Cross References — As to excavations generally, ch. 510; as to motor vehicles and traffic generally, Title III; as to peddlers, solicitors and canvassers, ch. 605.
State Law References — As to authority of city over streets and sidewalks, RSMo. §§79.410, 88.670 to 88.707.
[CC 1974 §23-1; Ord. No. 16 §3-305, 3-1-1958]
No person in the City shall place or erect upon any public way or passageway to Lake Waukomis or any building an obstruction of any type; provided that this Section shall not prevent the duly authorized or required placing of temporary barriers or warning signs for the purpose of safeguarding the public.
[CC 1974 §23-2; Ord. No. 7 §1-709, 2-8-1958]
For protection of any underground wires, cables, conduits, manholes, sewers or other property, any person having any underground property in or under the streets of the City may notify the City Clerk, in writing, of such property, describing such property and its location or probable location, and whenever a permit is granted to any person to dig into or under, obstruct or tear up any of such streets, the Street Committee shall notify any person that has notified the City Clerk as provided above of having underground property at or within five (5) feet of the place where such street is to be dug up or under, obstructed or torn up.
[CC 1974 §23-3; Ord. No. 58 §8, 9-17-1964]
Public utility corporations or other persons lawfully maintaining overhead wires within the City shall, upon the request of any person, remove, raise or lower its wires temporarily to permit the moving of houses or other bulky structures. The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the party requesting such raising or lowering of wires and payment in advance may be required. Not less than forty-eight (48) hours' advanced notice shall be given to arrange for such temporary wire changes.
[CC 1974 §23-4; Ord. No. 58 §7, 9-17-1964]
The right is hereby granted to all public utility corporations or other persons lawfully maintaining overhead wires within the City to trim trees, brush or hedges upon and overhanging the streets and public places located within the City so as to prevent such foliage from coming into contact with such wires and cables. All of such trimming shall be done with the authority of and under the supervision and direction of the person who has the right to authorize any such trimming.
[CC 1974 §23-5; Ord. No. 41 §1, 2-15-1962; Ord. No. 584-A, 1-10-2024]
Whenever snow has accumulated to such a depth upon the streets of the City that snow removal operations are necessary by the City for the removal of such snow from the streets, the Mayor shall declare a parking emergency upon such streets. Such parking emergency shall be terminated by a declaration of the Mayor immediately upon the removal of all snow from the streets of this City by the proper City Officials, their agents, employees and contractors.
It shall be unlawful for any person in the control and possession of a motor vehicle to stand or park such motor vehicle upon all or any portion of any street within the City so as to hinder or interfere with the removal of snow from such streets, alleys or avenues by the officials of this City, their agents, employees and contractors.
[CC 1974 §23-6; Ord. No. 41 §2, 2-15-1962]
In the event that any motor vehicle is parked upon the streets of this City during the emergency period defined in this Article, the Marshal shall order and direct that any such motor vehicle shall be removed from such streets by any available tow truck and such vehicle shall be taken to a public garage or parking lot provided by the City for the safe keeping of the owner thereof. The owner of any removed motor vehicle shall be liable for and pay all cost of towing and storage charges.
[CC 1974 §23-7; Ord. No. 41 §3, 2-15-1962]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in Section 100.220 and also shall pay the towing and storage charges accruing by reason of the removal of the motor vehicle from the streets of the City as provided in this Article.