[R.O. 2011 Sch. I; Ord. No. 3017 §1, 5-12-1982]
In accordance with Section 335.010, all traffic on said through streets shall stop at the end of said designated through streets unless otherwise noted on the schedule, and traffic on the intersecting streets of all through streets shall stop at said through streets prior to entering said through streets.
Named Streets
Avalon Street
E. 7th Street
E. 13th Street
E. 8th, E. 9th, E. 10th and E. 12th Street
W. 15th Street
W. 20th Street
Cedar Street
W. 10th Street (no stop)
W. 21st Street (no stop)
Crowder Road, W. 18th
Chestnut Street
W. 10th Street
W. 22nd Street
11th Street & Crowder, stop both sides of 22nd Street
Chicago Street
E. 17th Street
E. 28th Street (no stop)
E. 27th Street
Crowder Road
W. City limits (no stop)
W. side of Railroad Tracks (no stop)
Tindall, Main & Mabel
Custer Street one-way-N
E. 7th Street (no stop)
E. 12th Street
E. 9th Street
Debolt Street-County Club Place & Town County Lane
S. City Limits (no stop)
E. 7th Street
Eastview Street
Oklahoma Avenue
Park Lane (no stop)
Ellison Street
E. 2nd Street
E. 7th Street
Grant Street
E. 7th Street
E. 10th Crt. (no stop)
E. 9th Street (no stop on E. 10th Street W/B)
Grundy Street
E. 4th Street (no stop)
Haliburton Street
E. 7th Street, E. 8th Street, yield at Burton
Haliburton Street
E. 7th Street
Tinsman Avenue
E. 9th Street—Stop on southernmost E. 10th
Harris Avenue (W.
of tracks)
E. 1st Street
Lake Street
Harris Avenue (E.
of tracks)
E. 6th Street (no stop)
E. 20th Street (no stop)
E. 9th St. & E. 17th Street, (yield northbound, stop southbound)
Iowa Blvd.
S. City Limits (no stop)
E. 10th Street (stop)
Kavanaugh Street
E. 1st Street
E. 7th Street
Kitty Street
E. 2nd Street (no stop)
E. 9th Street
Laclede Street
E. 8th Street
Tinsman Avenue
E. 9th Street (no stop W/B E. 11th)
S. Highland-Lake Street S.
E. 9th Street
S. City Limits
E. 7th Street S/B
E.-W. Manor Drive
N.-S. Lake Manor Drive
E. Side of Upper Lake (no stop)
Lake Trenton Drive
Mo. State Hwy 6
E. Limits of Lake Park (no stop)
Yield on E/B Lake Trenton Drive at intersection of N.S. Lake Trenton Drive (17th Street) W/E-W. Lake Trenton Drive; no stop N/B or S/B Fisherman Pt.-Road; stop W/B Lake Trenton Drive (19th) at Fisherman Road, stop W/B on Lake Trenton Drive (19th) at Hunter Road; stop westbound Lake Trenton at N.S. Lake Trenton and E/W Lake Trenton
Linn Street
E. 1st Street (no stop)
E. 7th Street
Lord Street
E. 10th Street (no stop)
E. 16th Street
Oklahoma Avenue
Lowen Street
W. 13th Street
Crowder Road
Lulu Street (W. of tracks)
E. 17th Street
Crowder Road
Lulu Street (E. of tracks)
E. 17th Street
E. 28th Street
E. 22nd Street E. 27th Street
Mabel Street
E. Tinsman (no stop)
E. 30th Street (no stop)
17th Street & 22nd Street
Main Street (W. of tracks)
S. City Limits (no stop)
W. side of Railroad Tracks (no stop)
Stop Light at E. 9th; Crowder Road & 17th Street & 13th Street, N/B, & Intersections of 4th & Main & Highway 6. No stop E/B Railroad Avenue Stop S/B at Railroad Avenue, E 22nd
Main Street (E. of tracks)
E. 21st Street (no stop)
E. 26th Street (no stop)
E. 22nd Street
Maupin Street
E. 1st Street
Lake Street
McPherson Street (One-way Street)
E. 7th Street
E. 12th Street
E. 9th Street (no stop)
Merrill Street
W. 10th Street
W. 22nd. Street
13th Street & Crowder, W 15th
Moberly Street
W. 13th Street
N. City Limits
Crowder Road
Monroe Street
E. 3rd Street (no stop)
Haliburton Street (no stop)
E. 7th, E. 8th & E. 9th
Nichols Street
E. 16th Street (starts 1500 block at tracks) (no stop)
E. 17th Street
Normal Street
E. 6th Street (no stop)
E. 17th Street (no stop)
E. 9th Street, E. 10th Street & E. 12th Street
Norton Street
W. 13th Street
W. 18th Street
W. 13th Crt., (jaunt) Crowder Road & W. 17th Street
Oak Street
E. 16th Street (no stop)
E. 24th Street
E. 17th Street & E. 22nd Street
Oklahoma Avenue
E. 10th Street
N. City Limits (no stop)
E. 28th Street
Olive Street
E. 8th Street
E. 9th Crt. (no stop)
E. 9th Street
Park Lane
E. 16th Street (no stop)
Eastview Street 25th (no stop N or S)
No stop N/B Hillcrest
Pauper Grade Road (Bolser)
W. 18th Street
N. City Limits (no stop)
Pleasant Plain
E. 15th Street (no stop)
N. City Limits (no stop)
E. 17th Street
Pleasant View
S. Main
E. 7th Street
Princeton Road
E. 17th Street
E. 28th Street (no stop)
Ridgeway Street
E. 2nd Street (no stop)
E. 7th Street
Rural Street
E. 6th Street (no stop)
E. 12th Street
E. 9th & E. 10th Street
Shanklin Avenue
E. 9th Street
E. 13th Crt. (no stop)
S/B at 10th Street
Snyder Street
E. 10th Street
E. 12th Street (no stop)
Sunnyside Drive
E. 2nd Street (no stop)
Harris Avenue (no stop)
Stop where Sunnyside & Johnson merge
Tindall Avenue
W. 10th Street
W. 18th Street (four-way stop)
Caution Light at Crowder
Tinsman Avenue
Intersection of 10th Street & Main (five pts)
Laclede Street (no stop)
U.S. Hwy 65
N. City Limits (no stop)
S. City Limits (no stop)
Washington Street
S. Main
Haliburton (no stop)
E. 7th, 8th & 9th Streets
Wiggins Street
W. 4th Street
W. 10th Street
4th Terr. S/B (no stop N/B)
E. 1st Street
Linn Street (no stop)
Skinner Road (no stop)
Highland Street Stop arms at AA tracks
W. 6th Street
E. 7th Street
W. side of railroad tracks (no stop)
E. 7th Street (E. of tracks)
Johnson Drive
Kitty Street
Normal & Rural
W. 7th Street (W. of tracks)
10th Street
E. 8th Street (W. of tracks)
E. 8th Street (E. of tracks)
Harris Avenue
Kerfoot (no stop)
Kitty, Rural & Normal Sts.
W. 8th Street
W 10th
W. & E. 9th St.
Intersections of W. 10th & Cedar Sts. (no stop)
Oklahoma Avenue
Stop lights at Main & Harris
E. 10th Street (E. of tracks)
Shanklin Avenue (no stop)
Oklahoma Avenue
Harris Avenue & Normal also Westbound at Lord Street
E. 10th Street (E. of Highway 65) (Mo. State Highway 6)
Oklahoma Avenue (no stop)
E. City Limits (no stop)
W. 10th Street
W. 9th (no stop)
Lawn (no stop)
E. 11th Street
Shanklin (no stop)
W. 11th Street
Merrill (no stop)
Tindall Avenue & W. Lawn W/B
E. 12th Street
E. side of tracks (no stop)
Snyder Street (no stop)
Harris Aves. & Normal Sts.
E. 12th Street
Tinsman Avenue
Laclede Street
W. 12th Street
Tindall Avenue
E. 13th Street
E. side of tracks (no stop)
Normal Street
Shanklin & Harris Avenue
W. 13th Street
W. City limits (no stop)
Tindall Avenue
E. 13th Crt.
Shanklin Avenue (no stop)
High School Parking Lot (no stop)
Harris Avenue & Normal Street
W. 13th Crt.
Merrill Street
Lowen Street
Tindall Avenue & Moberly
W. 15th Street
Merrill Street
Moberly Street
Norton & Tindall Avenue (no stop on Locke Street)
E. 16th Street
Oklahoma Avenue
W. side of U.S. 65 (no stop)
Park Lane has no stop
W. 17th Street
Chestnut Street
Oklahoma Avenue
Main Street (E/B) yield N from Harris Avenue
W. 17th Street
Tindall Avenue
W. 18th Street
Merrill Street
Moberly Street
Tindall & Carnes Street
E. 22nd Street
Main (no stop)
Princeton Road
Chicago-Mabel & Pleasant Plain
W. 22nd Street
Main Street (no stop)
Pauper Grade Road (Bolser)
E. 23rd Street-Speedway Avenue
Princeton Road
E. 24th Street (no stop)
E. 24th Street
Pleasant Plain
Speedway Avenue (no stop)
Princeton Road
E. 26th Street
Princeton Road
Oklahoma Avenue
E. 28th Street
Princeton Road (no stop)
E. City Limits (no stop)
Oklahoma Avenue & U.S. 65