[CC 1991 §1-8]
Any and all additions and amendments to this Code of Ordinances
when passed in such form as to indicate the intention of the Board
of Aldermen to make the same a part thereof shall be deemed to be
incorporated in such Code so that reference to the "Code of Ordinances
of the City of Frontenac, Missouri", shall be understood and intended
to include such additions and amendments.
[CC 1991 §1-13]
In case of the amendment by the Board of Aldermen of any Section of this Code for which a penalty is not provided, the general penalty as provided in Section
100.140 of this Code shall apply to the Section as amended; or in case such amendment contains provisions for which a penalty, other than the aforementioned general penalty is provided in another Section in the same Chapter, the penalty so provided in such other Section shall be held to relate to the Section so amended, unless such penalty is specifically repealed therein.
In the event that any portion or portions of two (2) or more
City ordinances are inherently inconsistent, then the words, phrases,
clauses or section of that ordinance most recently enacted shall prevail
to the extent and only to the extent of such inconsistency.