[Ord. No. 27-2015 §1, 7-21-2015]
Failure To Keep Weeds, High Grass, And Brush Cut And Removed, A Nuisance. All persons owning or occupying any lot or tract of land in the City shall keep the weeds, high grass and brush growing on such property cut and removed. Whenever such weeds, high grass or brush shall attain the height of eight (8) inches, it shall be deemed a public nuisance.
[Ord. No. 80-2020, 6-16-2020]
Unlawful To Maintain Such Nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any person to create or maintain a nuisance as defined in Subsection (A).
Complaints, How Made. Any complaint by any person shall be made to the Code Enforcement Officer or Police Officer. The complaint shall then be reviewed and any evidence produced in support thereof. If it is determined that there is a nuisance within the meaning of this Section, proceedings shall begin against the person or persons creating or maintaining such nuisance as provided in this Section.
Notice. Whenever it has been determined that a violation of this Section has occurred, written notice shall be served upon the owner of the said lot or tract of land, if he/she can be located, or by the person occupying said lot or tract of land, by United States Postage mail or by personal service or door hanger. The notice shall state that the weeds upon said lot or tract of land are deemed to be a nuisance within the provisions of Subsection (A) hereof, and shall briefly state facts deemed to constitute such weeds a nuisance within the terms of this Section, and state that the nuisance is to be abated within ten (10) days from receipt of such notice.
Proceedings When Owner Or Custodian Cannot Be Located. When the owner or custodian of any nuisance as defined in Subsection (A) cannot be located by a reasonable search, the notice shall be attached to the property, briefly stating the facts deemed to constitute the property a nuisance and stating that the nuisance is to be abated within ten (10) days of the date the notice was posted.
Disposition. If not removed within the time specified in this notice, a citation shall be issued. If so directed by the Judge, the Code Enforcement Officer shall immediately cut or remove or cause to be cut and removed, said weeds, high grass or brush and shall certify the costs of same to the City Clerk.
Entry Onto Private Property. The Code Enforcement Officer may enter upon private property for inspection or for the purpose of removing any weeds, high grass and brush in accordance with this Section. If any person refuses to allow entry onto his/her private property, the Code Enforcement Officer may obtain a warrant from the proper official and proceed in accordance therewith.
Tax Bill. The City Clerk shall cause a tax lien to be filed against the property and to be collected by the Collector, with other taxes assessed against the property; and the tax bill from the date of its issuance shall be a first lien on the property until paid and shall be prima facie evidence of the recitals therein and of its validity, and no mere clerical error or informality in the same, or in the proceedings leading up to the issuance, shall be a defense thereto.
Green Infrastructure. Areas of natural grass lands, bio swales and other green infrastructure improvements as determined by the City of Neosho Green Infrastructure Design Handbook shall be exempt from provisions of Subsection (A).