Except when authorized or directed under State law to immediately
take a person before the Municipal Judge for the violation of any
traffic laws, a Police Officer who halts a person for such violation,
other than for the purpose of giving him/her a warning or warning
notice and does not take such person into custody under arrest, shall
issue to him/her a uniform traffic ticket which shall be proceeded
upon in accordance with Supreme Court Rules.
Whenever any motor vehicle without driver is found parked or
stopped in violation of any of the restrictions imposed by ordinance
of the City or by State law, the officer finding such vehicle shall
take its registration number and may take any other information displayed
on the vehicle which may identify its user and shall conspicuously
affix to such vehicle a uniform traffic ticket or other citation for
the driver to answer to the charge against him/her within seven (7)
days during the hours and at a place specified in the traffic ticket.
[CC 1974 §13-19; Ord. No. 20 §3-744]
All fines or forfeitures collected upon conviction or upon the
forfeiture of bail of any person charged with a violation of any of
the provisions of this Chapter shall be paid into the City Treasury.