[CC 1988 §27.200; Ord. No. 3311 §2, 9-2-2014]
Types of Appeals Heard.
The Police Review Board/Personnel Review Board shall hear appeals filed by full-time, non-probationary employees arising from disciplinary employment actions resulting in termination, suspension without pay or demotion with reduction in pay in accord with the provisions of the City Code. Appeals shall be limited to those individual employment actions which are implemented for disciplinary purposes or reasons, and the Board shall solely determine:
Whether the employee is guilty of the transgression that motivated the disciplinary action; and
The appropriateness of the disciplinary action and whether alternate disciplinary action should be taken.
Except as provided for in this Subsection, all other administrative actions falling within the City Administrator's discretionary authority to organize and manage the City's workforce, which are not motivated by or premised upon discipline, are not subject to Personnel Board consideration.
The Police Review Board/Personnel Review Board shall review the matter in a closed session and issue a written decision within thirty (30) days.
Both the appealing employee and the department head or City Administrator whose action is reviewed shall have the right to be heard in person or by counsel. At said hearings, technical rules of evidence shall not apply. An appellant's failure to attend or notify the appropriate board of his/her inability to attend will constitute just cause for dismissal of the appeal.
The Police Review Board/Personnel Review Board shall file a written statement of its findings and recommendation with the City Administrator and with the employee. A copy of this decision shall be filed in the employee's personnel file.
Appeals to the Police Review Board/Personnel Review Board shall not include general, departmental or City-wide actions as a result of overall reduction in staff or a budget decision by the City.
[CC 1988 §27.210; Ord. No. 1412 §1, 5-3-1999; Ord. No. 2757 §1, 7-20-2009]
The hearing board shall consist of four (4) residents of the City of Lake Saint Louis to be nominated by the Mayor and approved by the majority of the Board of Aldermen. Three (3) of the four (4) members shall be regular members with full voting rights. The fourth (4th) member shall be an alternate member voting in the absence of a regular member. The terms of office for this board shall be four (4) years and shall be concurrent with, and terminate with, the Mayor's term of office, except that any member may be removed before the end of the term for any reason by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen or by two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Aldermen independent of the Mayor's recommendation.