[R.O. 2011 §405.150; Ord. No. 10-6 §1, 3-8-2010]
Design guidelines for applying the criteria for review of certificates of appropriateness shall, at a minimum, consider the following architectural criteria:
Height. The height of any proposed alteration or construction should be compatible with the style and character of the landmark and with surrounding structures in a historic district.
Proportions of windows and doors. The proportions and relationships between doors and windows should be compatible with the architectural style and character of the landmark and with sounding structures within a historic district.
Relationship of building masses and spaces. The setback and relationship of a structure within a historic district to the open space between it and adjoining structures should be compatible.
Roof shape. The design of the roof should be compatible with the architectural style and character of the landmark, and with surrounding structures in a historic district.
Landscaping. Landscaping should be compatible with the architectural character and appearance of the landmark and of surrounding structures and landscapes in historic districts.
Scale. The scale of the structure after alteration, construction, or partial demolition should be compatible with its architectural style and character and with surrounding structures in a historic district.
Directional expression. Facades in historic districts should blend with other structures with regard to directional expression. Structures in a historic district should be compatible with the dominant horizontal or vertical expression of surrounding structures. The directional expression of a landmark after alteration, construction, or partial demolition should be compatible with its original architectural style and character.
Architectural details. Architectural details including materials, colors, and textures should be treated so as to make a landmark compatible with its original architectural style and character and to preserve and enhance the architectural style or character of a landmark or historic district.
Signage. The character of signs should be in keeping with the historic architectural character of a landmark or historic district. Character of a sign includes the number, size, area, scale, location, type (e.g., off-site advertising signs and on-site business signs), letter size or style, and intensity and type of illumination.
Minimum maintenance. Significant features should be kept in a condition of good repair and maintenance. All structural and mechanical systems should be maintained in a condition and state of repair that will prevent decay, deterioration or damage to significant features, or otherwise adversely affect the historic or architectural character of structures within a historic district.