Any lot or land shall be a public nuisance if it has the presence of debris of any kind including, but not limited to, weed cuttings, cut and fallen or hazardous trees and shrubs, overgrown vegetation and noxious weeds which are seven (7) inches or more in height, rubbish and trash, lumber not piled or stacked twelve (12) inches off the ground, rocks or bricks, tin, steel, parts of derelict cars or trucks, broken furniture, any flammable material which may endanger public safety or any material which is unhealthy or unsafe and declared to be a public nuisance.
When a public nuisance as described above exists, the Marshal shall provide for service to the owner of the property and, if the property is not owner-occupied, to any occupant of the property a written notice specifically describing each condition of the lot or land declared to be a public nuisance, and which notice shall identify what action will remedy the public nuisance. Unless a condition presents an immediate, specifically identified risk to the public health or safety, the notice shall provide a reasonable time, not less than ten (10) days, in which to abate or commence removal of each condition identified in the notice. Written notice may be given by personal service or by first-class mail to both the occupant of the property at the property address and the owner at the last known address of the owner, if not the same.
Abatement — Procedure Generally. In addition to the ordinance violation described in Subsection (A) above, whenever the Mayor receives notification that a nuisance may exist, the Mayor shall proceed as follows, except as may be otherwise provided herein:
[Ord. No. 584, 1-10-2024]
The Mayor shall investigate the same. The Mayor may order any person who has caused or is maintaining the nuisance to appear before the Mayor at such time and place as the Mayor may direct to show cause, if any, why that person should not abate the nuisance. Every person required to appear for a hearing before the Mayor shall have at least ten (10) days' notice thereof.
Such notice shall be signed by the Mayor and shall be served upon that person by either personally or by First Class United States Mail to the person creating or maintaining the nuisance, the owner or owners, or the owner's agents, or by posting such notice on the premises, or upon any corporation, Limited Liability Company or other similar entity by delivering the copy thereof to the President, registered agent or to any other officer at any business office of the corporation within or without the City.
If after hearing all the evidence the Mayor may determine that a nuisance exists, the Mayor may order the person to abate the nuisance within five (5) days or within such other time as the Mayor appeal and uphold or overturn the decisions of the Mayor or make such modifications as deemed appropriate.
If the Mayor's decision is upheld and/or abatement otherwise ordered by the Board of Alderpersons, such person may, within ten (10) days from the mailing of the order of the Board of Alderpersons, appeal such decision to the Circuit Court of Platte County.