[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Norton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administration of government — See Ch. 5.
Fees and charges — See Ch. 55.
[Adopted 5-8-2017 ATM by Art. 16; amended 5-16-2018 ATM by Art. 15]
There are hereby established in the Town of Norton, pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2, the following revolving funds:
237 Mansfield Avenue (Wendell Jackson Property) Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Board of Selectmen
Revenue source:
Fees and other funds associated with use of the property commonly known as the "Wendell Jackson Property" and located at 237 Mansfield Avenue, Norton, Massachusetts, including but not limited to revenue resulting from leasing or licensing of the property, or public parking on the property for access to the Norton Reservoir
Use of fund:
Expenses directly related to use, rental, development, and maintenance of the property, including creating and providing access to the Norton Reservoir
Forestry Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Norton Conservation Commission and Norton Tree Warden
Revenue source:
Fees and other funds in connection with the sale and harvest of timber and other forestry products from conservation and Town-owned land
Use of fund:
Creation and implementation of forest stewardship plans and other forestry projects within the Town of Norton
Home Composting Bin Distribution Program Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Board of Health
Revenue source:
To receive revenue from home composting bin sales or donations to the Home Composting Bin Distribution Program
Use of fund:
For the purchase of additional compost bins, advertising, administrative expenses, or other such expenses as are directly related to furthering the Town's Home Composting Bin Distribution Program, and should funds remain in this account after demand for compost bins has been satisfied, such funds may be used for public education on home composting, or another solid waste program approved by MassDEP
Recycling Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Highway Superintendent
Revenue source:
To receive fees for processing recycled materials, including but not limited to white goods, newspapers, tires, etc.
Use of fund:
To support recycling activities such as the operation of the Recycling Center; public education efforts; seminars, workshops, information for the Highway Department; studies and reports on recycling issues
Certified Hazardous Materials Technician(s) Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Norton Fire Department
Revenue source:
To receive funds from the Southeastern Massachusetts Fire Chief's Hazardous Materials Committee and other available sources for hazardous materials incidents attended by the Department's Hazardous Materials Technician(s)
Use of fund:
To fund salaries and expenses related to the Norton Fire Department's Certified Hazardous Materials Technician(s)
Fund balance disposition:
Balance available for expenditure in the following fiscal year
Council on Aging Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Council on Aging Department
Revenue source:
To receive fees from programs
Use of fund:
To fund expenses for programs
Fund balance disposition:
Balance available for expenditure in the following fiscal year
Stormwater Bylaw Revolving Fund[1]
Authorized to spend:
Norton Highway Department
Revenue source:
Fees and other funds associated with the Stormwater Bylaw[2]
Use of fund:
Operation and maintenance of stormwater drainage systems accepted on Town roads
Fund balance disposition:
Balance available for expenditure in the following fiscal year
79 North Worcester Street (Camp Edith Read Property) Revolving Fund
Authorized to spend:
Norton Conservation Commission
Revenue source:
Fees and other funds associated with the use of the property commonly known as the "Camp Edith Read" and located at 79 North Worcester Street, Norton, Massachusetts, including but not limited to revenue resulting from leasing the property
Use of fund:
Expenses directly related to use, rental, development, operation, and maintenance of Camp Edith Read, 79 North Worcester Street
Fund balance disposition:
Balance available for expenditure in the following fiscal year
Editor's Note: See Ch. 133, Stormwater Management.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 133, Stormwater Management.
Expenditures from each revolving fund set forth herein shall be subject to the limitation established by Town Meeting or any increase therein as may be authorized in accordance with MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2.
Spending limits for such revolving funds shall be set as follows:
Spending Limit
237 Mansfield Avenue (Wendell Jackson Property) Revolving Fund
Forestry Revolving Fund
Home Composting Bin Distribution Program Revolving Fund
Recycling Revolving Fund
Certified Hazardous Materials Technician(s) Revolving Fund
Council on Aging Revolving Fund
Stormwater Bylaw Revolving Fund[1]
79 North Worcester Street (Camp Edith Read Property) Revolving Fund
Editor's Note: See Ch. 133, Stormwater Management.
[Adopted 5-8-2017 ATM by Art. 17]
There shall hereby be established in the Town of Norton, pursuant to MGL c. 44, § 53G 1/2, a performance deposit account into which shall be deposited cash, bonds, negotiable securities or other financial guarantees to secure an applicant's performance of any obligation as a condition of a license, permit or other approval or authorization. The funds in such account shall be used, consistent with the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with § 58-4 of this bylaw, to complete the work or perform the obligations, as provided in the bylaw or rule or regulation. Deposits or other financial sureties received under MGL c. 41, § 81U, or other general or special law, shall not be subject to this bylaw.
The Board of Selectmen shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement the terms and conditions of this performance deposit account in accordance with the requirements of MGL c. 44, § 53G 1/2, including but not limited to:
The type of financial guarantees required;
The treatment of investment earnings, if any;
The performance required and standards for determining satisfactory completion or default;
The procedures the applicant must follow to obtain a return of the monies or other security;
The use of monies in the account upon default; and
Any other conditions or rules the Town determines are reasonable to ensure compliance with the obligations.