In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Village of Michiana Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and sections of the 2001 Compiled Ordinances of the Village of Michiana Code have been included in the 2016 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2001 Code
Location in 2016 Code
Ch. 1, Building and Land Use Regulation
10.000, Construction Code
Ch. 143, Art. I
11.000, Zoning Ordinance
Ch. 360
12.000, Sign and Advertising Ordinance
Ch. 279
13.000, Combustible/Explosive Ordinance
Ch. 159
14.000, Storage and Collection of Garbage Ordinance
15.000, Flood Hazard Ordinance
Ch. 172
16.000, Exterior Lighting Ordinance
Ch. 206
17.000, Alarm Systems Ordinance
Ch. 95
18.000, Planning Commission Ordinance
Ch. 36
19.000, Tree Preservation Ordinance
Ch. 323
Ch. 2, Regulation of Conduct
20.000, Penal Code Ordinance
Ch. 235
Ch. 10 of Penal Code, Public Shows, Auction, Exhibitions, Hawkers and Peddlers
21.000, Beach Control and Regulation Ordinance
Ch. 107, Art. I
22.000, Uniform Traffic Code Ordinance
REP; see now Ch. 341, Art. II
23.000, License Auctioneers and to Regulate and License Public Shows and Exhibitions, Hawkers, Peddlers, and Transient Traders and Dealers
Ch. 200
24.000, Storage Accumulation and Disposition of Abandoned Vehicles
Ch. 337
25.000, Bridle Paths and Riding of Horses
Ch. 188
Ch. 3, Administration
30.000, Wage Rate Ordinance
Repealed by Ord. No. 2004-001
31.000, Fire Commissioner Ordinance
Ch. 12
32.000, Police Commissioner Ordinance
Ch. 42
33.000, Codification Ordinance
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
34.000, Rules of Procedure for Meetings
Ch. 23, Art. I
Ch. 4, Utilities
40.000, Water Authority Ordinance
Ch. 65
41.000, Regulation of Use of Water
Ch. 349, Art. I
42.000, Water Rate Ordinance
Ch. 349, Art. II
43.000, Cross Connection with Public Water
Ch. 349, Art. III
44.000, Franchise for Cable Communications System
Ch. A370
45.000, Electric Franchise
Ch. A375
46.000, Gas Franchise
Superseded by Ord. No. 2015-01; see now Ch. A380
47.000, Metropolitan Extension Telecommunications Rights-of-Way Oversight Act
Ch. 308, Art. I
48.000, Non-Storm Water Drainage System
Ch. 300, Part 1