[Ord. No. 1042 §4, 6-10-2004]
Responsibility. No owner, occupant or other person in possession, charge or control within the City limits shall cause, maintain or permit a nuisance as defined by the laws of the State or this Chapter. It shall be the duty of each owner, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of any property to maintain that property, together with one-half (½) of the platted City right-of-way abutting thereon or street or alley abutting thereon, as not to allow the accumulation of debris, refuse, rubbish, trash or nuisances as defined in or described by this Chapter. Every owner, occupant or person in possession of any property within the City shall be responsible for maintaining all property under his/her control in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter.
Prima Facie Evidence Of Nuisance. If the nuisance is on private property, proof that a person occupies the property or that a person has possession or the right to possession of the property shall constitute prima facie evidence that such person has caused, maintained or permitted the nuisance and such person shall be responsible for its existence and for its abatement.
Entry Upon Property. A representative of the City may enter upon private property for inspection or abatement purposes in accordance with this Chapter. If any person refuses to allow entry onto his/her private property, City staff may obtain a warrant from the proper official and proceed in accordance therewith.
[Ord. No. 1042 §5, 6-10-2004]
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to deposit, place, dump, pour or drain onto any street, highway or any public property within the City limits any filth, refuse, rubbish, sewage, trash or nuisance or any substance that emits any foul, noxious or disagreeable odor or that attracts insects, vermin or other pests.
[Ord. No. 1042 §6, 6-10-2004]
Any condition or item which causes a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the public or which prohibits routine maintenance of the premises or which meets any of the definitions of a nuisance in this Chapter shall be declared a nuisance. The term "nuisance" shall include, but is not limited to:
Burning. The burning, causing to burn or authorizing the burning of any item, including twigs, branches, shrubbery, rubbish or refuse, upon any street, sidewalk or public alleyway.
Debris, refuse, rubbish, trash. Accumulations of unused boards, bricks, concrete or rocks, animal or vegetable products or matter, appliances, ashes, barrels, bones, bottles, boxes, broken glass, brush, cans, cartons, cinders, coal, crates, decayed fruits or vegetables, dirt, dust, excrement, fence wire, filth, firewood not piled or stacked neatly and systematically (must be in rear yard), flammable materials, foliage and shrub clippings or cuttings, garbage, gasoline, grass, household furniture, iron or other metals, junk, kegs, leaves, logs, lumber not piled or stacked neatly and systematically (must have nails removed and be in rear yard; untreated lumber must be stacked), lumber scraps, manure, nails, offal, oil, old wearing apparel, paint, paper, piled brush and fallen tree limbs or debris, plaster, plastic (discarded containers or wrappers), plumbing fixtures, putrid fish or meat entrails, rags, rank growth of vegetation, roof shingles, rubber, sawdust, slag, slop, soot, straw, sweepings, tacks, tarpaulin not in good repair, tire(s)) (mounted or unmounted), toilets, tubs, vehicle parts, weeds, wire, wood or metal shavings, any type of solid or yard waste (bagged or unbagged), or any condition or item that would prohibit the routine maintenance of the property.
Disease or breeding of insects or vermin. Any existing condition or item which harbors or fosters the spread of disease or the breeding of insects or vermin.
Excessive exterior lighting. Directing, arranging or using exterior lighting from any property or areas so that the light shines or glares on another property, thereby adversely affecting the use and enjoyment of those persons who own or use the property.
Furniture, outdoor. Any furniture, including sofas, divans, recliners and similar objects, which are not designed for outdoor use but which are maintained or located on any porch, lawn, parking lot, driveway or public right-of-way.
Noxious or offensive odors. Any condition or item causing a noxious or offensive odor that is discomforting and interferes with the free use of residential property.
Pools of water. Unmaintained water pools and ponds that become stagnant and may cause a location for breeding of insects.
Prohibited vehicles. All vehicles declared a nuisance by this Chapter, including junk vehicles, elevated vehicles, unlicensed vehicles and abandoned vehicles.
Waterway pollution. Placing, throwing or causing tree limbs, brush or any trash (including bottles and cans) to enter into or be in any natural waterway located in or owned by the City.
Weeds and rank growth of vegetation. Any weeds or rank growth of vegetation or noxious weeds prohibited as a nuisance by this Chapter.
Miscellaneous. Any act done or committed or suffered to be done or committed by any person or any substance or thing kept, maintained, placed or found in or on any public or private place which is annoying or damaging or injurious or dangerous to the public health or welfare or safety and every act or thing done, permitted, maintained, allowed or continued on any property, public or private, by any person which is liable to or does endanger, annoy, damage or injure any person or any inhabitant of the City or property of said person or inhabitant.
Exemption. The term "nuisance" shall not include composting, which is a controlled biological reduction of organic waste to humus, as follows:
All compost piles shall be maintained using approved composting procedures in compliance upon the following terms:
All compost shall be enclosed in a freestanding compost bin. Each compost bin shall be no larger in volume than seventy-five (75) cubic feet for properties ten thousand (10,000) square feet and less in size, with an additional seventy-five (75) cubic feet permitted for each additional ten thousand (10,000) square feet. Compost bins shall be no higher than five (5) feet.
All compost piles shall be maintained so as to prevent the attraction or harborage of rodents and pests. The presence of rodents or other pests in or near a compost pile shall be cause for the City to issue a complaint.
All compost piles shall be maintained so as to prevent unpleasant, rotten, egg-like, putrefactive, sweet, sour or pungent odors.
All compost piles shall be located in the rear yard of the property. No compost pile shall be located less than two (2) feet from the rear or side property line or within twenty (20) feet of any home, patio, pool or similar structure or on any adjacent property.
No compost pile shall be located where it will impede the natural free flow of stormwater drainage.
No compost pile shall contain any of the following:
Animal carcasses;
Fish, fowl, meat or other animal products;
Food scraps;
Fruits, vegetables or nuts;
Items not normally composted;
Lake weeds; and
Permitted ingredients in a compost pile may include:
Commercial compost additives;
Wood chips; and
Yard waste.
Compost piles established in accordance with this Chapter shall be for private use only and there shall be no commercial delivery or providing of material that has been composted in a residential area.
[Ord. No. 1042 §7, 6-10-2004]
The following vehicles shall be prohibited and are declared a nuisance:
Abandoned vehicle. Any unattended motor vehicle, trailer, all-terrain vehicle or outdoor motor or any vessel removed or subject to removal from a public or private property as provided in this Chapter, whether or not operational, or any motor vehicle on the right-of-way of any public road or State highway or on any private property owned by another without the consent of the owner or occupant.
Elevated vehicle. Any vehicle, licensed or unlicensed, which is raised but not supported under the axles or is raised to a height where the tires are more than two (2) inches off of the ground.
Junk vehicle. Any type of self-propelled device or part thereof designed to be self-propelled, that is moved by power, other than human power, is designed to travel along the ground, is located on private property and is damaged, stripped or wrecked or has missing wheels or tires or flat tires or broken or missing window glass and located outside of an enclosed structure. Junk vehicles shall include, but not be limited to, all-terrain vehicles, automobiles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, tractors, trailers, trucks and wagons.
Unlicensed vehicle. Any type of self-propelled device or part thereof that is moved by power, other than human power, is designed to travel along the ground, is located on private property located outside of an enclosed structure and does not have showing a current State license plate or is improperly registered or licensed pursuant to any State or local laws or regulations. Unlicensed vehicles shall include, but not be limited to, automobiles, motorcycles, trailers and trucks. An unlicensed vehicle shall not be allowed to exist on private property outside of an enclosed structure.
The following shall be exempt from this Section:
Vehicle(s) or parts thereof that are in disrepair and are located on the premises of a duly licensed automobile repair or sales business for a period not to exceed three (3) months.
Vehicle(s) located on the premises of a duly licensed motor vehicle junk business or junk yard maintained in accordance with City Code and hold a valid Missouri license.
[Ord. No. 1042 §8, 6-10-2004]
No owner, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of any property shall allow or permit weeds, rank growth or noxious weeds as defined herein to exist or be maintained on that property or on one-half (½) of the platted right-of-way abutting thereon or on the street or alley abutting thereon.
All weeds, grasses and non-agricultural plants which are seven (7) inches or more in height or any other rank growth of vegetation that may be injurious to health by releasing particulate matter into the atmosphere or other means or which are considered noxious by the State of Missouri, obstructs vehicular or foot traffic, infringes upon the enjoyment or use of adjacent properties or may be conducive to fires or combustion are declared to be a nuisance.
On property of three (3) acres or more that is either agricultural in character or a woodland, the owner or occupant shall ensure that all weeds and rank growth of vegetation shall be cut within fifty (50) feet of all private or public property lines, including public rights-of-way.
Noxious weeds as defined by State law are declared a nuisance and shall be entirely removed from agricultural, commercial and residential lots.
[Ord. No. 1115 §1, 5-8-2008]
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any lot or parcel of ground in the City to maintain or allow to stand upon such lot or parcel of ground any tree or tree limb which, due to a diseased, decayed or broken condition or for any other reason, endangers or is likely to injure any person or property in and upon a street, sidewalk, City right-of-way or any adjacent property in the City or to cause damage to any tree of other landowners by the spread of a contagious disease.
It shall be the duty of the owner of any lot or parcel of ground in the City to properly cause such trees or tree limbs as are described in Subsection (A) of this Section to be cut down and no tree or tree limb in the City, which has been cut down or which has fallen or been broken down, shall be permitted to remain in or upon any sidewalk, street or adjacent property in the City or so near thereto as to endanger any person thereon and it shall be the duty of the owner of such lot or parcel of ground to cause the same to be promptly removed and it shall be unlawful for any such owner to fail so to do.