[R.O. 1994 § 410.340; Ord. No. 94-8 Sub. Reg. Art. 9 § 1, 5-10-1994]
Whenever the Planning and Zoning Commission deems full conformance to provisions of these regulations is impractical or impossible due to the size, shape, topographic location or condition or such usage of land included in a subdivision plat being presented for approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize variances of these regulations. In authorizing such variances or exceptions, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall find the following:
That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property.
That the variances or exceptions are necessary for the reasonable and acceptable development of the property in question.
That the granting of the variances or exceptions will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which the property is situated.
[R.O. 1994 § 410.350; Ord. No. 94-8 Sub. Reg. Art. 9 § 2, 5-10-1994]
Any waiver of the required improvements shall be only by the Planning and Zoning Commission on a showing that such improvements are technically not feasible.