[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Pittston 7-8-1987 by Ord. No. 1987-7; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 191.
Fire and safety inspections — See Ch. 248.
Fire prevention — See Ch. 260.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "City of Pittston Electrical Code."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any inspection agency which has registered with and been approved by the City Administrator.
Any person who shall have qualified and registered and been licensed as a chief plant electrician in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
Any installation, construction, alteration or assembly of any device, equipment, apparatus, or any other object which is used or intended to be used for the transmission of an electrical energy or impulse when performed by or on behalf of any regulated public utility or any regulated radio or television transmission system on equipment, cables, wires or equivalent facilities or on electrical circuits connected to or supported by such equipment or facilities if the use of the equipment or facilities is required in the operations of or services rendered by the regulated entity. It shall not include the manufacturing of any device, equipment, apparatus or other object used or intended to be used for the transmission of an electrical energy or impulse, but shall include electrical wiring systems connected to air-conditioning equipment, protective signaling devices (fire and burglar alarms) and swimming pools.
Any person who shall have qualified as an electrician and registered and been licensed in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
Any person who shall have passed a journeyman electrician's examination and is qualified to register and has been licensed in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall have qualified and registered and been licensed as a master electrical contractor in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall have qualified and registered and been licensed as an oil burner and gas burner service dealer in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall have qualified and registered and been licensed as a refrigeration service dealer in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
No person, firm or corporation shall be permitted to engage in the business or occupation of or perform the work of any electrical contractor, chief plant electrician, oil burner and gas burner service dealer, refrigeration service dealer, journeyman electrician, or apprentice electrician in the City of Pittston without first obtaining a license therefor.
A license may be obtained from the City Code Enforcement Officer upon payment of the license fee and:
By submitting to the City Code Enforcement Officer proof that the applicant has an existing valid license issued by a city, township or borough having comparable licensing requirements. In such instances, the City Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a license of the same general type as the one then held by the applicant; or
By taking and passing a test conducted by the City of Pittston. In this case, the applicant shall notify the City in writing of his intention to take such test and type of license for which application is made. Thereafter, the City Code Enforcement Officer shall, as soon as is practically possible, arrange for a test to be administered to the applicant. The preparation, administration, and grading of the test shall be the sole responsibility of the agency administering the test. Any fee required in conjunction with the test shall be paid by the applicant and shall be in addition to the license fee required by the City.
Fees for the application for examination, for licenses or for renewal of licenses shall be as set by resolution of the City Council.
Any license herein provided shall expire December 31 of the year for which it is issued.
The holder of any valid license under this chapter desiring to renew such license for the following year shall, during the month of December, make application for renewal to the City Code Enforcement Officer, along with payment of the fee hereinbefore provided.
The City Code Enforcement Officer may revoke the license of any person, firm or corporation who fails to comply with any provision of this chapter.
Any person, firm or corporation whose license has been revoked may appeal such revocation to the Building and Property Maintenance Code Appeals Board. The Board shall make appropriate arrangements to hear the appeal and shall render a decision either to uphold the revocation or reinstate the license.
No person shall perform any electrical work in the City unless he first obtains a permit from the City Code Enforcement Officer. An applicant for a permit shall make application to the City Code Enforcement Officer on such form as prescribed by the City Code Enforcement Officer, providing all information as requested thereon.
The City Code Enforcement Officer may revoke any permit when:
Any work for which a permit is granted is done in violation of the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code and this chapter or the approved final drawings therefor or in an unsafe and dangerous manner; or
Any condition of the permit is violated.
When the City Code Enforcement Officer determines that grounds exist for the revocation of a permit, he shall serve notice upon the holder of such permit, stating the nature of the violation and that compliance with all requirements shall be achieved within 10 days of receipt of notice.
If, at the expiration of the time allowed for compliance, the violation has not been corrected, the City Code Enforcement Officer shall revoke the permit.
In order to safeguard persons and property against the hazards and perils of existing, defective electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment, the City Code Enforcement Officer or his authorized representative is hereby given the authority to cause to be inspected at reasonable times any building, structure (including a swimming pool) or premises in the City to determine whether any electrical work theretofore installed therein is defective or unsafe.
If, as a result of said inspection, it is determined that any electrical work in any building, structure (including a swimming pool) or premises is in an unsafe and dangerous condition, or not in compliance with the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code or this chapter, that portion of the existing work which is defective or unsafe shall be discontinued and made to comply with the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code and this chapter. The City Code Enforcement Officer shall serve notice upon the owner or occupant thereof, stating the nature of the violation and that compliance with all requirements shall be achieved within the period of time specified in the notice. The notice may also prescribe a course of remedial action and pass all inspection costs on to the owner or occupant thereof.
If, at the expiration of the time allowed for compliance, the violation has not been corrected, the City Council or its authorized representative shall institute proceedings, as provided in § 223-10 hereof, to collect from the owner or occupant the fines or penalties specified for violations of this chapter.
The installation and maintenance of fluoroscope, x-ray or other electrical apparatus so constructed or so used as to interfere with the radio communications of the Police Department, the Fire Department or the Public Works Department of the City is hereby prohibited.
No occupancy permit may be issued for any dwelling or premises within the City until the City Code Enforcement Officer is in receipt of a certificate governing said premises and issued pursuant to the authorized inspection and indicating that said work complies with the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code and this chapter.
Any electrical work performed contrary to the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code or this chapter is hereby declared to be a common or public nuisance and abatable as such.
In addition to the revocation of any licenses or permit granted under this chapter, any person who shall perform any electrical work contrary to the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code or this chapter shall be liable, upon conviction thereof, to pay a fine or penalty not exceeding $1,000 for each and every offense; and, whenever such person shall have been notified by the City Code Enforcement Officer or by service of a summons in a prosecution or in any other way that he is committing such violation of this chapter, each day in which he shall continue such violation after such notification shall constitute a separate offense, punishable by a like fine or penalty. Such fines or penalties shall be collected as like fines or penalties are now by law collected.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding pending in any court, or any rights acquired or liability incurred, or any permit issued, or any cause or causes of action existing under the ordinances of the City of Pittston, County of Luzerne, prior to the enactment of this chapter, nor shall any just or legal right, remedy or restriction of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this chapter.
[Added 2-15-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
Notwithstanding any and all provisions of this chapter, refer to Pittston City Code Chapter 270, Floodplain Management, prior to the issuance of any construction or approvals under this chapter. As set forth in Pittston City Code Chapter 270, Floodplain Management, the stricter of the requirements under this chapter or Chapter 270 shall be applicable in all instances.