In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1986 Code have been included in the 2016 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. III; Ch. 535, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1986 Code
Location in 2016 Code
Part I, Administrative Legislation
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Construal of Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I
Art. II, General Penalty
Ch. 1, Art. II
Art. III, Adoption of Code by Mayor and Council
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. III
Ch. 3, Administrator
Ch. 100, Art. VI
Ch. 7, Attorney
Ch. 100, Art. II
Ch. 8, Auxiliary Police
Ch. 114, Art. II
Ch. 11, Chief Financial Officer
Ch. 100, Art. V
Ch. 12, Chiropractic Physician
Ch. 13, Civil Service
Ch. 19
Ch. 15, Claims, Payment of
Ch. 17, Clerk
Ch. 100, Art. I
Ch. 21, Court, Municipal
Ch. 27
Ch. 24, Defense Costs, Reimbursement of
Ch. 34
Ch. 27, Engineer
Ch. 100, Art. III
Ch. 29, Ethics, Code of
Repealed by Ord. No. 91-16
Ch. 33, Fire Department
Art. I, Establishment
Ch. 48, Art. I
Art. II, Junior Firemen's Auxiliary
Ch. 48, Art. II
Art. III, Length of Service Awards Program
Ch. 48, Art. III
Ch. 37, Health, Board of
Ch. 10, Art. I
Ch. 39, Historian
Ch. 41, Housing Authority
Ch. 42, Housing Liaison
Ch. 100, Art. VII
Ch. 45, Land Use Procedures
Ch. 80
Ch. 49, Local Assistance Board
Ch. 10, Art. II
Ch. 53, Mandatory Recycling of Waste Materials
Ch. 457, Art. I
Ch. 58, Personnel
NI; see Ch. 108 reference page
Ch. 60, Police Department
Ch. 114, Art. I
Ch. 64, Public Works, Department of
Ch. 119
Ch. 66, Purchasing
Art. I, Competitive Quotations
Repealed by Ord. No. 2015-21; see Ch. 123, Art. I
Ch. 68, Recreation Commissioners, Board of
Art. I, Establishment, Membership, Etc.
Ch. 10, Art. III
Art. II, Criminal History Background Checks
Ch. 114, Art. III
Ch. 69, Recreation Purchasing Coordinator
Ch. 70, Retirement
Art. I, Defined Contribution Reimbursement Program
Ch. 134, Art. I
Ch. 72, Shade Tree Commission
Ch. 10, Art. IV
Ch. 76, Treasurer
Ch. 100, Art. IV
Part II, General Legislation
Ch. 90, Alarm Systems
Ch. 175
Ch. 92, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 179
Ch. 94, Amusement Devices
Ch. 183, Art. I
Ch. 100, Auctions and Auctioneers
Ch. 106, Billiard and Pool Rooms
Ch. 183, Art. II
Ch. 110, Brush, Grass, Weeds and Other Debris
Ch. 212
Ch. 112, Building Construction
Art. I, Use of Engineered Lumber
Ch. 221, Art. I
Ch. 113, Building Contractors
Ch. 217
Ch. 114, Buildings, Numbering of
Ch. 226
Ch. 116, Buildings, Unsafe
Ch. 230
Ch. 118, Carnivals, Circuses and Traveling Shows
Ch. 235
Ch. 122, Checks, Returned
Ch. 126, Construction Codes, Uniform
Ch. 249
Ch. 134, Dogs and Other Animals
Art. I, Dogs and Cats
Ch. 188, Art. I
Ch. 141, Fees
Art. I, Use of Borough Properties
Ch. 264, Art. I
Art. II, Duplicate Tax Bills
Ch. 264, Art. II
Art. III, Land Use Fees
Repealed by Ord. No. 2007-19
Art. IV, Public Records Fees
Ch. 264, Art. III
Art. V, Development Fees
Ch. 264, Art. IV
Ch. 144, Firearms
Ch. 146, Fire Prevention
Art. I, General Regulations
Ch. 283, Art. I
Art. II, Uniform Fire Code Enforcement
Ch. 283, Art. II
Ch. 150, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 288
Ch. 152, Games of Chance
Ch. 295
Ch. 154, Garage Sales
Ch. 299
Ch. 156, Graffiti
Ch. 307
Ch. 160, Insurance
Art. I, Fire Insurance Claims
Ch. 322, Art. I
Ch. 166, Library
Ch. 340, Art. I
Ch. 168, Licensing
Ch. 343
Ch. 170, Littering
Ch. 347
Ch. 173, Massage and Somatic Therapists
Ch. 176, Noise
Ch. 371
Ch. 180, Parades
Ch. 384
Ch. 186, Parks and Playgrounds
Art. I, Hours
Ch. 388
Art. II, Tobacco Use Prohibited
Repealed by Ord. No. 2013-8
Ch. 190, Peddling and Soliciting
Art. I, Itinerant Vendors, Peddlers and Merchants
Ch. 396, Art. I
Art. II, Solicitors and Canvassers
Ch. 396, Art. II
Art. III, Charitable Organizations
Ch. 396, Art. III
Ch. 194, Plumbing
Repealed by Ord. No. 2008-1
Ch. 197, Prohibited Acts
Ch. 392
Ch. 198, Property Maintenance
Ch. 407
Ch. 204, Rooming Houses
Ch. 423
Ch. 208, Sewers
Ch. 435
Ch. 214, Soil Removal
Ch. 453
Ch. 215, Solid Waste
Ch. 457, Art. II
Ch. 216, Stormwater Management
Part 1, General Regulations
Ch. 464, Part 1
Part 2, Refuse Containers and Dumpsters
Ch. 464, Part 2
Part 3, Private Storm Drain Inlet Retrofitting
Ch. 464, Part 3
Ch. 218, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, Street Openings
Ch. 468, Art. I
Art. II, Sidewalks Specifications and Landowner Responsibilities
Ch. 468, Art. II
Art. III, Sports Equipment in Roadways
Ch. 468, Art. III
Ch. 220, Subdivision of Land; Site Plans
Ch. 335
Ch. 225, Taxation
Art. I, Tax Exemption for Improvements to Residential Dwellings More Than 20 Years Old
Ch. 479, Art. I
Ch. 226, Taxicabs, Autocabs and Limousines
Ch. 482
Ch. 227, Towing Regulations
Ch. 490
Ch. 228, Trees
Ch. 495
Ch. 232, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 513
Ch. 236, Vehicle Sales
Art. I, Used Motor Vehicles
Ch. 510, Art. I
Ch. 244, Wreckers and Tow Trucks
Repealed by Ord. No. 99-20
Ch. 248, Zoning
Ch. 530
Part III, Board of Health Legislation
Ch. 250, General Provisions, Board of Health
Art. I, Adoption of Code by Board of Health
NLP; see Ch. 535, Art. I
Ch. 256, Fees and Applications
Ch. 548
Ch. 258, Food Establishments, Retail
Ch. 552
Ch. 262, Launderettes
Ch. 566
Ch. 266, Sanitation
Ch. 580
Ch. 272, Vending Machines
Art. I, Adoption of Standards
Art. II, Permits and Licenses
Ch. 595
Ch. A276, Cable Television Franchise
Ch. A277, Street Legislation
Ch. A602
Ch. A278, Telephone Franchise
Ch. A603