[Ord. No. 041213A §1, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §1, 1-10-2005]
The equipment, processes and operations involving the manufacture, possession, storage, sale, transportation, maintenance and use of explosive materials shall comply with the requirements of this Chapter, NFPA 495, ATF publication 5400.7 (6/90) and DOT 49 CFR.
[Ord. No. 041213A §2, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §2, 1-10-2005]
A permit shall be required for the following conditions and operations:
The manufacture, possession, storage, sales or other disposition of explosive materials;
The transportation of explosive materials;
The use of explosive materials:
Each job shall require a separate permit; and
If blasting within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a well, a special conditions permit shall be required.
The operation of a terminal for handling explosive materials; and
The delivery to or receipt of explosive materials from a carrier at a terminal between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
[Ord. No. 041213A §3, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §3, 1-10-2005]
A license, issued by the City of Willard, shall be obtained by all persons conducting blasting operations within the Willard City limits or on any job under the control of the City. To obtain a blaster's license, the applicant shall meet the requirements as set out in NFPA 495, Section 2-4.2.
Note: An applicant who has successfully completed a blaster's certification course by ISEE (International Society of Explosives Engineers), MLPA (Missouri Limestone Producers Association) or another recognized testing agency and has kept the certification current will be considered as having fulfilled the requirements of NFPA 495, Section 2-4.2.
[Ord. No. 041213A §4, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §4, 1-10-2005]
An applicant who has not been previously certified by a recognized testing agency shall provide documentation of a minimum of two (2) years or two thousand (2,000) hours of experience using explosives as a regular part of employment. Written confirmation of this experience must be provided by a current or former employer.
The applicant shall also pass a written examination which will be administered by the Willard City Administrator.
Note: The verification of experience and passing of the written examination shall be for the sole purpose of obtaining a blasting license for the City of Willard, Missouri, and shall not be considered as certification to be recognized by other agencies.
[Ord. No. 041213A §5, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §5, 1-10-2005]
A blaster's license shall be issued for a period of one (1) year and shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of issue. As long as licensee remains qualified in the field of blasting services, the licensee may apply for a renewal of the annual license before the expiration of the current year's license.
[Ord. No. 041213A §6, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §6, 1-10-2005]
The blasting contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance for special blasting liability in the amount of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per incident and two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per project on an occurrence basis.
[Ord. No. 041213A §7, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §7, 1-10-2005]
For electrically initiated blasts or blasts which may be affected by two-way radios or cellular phones, proper signage shall be set on all streets, roads or highways within one thousand (1,000) feet of the blast area unless otherwise approved by the City Administrator declaring "BLAST AREA — TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIOS AND NO CELLULAR PHONE USAGE". For other blasting, proper signage shall be set on all streets, roads or highways within one thousand (1,000) feet of the blasting area unless otherwise approved by the City Administrator declaring "BLAST AREA".
[Ord. No. 041213A §8, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §8, 1-10-2005]
Blasters shall be responsible for conducting pre-blast surveys when blasting within congested areas or within three hundred fifty (350) feet of any structure, well, railway, road, highway or any other installation.
The pre-blast survey for a well shall document:
The casing count for the well;
Total depth of the well;
Static level of the well; and
The results of a pump test.
[Ord. No. 041213A §9, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §9, 1-10-2005]
Written notice shall be delivered to all property owners/managers within the pre-blast survey area and shall contain at a minimum:
Blasting contractor's name, address and phone number;
Starting and ending dates of blasting;
Approximate times of day blasting will occur; and
Location of blasting and for whom the work is done.
[Ord. No. 041213A §10, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §10, 1-10-2005]
Warnings shall be sounded as follows:
The blasting contractor shall be responsible for insuring that the blast area is visually inspected and made clear of people and/or animals before each shot.
Three (3), five (5) to ten (10) second soundings from a siren, air horn or other approved warning device that can be heard for a distance of up to and including one-half (½) of a mile from the blast site shall be sounded.
A waiting period of thirty (30) seconds shall be observed.
One (1) additional five (5) to ten (10) second sounding shall be made.
Immediately following the two (2) five (5) to ten (10) second soundings, a voice command shall be given from an amplified bullhorn or equal stating "detonation to follow".
No person shall enter the blast area until such time that the blaster in charge has determined that no danger exists.
An "all clear" voice command shall be given after the blast and when the blast area is safe to enter for inspection.
[Ord. No. 041213A §11, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §11, 1-10-2005]
Blasting operations shall be performed in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the explosive materials being used.
[Ord. No. 041213A §12, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §12, 1-10-2005]
When blasting is done in a congested area or within three hundred fifty (350) feet of a structure, well, railway, road, highway or any other installation, precautions shall be taken to minimize earth vibrations and air blast effects. Blasting mats or other protective means shall be used to prevent fragments from being thrown.
No fly rock shall leave the immediate area. On special occasions it may be necessary to cover the shot to prevent fly rock from leaving the blast area.
A minimum of one (1) seismograph shall be used on all blasting areas. Additional seismographs may be required by the City Administrator.
Peak particle velocity shall not exceed one (1.0) IPS (inches per second) at the closest uncontrolled structure or well.
Monthly seismic readings and copies of the blasting log shall be provided to the City Administrator unless more frequent readings and logs are requested.
Sound levels shall not exceed one hundred thirty-four (134) decibels at the closest uncontrolled structure.
[Ord. No. 041213A §13, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §13, 1-10-2005]
Blasting operations shall be conducted only between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. local time, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved in writing. Any person performing blasting shall notify the City no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the blasting is to occur.
[Ord. No. 041213A §14, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §14, 1-10-2005]
Whenever blasting is being conducted in the vicinity of utility lines or rights-of-way, the blaster shall notify the appropriate representatives of the utilities at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of blasting specifying the location and intended time of such blasting. Verbal notices shall be confirmed with written notice.
Exception: In an emergency situation, the time limit shall not apply when approved.
[Ord. No. 041213A §15, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §15, 1-10-2005]
Precautions shall be taken to prevent accidental discharge of electric detonators from currents induced by radar and radio transmitters, lightning, adjacent power lines, dust and snowstorms, or other sources of extraneous electricity.
[Ord. No. 041213A §16, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §16, 1-10-2005]
Precautions shall be taken to prevent accidental initiation of non-electric detonators from stray currents induced by lightning or static electricity.
[Ord. No. 041213A §17, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §17, 1-10-2005]
During the time that holes are being loaded or are loaded with explosive materials, blasting agents or detonators, only authorized persons engaged in drilling and loading operations or otherwise authorized to enter the site shall be allowed at the blast site. The blasting area shall be guarded or barricaded and posted. Blasting area and site security shall be maintained until after the post-blast inspection has been completed.
[Ord. No. 041213A §18, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §18, 1-10-2005]
Holes drilled for the loading of explosive charges shall be made and loaded in accordance with NFPA 495.
[Ord. No. 041213A §19, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §19, 1-10-2005]
After loading for a blast is completed and before firing, excess explosive materials shall be removed from the area and returned to the proper storage facilities.
[Ord. No. 041213A §20, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §20, 1-10-2005]
The initiation of blasts shall be by means conforming to the provisions of NFPA 495.
[Ord. No. 041213A §21, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §21, 1-10-2005]
The blaster shall supervise the connecting of the blast holes and the connection of the loadline to the power source or initiation point. Connections shall be made progressively from the blast hole back to the initiation point. Blasting lead lines shall remain shunted (shorted) and shall not be connected to the blasting machine or other source of current until the blast is to be fired.
[Ord. No. 041213A §22, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §22, 1-10-2005]
No blast shall be fired until the blaster has made certain that all surplus explosive materials are in a safe place in accordance with Section 510.190, all persons and equipment are at a safe distance or under sufficient cover, and that an adequate warning signal has been given.
[Ord. No. 041213A §23, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §23, 1-10-2005]
After the blast, the following procedures shall be observed:
No person shall return to the blast area until allowed to do so by the blaster in charge;
The blaster shall allow sufficient time for smoke and fumes to dissipate and for dust to settle before returning to or approaching the blast area; and
The blaster shall inspect the entire blast site for misfires before allowing other personnel to return to the blast area.
[Ord. No. 041213A §24, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §24, 1-10-2005]
Where a misfire is suspected, all initiating circuits shall be traced and search made for unexploded charges. Where a misfire is found, the blaster shall provide proper safeguards for excluding all personnel from the blast area. Misfires shall be reported to the blasting supervisor immediately. Misfires shall be handled under the direction of the person in charge of the blasting operation in accordance with NFPA 495.
[Ord. No. 050110D §25, 1-10-2005]
General Penalties — Continuing Violations — Additional Remedies.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided by this Section.
Whenever in this Chapter an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, and no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of any such provision of this Chapter shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment in jail for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Every day any violation of this Chapter shall continue, such violation shall constitute a separate offense.
In no event shall any person be imprisoned for a period of more than one hundred eighty (180) days for a violation of this Chapter, whether such imprisonment shall be because of sentence of imprisonment or because of failure to pay a fine imposed or because of both such a sentence and failure to pay a fine imposed.
In the event of any violation of this Chapter, the City may institute injunction mandamus, abatement or any other appropriate action, actions, proceeding or proceedings to prevent, enjoin, abate or remove such unlawful location, erection, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, change, maintenance or use.
In addition to the above penalties, the City may, through its Law Department, seek mandatory injunctive relief to enjoin persons who violate provisions of this Chapter. Violations of this Chapter are hereby declared by the Board of Aldermen to be public nuisances. A person who deliberately fails to comply with the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to suspension or revocation of the business license as set forth in this Section.
Stop Order — Suspension And Revocation Of Plans, Permits, Certificates, Approvals And Variance.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this regulation, the City shall, upon finding that any person is or has been engaging in conduct declared unlawful by this Chapter, issue an order directing such person to stop engaging in such conduct.
The issuance of a stop order shall suspend the effect of any approval, permit, plan, variance or certificate previously issued that relates to the property or premises subject to the stop order until such time as the stop order is withdrawn by the City.
The City may, if it so specifies in the stop order, revoke any permit or certificate previously issued by the City.
Revocation Or Denial Of License.
Grounds for revocation, denial or non-renewal. All business licenses issued for blasting shall be issued by the City upon the condition that the licensee complies with this Section. No licensee shall cause, maintain or permit a nuisance in the conduct of the business for which the license is issued or on land where the business is licensed, nor shall any licensee conduct blasting in violation of any provision of this Chapter that applies to the operation of that business. Any person who operates a business licensed pursuant to this Chapter who maintains, causes or permits a nuisance in its conduct shall be subject to having the business license revoked or not renewed by the City in accordance with procedures set forth in this Chapter. The City shall not issue a business license when the City has reason to believe that the issuance of the license will result in the operation of the business in violation of this Chapter or that the operation of the business will cause or result in a nuisance or that a nuisance is on the land where the business is to be licensed. Upon the City making a determination that there may be a violation of this Section, the City shall notify the applicant in writing that the City will not issue the license, that the City will not renew the license or that the City is revoking the license, stating the reasons for the City's decision.
Procedure for denial or non-renewal. If the City determines that the application for a license is not to be granted or if it determines not to renew the license, then the notice to the person requesting the license or renewal thereof shall give the applicant at least five (5) days' notice to request an informal meeting with the City. The City shall, if a hearing is requested within that time, hold an informal meeting with the applicant, informing the applicant of the basis upon which the decision was made and shall attempt to informally resolve the matter. After such informal meeting, the City may reverse his/her decision or may reaffirm its decision in writing. Thereafter, the applicant may request a public hearing by filing a written request with the City within fifteen (15) days of the date of the City's decision. At the public hearing, a hearing officer appointed by the City Administrator shall hear evidence, determine the facts upon the evidence presented at the hearing and render a decision.
Procedure for revocation. If the City takes action to revoke a license, it shall provide the licensee with notice in writing concerning the basis upon which the revocation is made, setting forth a date for an informal meeting with the licensee, giving the licensee at least five (5) days' notice. If the licensee does not appear at the informal meeting or if the licensee appears and the matter is not resolved, the City shall set a public hearing by giving the licensee at least ten (10) days' written notice of the public hearing. At the public hearing, a hearing officer appointed by the City Administrator shall hear evidence, determine the facts based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and render a decision.
Conduct of hearings. The hearing officer shall determine whether or not there is a basis for not issuing the license, not renewing the license or revoking the license. All notice for purposes of this Section shall be deemed to occur two (2) days after the date the notice is placed in the United States mail, postage prepaid.
Penalties for operation without license. After the decision of the City or the hearing examiner becomes final, the minimum penalty for operating a business without a license shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day for each day the person operates without a license. In addition, the City may seek civil penalties in a court of competent jurisdiction of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day for each day a person operates a business without a business license.
Civil enforcement. Any adjacent or neighboring property owner who would be specially damaged by any violation of this Chapter, in addition to the penalties and remedies provided by law, may institute injunction, mandamus, abatement or any other appropriate action, actions, proceeding or proceedings to prevent, enjoin, abate or remove such unlawful action.
[Ord. No. 050110D §26, 1-10-2005]
The City and/or its designee shall monitor compliance with this Chapter and in so doing reserves the right to place any monitoring device and/or seismograph at appropriate locations to ensure compliance. All costs associated with monitoring and blasting shall be borne by the City. All parties performing blasting shall provide to the City, within thirty (30) days of the blasting, all appropriate records including, but not limited to, seismographic readings, quantities and types of blasting materials used and time of blasting.
[Ord. No. 041213A §27, 12-13-2004; Ord. No. 050110D §27, 1-10-2005]
For the purposes set forth in this Chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. Unless otherwise specified, the following terms are defined:
A unit of measure in inches per second (IPS) commonly used in mining and quarrying operations to measure by instrumentation the ground vibration caused by blasting.
The documentation of the existing conditions of a structure. The survey is used to determine whether subsequent blasting caused damage to the structure.
Any occupied structure not owned or controlled by the explosive user.