The legislative powers of the Town shall be exercised by a Town Meeting open to all voters.
The Moderator, elected as provided in Section 3-5, shall preside at all sessions of the Town Meeting. Annually, at the first session of the Spring Town Meeting, the Moderator shall appoint a Deputy Moderator to serve until the next Spring Town Meeting as acting moderator in the event of the temporary absence or disability of the Moderator. The appointment of a Deputy Moderator shall be subject to ratification by the Town Meeting. The Deputy Moderator shall have all of the powers of the Moderator when presiding at Town Meeting sessions, but shall have no other powers or duties of the Moderator.
The Moderator, at Town Meetings, shall regulate the proceedings, decide all questions of order, make public declaration of all votes and may exercise such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by general law, by this Charter, by bylaw or by other vote of the Town Meeting.
In general. Subject to the provisions of this Charter and such bylaws or other Town Meeting votes regarding committees as may be provided, the Moderator shall appoint for fixed terms the members of such committees of the Town Meeting, special or standing, as may from time to time be established. In addition to such specific powers, duties and responsibilities as may be provided to a Town Meeting committee by the bylaw or vote establishing it, each such committee, when acting within the scope of its authority, shall have a right to examine the pertinent records of any Town agency and to consult with, at reasonable times, any Town officer, employee or agent.
Finance Committee. There shall be a Finance Committee, the members of which shall be appointed by the Moderator. The number of members, the term of office and any other conditions of appointment or service as may be deemed necessary or desirable shall be established by bylaw. The subject matter of all proposals to be submitted to a Town Meeting by warrant articles shall be referred to the Finance Committee by the Select Board within five business days following their receipt by the Select Board. The Finance Committee shall report its recommendations on every article contained in a Town Meeting warrant, in writing. Provisions for the distribution of such report shall be made by bylaw. Before preparing its recommendations the Finance Committee shall hold one or more public hearings to permit public discussion of the subject matter of all articles contained in the warrant, excepting the election of officers, if applicable. The Finance Committee shall have such additional powers and duties as may be provided by general law or by bylaw.[1]
[Amended 10-21-2019 FTM by Art. 3]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 20, Art. II, Finance Committee.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FTM by Art. 3]
The Annual Town Meeting shall convene in regular session two times in each calendar year. The first session, to be held in either April, May, or June, as determined by the Select Board, shall be primarily, though not exclusively, concerned with the determination of matters involving the expenditure of Town funds, including, but not limited to, the adoption of an annual operating budget for all Town agencies. The second session shall be held in September, October, or November as determined by the Select Board.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FTM by Art. 3]
Special Town Meetings may be held at the call of the Select Board at such times as it deems necessary, or desirable, in order to transact the legislative business of the Town in an orderly manner. Special Town Meetings may also be held on the petition of 200 or more voters, in the manner provided by general law. The Town Clerk shall make forms for the calling of a Special Town Meeting available to voters, upon request.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FTM by Art. 3]
Every Town Meeting shall be called by a warrant issued by the Select Board which shall state the time and place at which the meeting is to convene and, by separate articles, the subject matter to be acted upon. The publication of the warrant for every Town Meeting shall be in accordance with a Town bylaw governing such matters.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FTM by Art. 3]
Initiation. The Select Board shall receive at any time all petitions addressed to it which request the submission of any article to the Town Meeting. The Board shall include all articles which are filed by:
Any multiple-member body acting by a majority of its members;
Any 10 voters for a regular Town Meeting; and
Any 100 voters for a Special Town Meeting.
Referral. Upon the closing of any Town Meeting warrant, the Select Board shall cause a copy of the proposed articles to be forwarded to the Finance Committee, the Town Moderator and the Town Clerk. In addition, a copy shall be posted on the Town bulletin boards.
Inclusion on warrant. The Select Board shall close the warrant for an Annual Town Meeting on the date established by bylaw for such closing preceding the date on which the Town Meeting is scheduled, by bylaw, to convene. The Select Board shall not include in any such warrant the subject matter of any petition which has been received by it after said day nor shall any matter originating with it be included after said date. Whenever a Special Town Meeting is to be called, the Select Board shall give notice by publication in a local newspaper of such intention and shall notify all Town agencies of its intention to do so. The Select Board shall include in the warrant for such Special Town Meeting the subject matter of all petitions which are received at its office on or before the official close of business in the afternoon of the fifth business day following such publication which are in conformity with the provisions of Section 2-7(a) and which specifically request that the subject matter be included on the warrant for said Special Town Meeting.
All Town officials and board or committee chairpersons, or a designee of any of these, shall attend all sessions of the Town Meeting at which warrant articles pertinent to their agency may be acted upon, and shall be prepared to provide the meeting with all relevant information concerning the same. If any such person is not a voter of the Town, said person shall, notwithstanding, have the right to address the meeting for the purpose of compliance with this section.
The Town Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Town Meeting, give notice of all adjourned sessions thereof, record its proceedings, and perform such additional duties in connection therewith as may be provided by general law, by this Charter, by bylaw or by other Town Meeting vote.
The Town Meeting may, by bylaw, establish and from time to time amend, revise or repeal rules to govern the conduct of all Town Meetings.
All powers of the Town, except as otherwise provided by law or this Charter, shall be vested in the Town Meeting. The Town Meeting shall provide for the exercise of all of the powers of the Town and for the performance of all duties and obligations imposed upon the Town for which no other provision is made in this Charter, or by bylaw.