The PI Planned Institutional District shall
consist of that land presently designated and zoned as Institutional.
[Amended 9-22-1997 by Ord. No. 97-26]
A building or combination of buildings may be
erected or used and a lot may be principally used or occupied for
any one of the following purposes:
A. College, private or parochial elementary or secondary
school or other educational institution for academic instruction,
convent, monastery, church or similar religious institution, student
infirmary, including rectory or parish house, provided that a rectory
or parish house contains not more than one dwelling unit, not to include
a business or trade school, dance studio or similar use.
B. Any institutional use similar to a use specifically permitted above, such as a museum or an institution or home for children, the aged, the indigent or the handicapped, medical or health center, convalescent home, nursing home or similar health facility, when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board, subject to the general standards prescribed in §
C. Accessory use on the same lot with and customarily
incidental to the foregoing permitted uses, and may include:
(1) A playing field or recreational facility in conjunction with a permitted main use. Any area for play or recreation shall be fenced or otherwise screened from an adjacent property line in accordance with §
280-71 of this article.
(2) A dormitory, provided that every room occupied for
sleeping purposes by one occupant shall have a minimum gross floor
area of at least 70 square feet. Every room occupied for sleeping
purposes by more than one occupant shall contain at least 50 square
feet of gross floor area for each occupant thereof.
(3) Townhouses, apartments or other dwelling units and accommodations for the housing of students, faculty or staff and employees of a permitted use, provided that the requirements of Chapter
222, Property Maintenance, of the Township Code, are met.
D. Comprehensive integrated college development in accordance with and pursuant to the regulations and requirements set forth in §
[Added 3-31-2014 by Ord. No. 2013-21]
[Added 3-31-2014 by Ord. No. 2013-21]
A. Purpose; intent of regulations. It is the intent of these regulations
to provide and promote redevelopment of land currently used for college
or university purposes within the Township. It is the further intent
of the comprehensive integrated college development to promote a pedestrian-friendly
landscape upon existing college and university campuses in a sensitive
and planned development that preserves the integrity of those neighborhoods
in which these institutions are situated. In conformity with the Radnor
Township Comprehensive Plan, these regulations provide for the sound
planning of colleges and universities and limit the expansion of these
institutional uses to areas within the present limits of the campus.
These regulations are intended to provide design and regulatory standards
for college and university facilities which will mutually benefit
the Township and the applicant through enhanced vibrancy of the campus
areas and a pedestrian-friendly townscape. This use provides for these
benefits, while protecting adjacent noninstitutional properties from
adverse impacts.
B. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
The redevelopment of lands, and the buildings, structures,
and/or improvements located thereon, for any one or more of the subordinate
uses set forth in this section. A CICD can only be established upon
lands being used for college or university purposes at the time of
adoption of this section on March 31, 2014.
C. Designation of location.
A comprehensive integrated college development shall only be
permitted by conditional use approval and shall be located upon a
single specified site.
A CICD shall only be permitted when the total campus area of
the applicant, within the limits of the PI Planned Institutional District,
is greater than 75 acres, as described in the deeds or from an actual
survey included as part of an application for a CICD.
No portion of a CICD shall be located on lands zoned other than
Planned Institutional (PI) or on lands located in other municipalities,
regardless if such other lands are currently used for college or university
Only one CICD shall be allowed on the entire campus of an applicant,
and shall only be located on that part of the campus that existed
as of the date of adoption of this section and that was being used
for college and university purposes at that time.
The CICD shall be limited to a contiguous site area greater
than 10 acres but no more than 15 acres.
The CICD may consist of more than one contiguous parcel or lot.
For purposes of the CICD, this site area may include contiguous lots
that are separated by streets classified as local streets or minor
collectors by the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance,
but shall not include lots or portions of lots that are separated
from the rest of the CICD by streets classified as arterials or major
collectors by the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
or by railroad rights-of-way or easements.
Whenever there is conflict or inconsistency between this section's
regulations and other regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, the regulations
set forth in this section shall govern. All other applicable codes
and regulations of the Township of Radnor shall remain applicable
to the CICD.
Any change in use or the addition of a new use(s); or the expansion
of an approved CICD shall require a new conditional use approval.
D. Regulations.
Subordinate use regulations. A building, a structure, or a combination of buildings and structures may be erected, used, or occupied for any one or more of the following purposes as part of a CICD when approved as a conditional use by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with Article
XXIII of this chapter. All of the proposed subordinate uses within a CICD shall meet all of the specific standards and regulations set forth in this section.
Educational subordinate uses for any of the following purposes:
[1] Academic facilities: classrooms, research facilities,
and administrative/faculty offices.
[2] Performance facilities: athletic facilities, natatoriums,
auditoriums, performance spaces, and theatres.
[3] Social facilities: student centers; student health
centers; libraries; museums; places of worship; food preparation,
restaurant, or dining facilities; and other recreational/social facilities
designed and limited to provide services primarily to the institution's
students, faculty, and staff.
[4] Housing facilities: dormitories, townhouses, apartments,
single-family dwellings and other dwelling units and accommodations
for housing the institution's students, faculty, and staff.
[5] Parking facilities: surface parking and parking
Retail subordinate uses.
[1] Retail subordinate uses are limited to the following uses and subject to Subsection
D(1)(b)[2] below:
[a] Clothing shop, book store, variety store to include
food items, bakery, ice cream shop, drug store, or similar use providing
sales and services to customers.
[b] Personal service shop, including a barbershop,
beautician, salon, or laundromat.
[c] Cafe, bistro, eatery or similar establishment owned
and/or operated by the applicant.
[d] Bank or similar financial institution.
[2] Retail subordinate uses shall only be located on
the ground floor or basement of a building.
[3] Such uses may be open to the public. However, each
such retail subordinate use shall be designed to be an integral part
of the institution and to primarily serve the institutional community,
including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors.
[4] Those areas in the CICD devoted to retail subordinate
uses shall not exceed 5% of the total gross floor area of all the
buildings, not including parking structures, in the CICD. The floor
area, excepting related storage, devoted to each retail use shall
not exceed 10,000 square feet; provided, the floor area devoted to
all retail subordinate uses (including storage) within the CICD shall
not exceed 25,000 square feet.
Dimensional regulations.
Setbacks from the ultimate right-of-way for arterial streets
(as defined in the SALDO) owned on both sides by the applicant:
[1] Academic facilities: 35 feet.
[2] Performance and social facilities: 35 feet.
[3] Housing facilities: 35 feet.
[4] Parking structures: 120 feet.
[5] Surface parking lots: 60 feet.
[6] Retail subordinate uses: 35 feet.
[7] Accessory uses and structures: 35 feet.
Setbacks from the ultimate right-of-way for major collector
streets (as defined in the SALDO):
[1] Academic facilities: 200 feet.
[2] Performance and social facilities: 200 feet.
[3] Housing facilities: 200 feet.
[4] Parking structures: 120 feet.
[5] Surface parking lots: 60 feet.
[6] Retail subordinate uses: 200 feet.
[7] Accessory uses and structures: 200 feet.
Setbacks from the ultimate right-of-way for local and minor
collector streets (as defined in the SALDO) owned on both sides by
the applicant:
[1] Academic facilities: 30 feet.
[2] Performance and social facilities: 30 feet.
[3] Housing facilities: 30 feet.
[4] Parking structures: 20 feet.
[5] Surface parking lots: 60 feet.
[6] Retail subordinate uses: 30 feet.
[7] Accessory uses and structures: 30 feet.
Setbacks from railroad property lines and rights-of-way:
[1] Academic facilities: 50 feet.
[2] Performance and social facilities: 50 feet.
[3] Housing facilities: 50 feet.
[4] Parking structures: 30 feet.
[5] Surface parking lots: five feet.
[6] Retail subordinate uses: 50 feet.
[7] Accessory uses and structures: 20 feet.
All types of facilities shall be set back 100 feet from the
boundary of any lot used for single-family residential purposes.
Defaults and exceptions concerning setbacks.
[1] All other setbacks shall comply with the regulations
generally applicable in the PI District.
[2] Elevators and stair towers for a parking structure
may be located no closer than 10 feet to the right-of-way of a local
and minor collector street for a length of no greater than 50 feet.
[3] Where the proposed CICD consists of more than one
lot or parcel there shall be no required setbacks to buildings, structures,
or other improvements, between the lots or parcels included in the
CICD or other lands owned by the applicant, provided an easement agreement,
lot consolidation, or declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions
enables the lots or parcels comprising the CICD to function as one
integrated development.
[4] Where the proposed CICD is adjacent to other contiguous
lands owned by the applicant (that are not separated by roads, railroad
property lines, or rights-of-way) no setbacks shall be required regardless
of zoning district.
Maximum building area.
[1] Total building coverage. Not more than 30% of the
CICD site shall be occupied by buildings. The total building coverage
may be increased to no greater than 45%, subject to the land preservation
standards of this section, provided that in no event may the total
building coverage of the applicant's entire campus within the PI Zoning
District exceed 30%. For purposes of calculating the total building
coverage in the CICD, parking structures shall be included in the
building area.
[2] Individual building coverage. No individual building
nor a group of buildings not separated from each other by the minimum
required separation distance noted below shall occupy more than 10%
of the CICD site. Parking structures are not required to be included
in the calculation of individual building coverage.
Maximum impervious surfaces. Not more than 45% of the CICD site
may be covered by impervious surfaces (the "impervious surface ratio");
provided, however, if the CICD is redeveloping existing improved lands,
then the maximum allowed impervious surface ratio shall be 45% or
10% less than the existing impervious surface ratio on the proposed
CICD site, whichever is greater. In no event may the maximum allowed
impervious surfaces on the applicant's entire campus within the PI
Zoning District exceed 45%.
Height limitations from the average existing grade (the average
of the existing grades taken at twenty-foot intervals around the proposed
building perimeter) to the midpoint of a sloped roof or to the highest
roof beams of a flat roof, provided that chimneys and spires shall
not be included in measuring the height for structures within the
[1] Academic and performance facilities: 50 feet.
[2] Housing and social facilities: 45 feet.
[3] Parking structures: 38 feet.
[4] All other structures: 38 feet.
*NOTE: The height of a fly loft shall not exceed 65 feet. A
fly loft is limited to the area directly over the stage of a theatre,
containing overhead lights, drop curtains, and equipment for raising
and lowering sets.
Building length and spacing.
[1] Building length. Building length shall measure
the length of a single facade of a building or parking structure that
is unbroken by variations/articulations in the facade for the entire
height of the building. Such variations/articulations shall comprise
a minimum six-foot horizontal offset depth. The variations/articulations
shall have a minimum width to depth ratio of 4:1.
[a] All buildings and parking structures: 180 feet.
[2] Minimum building spacing. These standards shall
apply to all existing or proposed buildings and parking structures,
either within or outside of the limits of a CICD:
[a] Between any two buildings: 45 feet.
[b] Between a building and a parking structure: 30
Special regulations.
Riparian buffer setback: 50 feet.
Buffer planting strip. No buffer planting strip or screening shall be required within the CICD or between the CICD and other properties of the applicant. Where required by §
280-71, a twenty-foot buffer planting strip shall be provided on land owned by the applicant. In addition, a twenty-foot buffer planting strip, in accordance with §
280-71, shall be provided anywhere within 200 feet of the CICD, unless waived by the Board of Commissioners. This additional buffer planting strip shall be located on lands of the applicant and placed so as to effectively screen the proposed CICD from any adjacent residential uses.
Requirement to preserve land. If the applicant wishes to increase
its building area within the CICD to more than 30%, then for each
square foot of building area proposed in excess of 30%, the applicant
shall be required to preserve two square feet of open space on lands
owned by the applicant.
[1] The minimum area of any such preserved land shall
not be less than 10,000 square feet.
[2] The preserved lands shall be located within the
CICD or within 500 feet of the boundaries of the CICD; shall be located
entirely within Radnor Township; shall not be separated from the CICD
by an arterial or major collector street; and when at all possible,
located to provide a buffer between the CICD and nearby residential
[3] The preserved lands shall consist of one contiguous
area which is not separated or divided by other parcels, streets,
driveways, vehicular accessways, or railroad easements or rights-of-way.
The preserved lands shall not include areas within rights-of-way or
easements or areas that are already preserved or protected.
[4] The preserved lands shall not include narrow or
irregular pieces of land which are remnants from the development on
a campus. Preserved lands shall have a minimum horizontal dimension
of 200 feet in every direction.
[5] Such lands shall be permanently preserved through
the placement of a recorded easement that prohibits the construction
of buildings, paving, or structures, other than walkways and other
passive park improvements.
All applications for a CICD shall be subject to review by the Design Review Board in accordance with architectural standards set forth in Chapter
150 of the Township Code.
Off-street parking and loading requirements. The number of spaces required shall not be less than the minimum requirements of §§
280-103 and
280-104, except as follows:
[1] The Board of Commissioners may permit a reduction
in the number of parking spaces to be developed as required by this
chapter, provided that each of the following conditions are satisfied:
[a] The applicant shall demonstrate to the Board using
five years of existing or projected employment, customer, resident
or other relevant data, such as Urban Land Institute (ULI) standards,
that a reduction in the off-street parking spaces requirements of
this chapter is warranted.
[b] The applicant shall submit plans of the parking
as required by this chapter designating a layout for the total number
of parking spaces needed to comply with this chapter. Additional plans
shall also be provided designating other contiguous areas of the entire
campus where sufficient parking is provided, or shall provide parking
agreements between the applicant and the owners of other contiguous
lands that designate off-site parking areas intended to serve the
applicant's property.
[c] The applicant shall execute an agreement with the
Township requiring the applicant to acquire, install, and/or construct
additional off-street parking spaces in the event that the Board finds
that additional parking is needed to service all proposed uses within
the CICD within five years of final occupancy of such project. If
additional parking is needed in accordance with this subsection, such
parking shall meet all applicable area, dimensional, and buffering
[2] There shall be no off-street loading requirements
except for retail subordinate uses. All off-street loading shall be
adjacent to the use being served by the space; designated by the applicant;
and approved by the Board during the conditional use approval process.
The number of berths shall be one berth for each 20,000 square feet
of net floor area, or fraction thereof, devoted to retail subordinate
uses in the CICD.
[a] Off-street loading facilities shall have adequate
and unobstructed access to a street, service drive, or alley. Such
facilities shall have adequate maneuvering space and shall be so arranged
that they may be used without blocking or otherwise interfering with
the use of automobile accessways, parking facilities, fire lanes,
or pedestrianways, clear sight distances or triangles, or backing
out onto a public street.
[3] Except for areas of access, all driveways, off-street
loading areas, and service or interior roadways shall be permitted
within all yard setbacks with a minimum setback distance of five feet
from any public right-of-way, except that off-street loading areas
shall not be located between a building and the right-of-way line
of an arterial or major collector street.
[4] Surface parking spaces shall be no less than nine
feet by 19 feet. Parking spaces in any parking structure shall be
no less than eight feet six inches by 19 feet. Parking structures
with seventy-five-degree angled parking and one-way aisles shall have
a minimum aisle width of 17 feet. Handicap-accessible spaces and their
size shall be provided in accordance with the SALDO and other codes
of the Township.
[5] As specifically designated during the conditional
use approval process, the required off-street parking spaces may be
[a] Within the boundaries of the CICD; or
[b] On other areas of the entire campus, exclusive
of areas within residential zoning districts.
Mechanical/electrical equipment and trash.
[1] Mechanical/electrical equipment shall be located/mounted
at ground level. Areas for trash disposal shall be located in the
rear of buildings.
[2] All such elements shall be screened from view.
In addition, sound attenuation devices shall be installed on all equipment
to minimize noise pollution at any adjacent residential property line.
[3] If, during the conditional use approval process,
the applicant can demonstrate that mechanical and/or electrical equipment
mounted above ground level can be located and integrated into the
overall design and architectural character of the building in such
a manner as to be hidden or disguised from view from any adjacent
street or property, then such equipment may be located above ground
Site lighting. Light fixtures shall be shielded to reduce light
spillage beyond the property line of the campus; provided, however,
that at no point shall any light trespass onto adjacent residential
properties or exceed 0.5 footcandles at the residential property line.
All proposed exterior site and building-mounted lighting shall meet
the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) full cutoff requirements.
No subordinate use shall include a drive-through/drive-in service.
Conditional use plans. As part of the conditional use application,
the applicant shall provide the following:
[1] Campus boundaries plan. A plan delineating the
boundaries of the applicant's entire campus (the "entire campus plan").
The applicant's entire campus shall include all contiguous lots and
those lots owned by the institution or associated entity that may
be separated from each other by parcels, streets, and/or transit authority
property lines and rights-of-way.
[2] Improvements plan: a plan delineating the boundaries
of the area covered by the CICD. This shall include a preliminary
layout of all of the improvements proposed within the entire CICD;
whether proposed to be completed in one or multiple phases.
Pedestrian circulation. In order to ensure safe and efficient
pedestrian circulation, the Board of Commissioners may require, as
part of the conditional use approval, pedestrian improvements, including,
but not limited to, signalization, road crossings, pedestrian bridges,
and the like. Improvements associated with pedestrian circulation
shall not be subject to any dimensional, building coverage, and building/structure
length and separation requirements of the CICD and the Zoning Code,
as amended.
Along rear and side property lines, a buffer planting strip, as defined in §
280-4B of this chapter, shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations, except when uses in a proposed development shall abut uses of a similar type and density.
A. The owner shall place and continually maintain a planting
area not less than 20 feet in width containing berms, hedges, evergreens,
shrubbery or suitable vegetation of sufficient planted density to
produce a visual screening not to be seen through and of sufficient
height to constitute an effective screen and give maximum protection
and immediate visual screening to an abutting property or district.
Wherever possible, the owner shall make every effort to retain existing
natural screening, such as vegetation and topography. Constructed
berms shall have a maximum slope of 33% with grass cover or 50% when
shrubbery or ground cover is used. Fencing may be used in combination
with berms and/or vegetation to achieve the buffer, but may not be
used alone.
B. All evergreen vegetation to be installed shall not
be less than five feet in height at the time of planting and shall
be of such species that expected height at maturity shall not be less
than 15 feet.
C. All deciduous vegetation to be installed shall not
be less than eight feet in height and two-and-one-half-inch caliper,
measured six feet above finished grade.
D. As an alternative to the possibly linear appearance
of the minimum requirements above, applicants are encouraged to provide
innovative, free-form buffers which need not be located entirely within
the minimum required width. Such alternative buffers shall be subject
to approval by the Township.
E. A landscaping plan shall be required, which shall
clearly show and list the locations, size, species and number of plant
materials proposed to be used.