Service. The schedule of fees and charges for transformer rental is only applicable in conjunction with primary service or high-tension service where the customer requests that the Borough furnish, operate, and maintain, on the premises of a customer, transformers required to transform primary voltage to standard or single or polyphase secondary voltages. Such transformers shall be installed in accordance with the Borough's applicable standards and shall be subject to exclusive operation and control by the Borough. Suitable housing foundations, supporting structures and enclosures for such installations and all secondary facilities, including suitable overload protective equipment, shall be provided, owned and maintained by the customer. The schedule of fees and charges for transformer rental is available from the Borough's Electric Department.
Rental and service rates. Transformer rental and service rates shall be established and changed from time to time by resolution of the Lansdale Borough Council.
The Borough shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injuries to person or property, including loss of life or property, sustained by the customer, his agents or employees or by any person whomsoever, arising out of the presence or operation of said transformer installation on the customer's premises.
The aforesaid services as to transformer rental shall be on the basis only of an initial one-year contract and thereafter from year to year.