[R.O. 2006 §100.320; CC 1992 §100.320; Ord. No. 872 §§1 — 4, 10-4-1984]
Purpose. In order for the City of Ozark to assure that all programs it undertakes are established in a manner which assures that all residents of the City of Ozark have an equal opportunity to participate or utilize such programs regardless of their handicapped status, the following procedure is adopted for the processing of alleged complaints of discrimination on the basis of handicapped status.
Filing Of Complaint. Any person who believes that he/she has been discriminated against because of handicapped status shall have the right to file a written complaint of said discrimination with the City Clerk.
The City Clerk shall within ten (10) days of the receipt of alleged complaint cause a meeting to occur with the complainant to determine all details of the incident. The complainant may request that any witnesses to the alleged incident be present to offer collaboration to the complaint.
The City Clerk shall make a written record of all information given at this meeting and shall provide said record to the Board of Aldermen at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
At its next regular meeting the Board of Aldermen shall review the record prepared and submitted by the City Clerk and shall make a determination as to the validity of the complaint.
If it is determined that the complaint is valid, the Board of Aldermen shall make adjustments to the program or service to assure that the discriminatory policy is discontinued.
Employment. The City of Ozark will not discriminate in the hiring, promotion, disciplining or removal of any City employee on the basis of handicapped status. The City of Ozark has adopted an affirmative action plan, copies of which shall be available for public inspection at City Hall during regular working hours.