[Ord. No. 517-90 §1, 1-15-1990]
No person shall permit, cause, keep, maintain or do any nuisance as defined by the laws of the State nor ordinances of the City.
No owner, occupant or person in charge of any house, building, lot or premises shall cause or allow any nuisance to be or remain in or on any such house, building, lot or premises.
[Ord. No. 517-90 §2, 1-15-1990; Ord. No. 1043-2006 §1, 5-1-2006]
The following are hereby deemed and declared to be nuisances:
Substances emitting noxious odors. All substances which emit or cause any foul, noxious, unhealthy or disagreeable odor or effluent in the neighborhood where they exist.
Carcasses of animals. All carcasses of animals remaining exposed one (1) hour after death.
Hides. All green or salted hides left or deposited in any open place.
Slaughterhouses, pens in offensive condition. All slaughterhouses or pens inside the City which are kept in such a condition as to be offensive, annoying or disagreeable to anyone.
Establishments emitting noxious odors, etc. Establishments emitting or causing offensive, disagreeable, noxious or toxic dust, vapor, fume, mist or odor.
Liquid refuse. All slop, foul or dirty water, liquid or beer washings, all filth, refuse or offal discharged through drains or spouts or otherwise thrown or deposited in or upon any street, sidewalk, lot, park, public square, public enclosure, any pond or pool of water.
Vegetables emitting noxious odors. All vegetables or other articles that emit or cause an offensive, noxious or disagreeable smell or odor.
Matters causing injury, inconvenience or annoyance to public. All articles or things whatsoever caused, kept, maintained or permitted by any person to the injury, inconvenience or annoyance of the public.
Acts injuring, annoying or inconveniencing the public. All pursuits followed or engaged in or acts done by any person to the injury, annoyance or inconvenience of the public.
Advertising devices over streets. All hanging signs, ropes, network or other advertising device stretched over or across any street or sidewalk without consent of the City.
Litter, trash, refuse on public or private property. All ashes, cinders, slops, filth, excrement, sawdust, stones, rocks, dirt, straw, soot, sticks, shavings, eggshells, oyster shells or cans, dust, brush, logs, paper, trash, rubbish, manure, refuse, offal, waste water, chamber lye, fish, putrid meat, entrails, decayed fruit or vegetables, broken ware, rags, iron or other metal, old wearing apparel, all animal or vegetable matter, all dead animals or any other offensive or disagreeable substance or thing thrown, left, deposited or discharged or caused to be left, thrown, deposited or discharged by anyone in or upon any street, sidewalk, park, public square, public enclosure, lot, vacant or occupied, stream or waterway, or pond or pool of water.
Litter. Meaning a disorderly accumulation of objects or items carelessly discarded or allowed to collect.
Any accumulation of material that does or could afford harborage for rats, mice, snakes or other vermin.
The causing or permitting of any natural or manmade drainage ditch, dam, detention pond, drainage structure or drainage way on any private property or public property to be rendered partially or totally unusable or ineffective in meeting its original purpose in natural or designed capacity.
Additional nuisance conditions.
Any fence, wall, shed, deck, house, garage, sign, building structure or any part of the aforesaid; or
Any tree, bush, pole, smokestack; or
Any excavation, hole, pool, pit, basement, cellar, dock or loading dock; or
Any lot or land, yard, premises or location,
which in its entirety or in any part thereof, by reason of the condition in which the same is found or permitted to be or remain, shall or may endanger the health, safety, life, limb or property or cause any hurt, harm, inconvenience, discomfort, damage or injury to any one (1) or more individuals in the City in any one (1) or more of the following particulars:
By reason of being a nuisance, threat and/or hazard to the general health and safety of the community.
By reason of being a fire hazard.
By reason of being unsafe, dangerous or unhealthy for occupancy or use on, in, upon, about or around the aforesaid property.
By reason of lack of sufficient or adequate maintenance of the property and/or being vacant, any of which depreciates the enjoyment, value, appearance or use of the property in the immediate vicinity to such an extent that it is harmful to the community in which such property is situated or such conditions exist.
The abandonment, neglect or disregard of any premises so as to permit the premises to become unclean with an accumulation of litter or waste thereon or to permit the premises to become unsightly, unsanitary or obnoxious or a blight to the vicinity or offensive to the senses of users of the public way abutting the premises and so to continue for a period longer than ten (10) days after written notice.
Any house, building or room in which persons are allowed or permitted by the owner, keeper or occupant to resort or use for the purpose of prostitution or similar sexual activity.
Any non-conforming property, lot, use, building or structure, as defined by the City zoning ordinance, which is allowed by reason of lack of sufficient or adequate maintenance of the property, lot, use, building or structure to fall below the standards and level of maintenance of the surrounding properties and/or being vacant, any of which depreciates the enjoyment and the use of the property in the immediate vicinity to such an extent that it is harmful to the community in which the property is situated or such conditions exist.
[Ord. No. 517-90 §§3 — 7, 1-15-1990; Ord. No. 1524-2023, 4-3-2023]
Whenever any Police Officer of the City, Director of Community Development or a duly authorized representative shall ascertain or have knowledge that a nuisance exists as above mentioned in or upon any house or premises, either public or private, in the City, he/she shall, in writing, notify the person occupying, having possession of said house or premises, or responsible for such nuisance condition to abate or remove such nuisance within a reasonable time to be specified in such notice.
Any person notified as provided in Section 215.030(A) who shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the same within such time shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and for every day thereafter that such person shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the same and for every day thereafter that such person shall fail, neglect or refuse to abate or remove such nuisance, he/she shall be deemed guilty of a separate ordinance violation and shall be proceeded against as in the first (1st) instance.
Whenever any Police Officer of the City, Director of Community Development or a duly authorized representative ascertains that a nuisance dangerous to public health exists in or upon any house, building, lot or premises in the City, either public or private, he/she may in the case of failure, neglect or refusal to comply with the notice provided above certify to the Board of Aldermen that such a nuisance exists and in his/her opinion is dangerous to public health. Upon receipt of such certification, the Board of Aldermen may order the appropriate officer of the City to enter in or upon such house, building, lot or premises, public or private, and remove and abate such nuisance and shall charge the cost thereof to the owners or lessees in control.
The cost of removing or abating any nuisance dangerous to public health as above described may be assessed and collected as a lien on the property affected thereby. As soon as the cost of removal and abatement of any such nuisance shall be determined by the Board of Aldermen, they shall notify by certified mail and with ordinary mail deposited in the United States mail the owners, lessees or agents of the cost. If after thirty (30) days from the mailing of such registered letter the cost is unpaid, then the Board of Aldermen shall determine the names of the owners and all parties interested in said lots affected from the assessment and levy of general taxes by the City but no defect or mistake in the books or in the description therein of the lots or in the name of such apportionment shall impair the validity of the lien on the lots or bills issued therefor. The City Collector shall immediately upon receipt of such assessment enter the assessments therein contained in the appropriate books to be kept for that purpose showing the property assessed.
All officers of the Police force or other designated representative of the City are hereby authorized and required to go in the daytime in and upon any house, building, lot or premises, whether public or private, for the purpose of removing or abating any nuisance deemed to be dangerous to public health.
[Ord. No. 517-90 §§8 — 9, 1-15-1990]
Any person who shall violate, neglect, fail or refuse to comply with any provisions or regulations or requirements of this Article shall on conviction thereof be guilty of committing, causing, keeping, maintaining or doing or causing or permitting to be committed, caused, kept or maintained or done a nuisance shall be punished, when no other penalty is specifically provided, by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), and if upon such trial it shall appear to the judge of the Municipal Court or Appellate Court that the nuisance complained of continues to exist, the judge of the Municipal Court or Appellate Court shall, in addition to the penalty herein provided for, make an order directing the Chief of Police or the Sheriff of the County, as the case may be, to abate such nuisance forthwith and immediately report the expense thereof to such judge of the Municipal Court or Appellate Court who shall as a part of the cost of such prosecution render judgment against the defendant for the amount of such expense which shall be collected as other fines and costs.
For every day after the conviction of any person for the violation, failure or neglect or refusal to comply with any provision, regulation or requirement of this Chapter that such nuisance does continue, such person shall be deemed and taken to be guilty of a separate and distinct ordinance violation for which he/she may be again arrested, tried, convicted and punished as in the first (1st) instance.