, together with the proposed preliminary plat, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer to determine generally:
Compliance with the Battlefield Comprehensive Plan and major thoroughfare/street plan or applicable components thereof.
Compliance with the City of Battlefield zoning regulations, subdivision regulations and design standards.
Design of the subdivision.
Compatibility of subdivision with surrounding development.
Compliance with applicable City, County, State and Federal laws.
City Engineer's Letter. Upon the completion of review of the preliminary plat, applicant's engineering report and comments received, if any, from outside governmental agencies for compliance with all applicable Battlefield, Greene County, State of Missouri and Federal laws relating to and affecting the proposed major subdivision, the City Engineer shall provide written comments on the preliminary plat ("City Engineer's letter"). The City Engineer's letter shall set forth required modifications to the preliminary plat or recommend approval based on information currently submitted to the City Engineer for review. The City Engineer will provide the applicant (or his/her agent) and the Commission the City Engineer's letter in writing and within thirty (30) calendar days following the City's receipt of the currently submitted preliminary plat, applicant's engineering report and comments from outside governmental agencies.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.250; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Commission Review. The Commission will review the preliminary plat, the City Engineer's letter, comments from outside governmental agencies and any other information it deems necessary, including, but not limited to, the applicant's engineering report to determine if the preliminary plat is acceptable. Regardless of any other information submitted, the Commission shall not review or approve a preliminary plat unless and until it receives an engineering letter which recommends approval of the preliminary plat as then currently submitted.
Preliminary Plat Submittal Date. The submittal date (the "submittal date") of a proposed preliminary plat shall be deemed the date the Commission first reviews and considers the preliminary plat following the Commission's receipt of:
A preliminary plat containing all information required under Section 405.220;
The applicant's engineering report as required under Section 405.230; and
A City Engineer's letter recommending approval of the proposed preliminary plat.
Commission Approval Of Preliminary Plat. The Commission shall recommend approval of the proposed preliminary plat if it meets all of the subdivision regulations, other applicable City, County, State or Federal laws and there is no legal basis to reject it. The Commission shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the preliminary plat within sixty (60) calendar days of the submittal date. The Commission will notify the applicant or his/her agent within ten (10) business days, in writing, of the action taken by the Commission, specifying what changes or additions, if any, will be required prior to review of the final plat. If no action is taken by the Commission within the sixty (60) days following the submittal date, the preliminary plat shall be considered administratively approved on the 61st day. The sixty-day period for Commission action may be extended upon the request of the applicant. In the event the preliminary plat is considered approved due to the Commission's lack of action within the sixty-day period, the Board of Aldermen shall be notified of the fact that the preliminary plat was approved due to lack of action and not by the vote of the Commission.
Commission Notation. Any changes to the preliminary plat required by the Commission as prerequisites for approval by the Commission shall be provided to the City and the City shall forward such requirements to the applicant and the City Engineer.
Commission Disapproval Of Preliminary Plat. If the Commission disapproves the preliminary plat, the Commission shall provide to the applicant within ten (10) business days of the action a statement of the reasons for the rejection of the preliminary plat. In the event of disapproval by the Commission, the applicant may either amend the preliminary plat in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission and resubmit the preliminary plat to the Commission for reconsideration within thirty (30) calendar days of the Commission's notice of disapproval or appeal the denial of the preliminary plat to the Board of Aldermen pursuant to Section 405.250(F).
Appeals To Board Of Aldermen. If the Commission disapproves a preliminary plat and the applicant does not resubmit the preliminary plat for reconsideration by the Commission, such action is final unless the applicant appeals the action to the Board of Aldermen within thirty (30) calendar days of the disapproval by the Commission. The Board of Aldermen may override the disapproval of a preliminary plat by the Commission with the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Board of Board of Aldermen. Review by the Board of Aldermen shall be based on the record made before the Commission. The Board of Aldermen shall approve the proposed preliminary plat if it meets all of the subdivision regulations, other applicable City, County, State or Federal laws and there is no legal basis to reject it. If the Board of Aldermen disapproves the preliminary plat, the Board shall provide to the applicant within ten (10) business days of the action a statement of the reasons for the rejection of the preliminary plat.
Board Of Aldermen Approval Of Preliminary Plat. After approval of the proposed preliminary plat by the Commission, the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval. The Board of Aldermen shall consider the recommendations of the Commission and shall either approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the preliminary plat in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Article. The Board of Aldermen shall approve the proposed preliminary plat if it meets all of the subdivision regulations, other applicable City, County, State or Federal laws and there is no legal basis to reject it. Any changes to the preliminary plat required by the Board of Aldermen as prerequisites for approval by the Board of Aldermen shall be provided to the City and the City shall forward such requirements to the applicant, the City Engineer and the Commission. If the Board of Aldermen disapproves the preliminary plat, the Board shall provide to the applicant within ten (10) business days of the action a statement of the reasons for the rejection of the preliminary plat.
Digital Copy Of Approved Preliminary Plat. Within ten (10) business days of the Board of Aldermen approving the preliminary plat, the applicant shall provide to the City a digital copy of the approved preliminary plat in both CADD and PDF format (or such other format as the City requests).
Effect Of Preliminary Plat Approval. Approval of the preliminary plat by the Board of Aldermen constitutes approval of the subdivision as to the character and intensity of development, the arrangement and approximate dimension of streets, lots and other planned features, and authorizes the applicant to proceed to prepare a final plat and construction plans (as defined in Section 405.270) for all required improvements. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not authorize the sale of lots or the construction of buildings or public improvements, nor shall it constitute acceptance by the City of any dedicated improvements.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.260; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Effective Period. The approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for a period of twelve (12) months (the "expiration date"), unless an extension of time is timely requested and granted. The final plat shall be submitted and approved by the Commission on or before the expiration date (as may be extended). If the applicant fails to obtain approval of the final plat within the expiration date, the approval of the preliminary plat shall be nullified and a preliminary plat shall be resubmitted to the Commission for approval. Any preliminary plat which is required to be resubmitted for failure to obtain timely approval of a final plat shall be subject to the subdivision regulations and other applicable laws in effect at the time of resubmittal.
Time Extensions. Requests for extension of expiration date shall be made in writing to the Commission at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration date. Upon a timely request, together with the payment of the applicable extension fee, the Commission, at its sole discretion, may grant an extension of the effective date. The Commission may grant up to a total of three (3) extensions of the expiration date [for a maximum effective period for an approved preliminary plat of thirty (30) months]. If the Commission grants an extension of expiration date, the six (6) month extension shall take effect and be calculated from the date the expiration date was previously to expire. Any extension of the effective date is subject to the preliminary plat being revised to comply with the subdivision regulations then in effect at the time of such extension.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.270; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Upon approval of the preliminary plat by the Board of Aldermen, the applicant shall prepare and submit for approval the construction plans for the required infrastructure of the subdivision (the "construction plans"). All construction plans shall meet the requirements of the applicable design standards for the improvement and shall be in substantial conformity with the preliminary plat. No construction may begin or be performed in the subdivision until the construction plans have been approved by the City Engineer. Four (4) copies of each of the following plans shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer:
Street/road plans;
Grading plan;
Sediment and erosion control plan;
Sewer plans and water plan sheets;
Stormwater drainage plan;
Improvements plans for any common areas.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.280; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
At any time after obtaining the City Engineer's approval of the construction plans, the applicant may submit a draft final plat to the Commission for their initial comments in advance of the filing of the actual final plat ("final plat"). Having the Commission's initial comments regarding the final plat prior to completing the construction and other requirements for approval of a final plat may reduce the time needed to obtain approval of the final plat.
In the event the applicant elects to submit a draft final plat for comments by the Commission, the applicant shall submit the draft final plat to the City Clerk at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the meeting at which the applicant would like for the Commission to consider the draft. In order to obtain useful feedback from the Commission, it is recommended that the draft final plat and other required information be in conformance with the requirements for the approval of a final plat as set forth in this Article V. All comments by the Commission regarding the draft final plat are non-binding on the Commission and the approval of the final plat shall be subject to the completion of construction of the infrastructure in accordance with the construction plans.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.290; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Prior to submitting a final plat for approval by the Commission, the applicant shall complete all construction in accordance with the construction plans and obtain certification from the City Engineer ("engineer certification") that the construction "as-built" has been completed in accordance with the construction plans and is in substantial conformity with the preliminary plat.
After a proposed final plat has been submitted, the Commission shall either approve or disapprove the final plat in accordance with the provisions of Section 405.300.
The applicant shall submit the proposed final plat to the City Clerk at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the scheduled Commission meeting. The final plat and other required information shall be in conformance with the requirements for the approval of a final plat as set forth in this Article V.
The final plat shall be prepared by qualified personnel and shall conform to the specifications set forth below:
The final plat shall be accompanied by three (3) twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch and one (1) eleven-inch by seventeen-inch black line print copies of the final plat. When more than one (1) sheet is used for any plat, each sheet shall be numbered consecutively and shall contain a notation giving the total number of sheets. There shall be a binding margin of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches on the left side of the thirty-six-inch length, and a one-inch margin on all other sides. The plat shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet or less to the inch. The applicant shall also submit a digital copy of the construction plans in both CADD and PDF format (or such other format as the City requests).
The final plat shall meet all requirements of the latest Missouri Minimum Standards for Urban Properties Boundary Surveys, shall be in substantial conformity with the preliminary plat and shall include the following information:
The name of the subdivision, which name shall not duplicate the name of any existing subdivision as recorded in the Greene County Registry.
The name(s) and addresses(s) of the subdivision owner(s).
Date of final plat submittal.
The township, County and State where the subdivision is located.
The name of the surveyor, the surveyor's registration number and survey date.
Scale in which the plat is drawn in feet per inch or scale ratio, and bar graph.
True North arrow.
A boundary description with all boundary lines with lengths and courses to hundredths of a foot and bearings to seconds and a closure report submitted, complying with the latest Missouri Minimum Standards for Urban Property Boundary Surveys. Curve data shall be identified by length of curve, radius, chord bearing and chord length.
The exact location and the width along the property line of all existing recorded streets intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the tract.
Monuments shall be located and accurately described on the plat. Exterior monuments shall be identified with a State Plane Coordinate on all exterior corners. Control stations shall be based on the Missouri Coordinate System of 1983, central zone with the current date of adjustment or the coordinate value listed.
Accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments complying with the latest Missouri Minimum Standards for Urban Property Boundary Surveys.
Street and alley lines (their names, bearings, angles of intersection and widths, including the widths along the line of any obliquely intersecting street).
All easements and rights-of-way, with the limitations of the easement rights stated on the plat.
For any required off-site easements, evidence of signed and recorded easement and signed verification from the property owner from whom the off-site easement was obtained that all conditions of installation of improvements have been met.
Lots numbered in consecutive order. Plats with more than one (1) block shall also be numbered in consecutive order. In the case of resubdivision of lots in any block, the resubdivided lots shall be designated by their original number prefixed with the term most accurately describing such division or they shall be designated numerically, beginning with the number following the highest lot numbered in the block.
All watercourses.
Setback lines and sight triangles for all intersections.
Accurate dimensions of existing public land and of all property to be dedicated or reserved for public use.
Private covenants, if any, including boundaries of each type of restriction. Where applicable, restrictive covenants are required governing the use and maintenance of all common areas, improvements and facilities.
The names, locations, lot configurations and recording information (recorded book and page reference) of immediately adjoining subdivisions and property owners.
Any changes or conditions required by the Board of Aldermen in the approval of the preliminary plat.
If applicable, a statement indicating that the land lies within an approved planned development district or open space subdivision.
All of the certificates as provided for in Section 405.330.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.300; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Final Plat Submittal Date. The submittal date (the "submittal date") of a proposed final plat shall be deemed the date the Commission first reviews and considers the final plat following the Commission's receipt of the engineer certification, and a final plat containing all information required under Section 405.290.
Commission Approval Of Final Plat.
The Commission shall recommend approval of the final plat if the Commission finds that:
It meets all of the subdivision regulations;
It meets all other applicable City, County, State or Federal laws;
There is no legal basis to reject it;
It is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plat; and
All construction has been completed and in conformity with the approved construction plans and all applicable City building and design standards (and a engineer certification has been issued).
The Commission shall have sixty (60) calendar days following the submittal date to take action on the proposed final plat as submitted by the applicant. If no action is taken by the Commission within sixty (60) days following the submittal date, the final plat shall be considered administratively approved on the 61st day. The sixty (60) day period for Commission action may be extended upon the request of the applicant. In the event the final plat is considered approved due to the Commission's lack of action within the sixty (60) day period, the Board of Aldermen shall be notified of the fact that the final plat was approved due to lack of action and not by the vote of the Commission.
Commission Disapproval Of Final Plat. If the Commission disapproves the final plat, the Commission shall provide to the applicant within ten (10) business days of the action a statement of the reasons for the rejection of the final plat. The applicant may either amend the final plat in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission and resubmit the final plat to the Commission for reconsideration within thirty (30) calendar days of the Commission's notice of disapproval or appeal the denial of the final plat to the Board of Aldermen in accordance with Section 405.300(D).
Appeal To Board Of Aldermen.
If the Commission disapproves a final plat and the applicant does not resubmit the final plat for reconsideration by the Commission, such action is final unless the applicant appeals the action to the Board of Aldermen within thirty (30) calendar days of the disapproval by the Commission. The Board of Aldermen may override the disapproval of a final plat by the Commission with the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Board of Aldermen. Review by the Board of Aldermen shall be based on the record made before the Commission. The Board of Aldermen shall approve the proposed final plat if the Board finds that:
It meets all of the subdivision regulations;
It meets all other applicable City, County, State or Federal laws;
There is no legal basis to reject it;
It is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plat; and
All construction has been completed and in conformity with the approved construction plans and all applicable City building and design standards (and an engineer certification has been issued).
If the Board of Aldermen disapproves the final plat, the Board shall provide to the applicant within ten (10) business days of the action a statement of the reasons for the rejection of the final plat.
Board Of Aldermen Approval Of Final Plat.
After approval of the final plat by the Commission, it shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval. In the event the Board of Aldermen approves the final plat, the final plat shall be signed into law by ordinance. The Board of Aldermen shall approve the proposed final plat if the Board finds that:
It meets all of the subdivision regulations;
It meets all other applicable City, County, State or Federal laws;
There is no legal basis to reject it;
It is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plat; and
All construction has been completed and in conformity with the approved construction plans and all applicable City building and design standards (and an engineer certification has been issued).
If the final plat is approved by the Board of Aldermen, the final plat shall be recorded in accordance with Section 405.300(F) below. If the Board of Aldermen disapproves the final plat, the Board shall provide to the applicant within ten (10) business days of the action a statement of the reasons for the rejection of the final plat.
Final Plat Recording.
Approval of the final plat by the Board of Aldermen is contingent upon compliance with the requirements of Article VI, Required Public Improvements, and the final plat being recorded with the Greene County, Missouri, Recorder of Deeds within thirty (30) calendar days after the approval of the final plat by the Commission (or the Board of Aldermen upon appeal). The applicant shall obtain four (4) twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch original black line prints and two (2) mylars of the approved final plat, each being fully signed and executed with the required certificates as provided for herein. The applicant shall record the final plat, at its expense, and shall return two (2) of the file stamped original black line prints and one (1) of the file stamped mylars to the City within five (5) calendar days of the recording. Within five (5) calendar days of the final plat being recorded, the applicant shall provide to the City a digital copy of the approved final plat in both CADD and PDF format (or such other format as the City requests).
No building permits shall be issued, no construction (other than construction of the infrastructure) and no lots within the subdivided property may be sold until the final plat has been approved and recorded.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.310; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
The final plat for any major subdivision that has received preliminary plat approval may be submitted in sections or phases provided that:
Each section or phase individually satisfies the requirements set forth in these subdivision regulations and other City ordinances.
All required improvements are provided for the section or phase along with any other improvements necessary to the subdivision's orderly development.
After final plat approval and recordation of each section or phase, the subdivider shall have one (1) year in which to submit the final plat for the next section or phase of the subdivision. This one-year period shall be subject to the same right to extensions as set forth in Section 405.260(B).
A condition to completing the development in stages shall be that all major access required for the entire subdivision must be constructed as a part of the first phase and completed prior to the approval of the final plat for the first phase.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.320; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
Approval of a final plat does not constitute acceptance by the City of the offer of dedication of any streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks or other public facilities shown on the preliminary plat or final plat. However, the City may accept such offer of dedication. To be effective, all dedications shall be accepted by ordinance of the Board of Aldermen.
All improvements for which an offer of public dedication has been made shall be maintained by the owner/applicant until such offer of dedication is formally accepted in accordance with the above.
[R.O. 2017 § 405.330; Ord. No. 08-17 § 1, 8-19-2008]
All final plats shall contain the following endorsed certificates:
Certificate Of Ownership And Dedication.
(Owner's Name), hereby certify that (I am or we are) the owner(s) of the property described hereon, which property is located within the City of Battlefield, Missouri, that (I or we) freely adopt this plan of subdivision and hereby convey and dedicate to the public all areas shown on this plat as streets, alleys, rights-of-way, walks, parks, easements and other public places, except those common areas specifically denoted.
 Owner Signature
Certificate Of Conveyance Of Common Space. If applicable, a signed statement of conveyance of common open space or common area to the appropriate public agency or cooperative association:
(Owner's Name), owner's of the property shown and designated hereon, hereby dedicate, grant and convey the open space land, common area or common facilities shown hereon to (public agency or cooperative association). (I or we) further certified that there are no suits, actions, liens or trusts on the property conveyed herein.
 Owner Signature
Acknowledgment Of Owner. An acknowledgment of the signature(s) of the owner(s) of the property being platted should be attached in the form applicable to the particular owner:
Acknowledgment Applicable to Individual Owner(s)
On this _______ day of ____________, 20__, before me personally appeared ____________________, to me known, who, duly sworn, did say that they are the persons described herein and that the same executed the foregoing instrument as their free act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in my office in ______________, Greene County, Missouri.
Notary Public ______________ (SEAL)
My Commission Expires ______________
Acknowledgment Applicable to Legal Entities and Trusts
On this _______ day of ____________, 20__, before me personally appeared ____________________, to me known, who, duly sworn, did say that he/she is the ___(title of entity/trust)___ of ___(name of entity/trust)___ (the "entity"), and that he/she executed the foregoing instrument in the name of the entity, and that he/she had the authority to sign the same and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the entity. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in my office in ______________, Greene County, Missouri.
Notary Public ______________ (SEAL)
My Commission Expires ______________
Certificate Of Survey And Accuracy.
Know All Men By These Presents:
That I, _______________, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared under my supervision from an actual survey of the land herein described, prepared by _____________ dated _______ and signed by _______________ L.S. No. _________ and that the monuments and lot corner pins shown herein were placed under the personal supervision of L.S. No. ______________ in accordance with the Missouri Minimum Standards for Urban Property Boundary Surveys and the Subdivision Regulations of Battlefield, Greene County, Missouri.
 L.S. No.
Certificate Of City Clerk.
I, __(Name)__, City Clerk of Battlefield, Greene County, Missouri, hereby certify that this plat of __(subdivision name)__ was approved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Battlefield, Missouri, by Ordinance No. _______ on the ____ day of ___________, 20__.
 City Clerk
Collector's Statement.
I hereby certify on this ______ day of _______________, 20__, that all taxes and special assessments currently due and owing on the property described in this plat have been paid.
 Greene County Collector