[Ord. No. 09-012 §1, 4-6-2009; Ord. No. 10-012 §1, 4-19-2010; Ord.
No. 12-022 §1, 5-21-2012; Ord. No. 18-064, 11-19-2018]
Wherever in this Title IV, a Section or other provision of the
Code calls for a particular fee for an application or permit, said
fee shall be as set forth or as established from time to time by ordinance
of the Board of Aldermen and on file in the office of the City Clerk.
[Ord. No. 09-012 §1, 4-6-2009; Ord. No. 10-038 §2, 12-6-2010]
A. Purpose. The conditional use permit procedure is intended
to provide the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen
with discretionary review of requests to establish or construct uses
or structures which may be necessary or desirable in a zoning district,
but which may have the potential for negative or deleterious impact
on the health, safety and welfare of the public. The purpose of the
review is to determine whether the proposed location of the use or
structure is appropriate and whether it will be designed, located
and operated so as to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse impacts
upon the community and other properties in the vicinity. The Board
of Aldermen may impose conditions upon such uses and structures that
are intended to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse impacts upon the
community and other properties in the vicinity. The Board of Aldermen
may deny requests for a conditional use permit when it is evident
that a proposed use or structure will or may cause harm to the community
or injury to the value, lawful use and reasonable enjoyment of other
properties in the vicinity.
B. Conditional Uses Authorized. The Planning and Zoning Commission
may recommend and the Board of Aldermen may authorize the establishment
of those conditional uses that are expressly permitted as a conditional
use in a particular zoning district. No conditional use shall be authorized
unless such conditional use to be granted complies with all of the
applicable provisions of this Chapter.
C. Application For Conditional Use Permit. An application for
conditional use permit shall be filed with the City on a form developed
by the Department of Planning and Development and shall include the
following information at a minimum:
1. Description of the proposed conditional use.
2. Statement as to why the proposed use will comply with the applicable
3. Statement identifying any potentially adverse effects and how the
proposed conditional use will be designed, arranged and operated in
order to ensure that the conditional use will not cause harm to the
community and that the value, use and reasonable enjoyment of property
in the vicinity will not be adversely affected.
4. Site plan in accordance with the requirements of the procedures and
submittal requirements of the City of Ozark.
5. Any additional information as may be required in accordance with
the requirements of the zoning district in which the conditional use
is proposed to be located.
D. Commission Action On Conditional Use Permit.
1. The Commission shall hold a public hearing on an application for
conditional use permit. Notice of hearing shall be made in accordance
with the provisions of this Chapter.
2. Following the public hearing, the Commission shall transmit to the Board of Aldermen its recommendation containing specific findings of fact on the proposed conditional use and any conditions, safeguards and restrictions that the Commission recommends be imposed to ensure compliance with the standards set forth in Section
405.500 to avoid, minimize or mitigate potentially adverse effect of the conditional use on the community and properties in the vicinity.
E. Board Of Aldermen Action On Conditional Use Permit. The Board of Aldermen may, by ordinance, authorize the issuance of a conditional use permit for such use as recommended by the Commission or may reverse or modify such decision by a majority vote of the full Board of Aldermen. In authorizing said conditional use permit, the Board of Aldermen may impose additional conditions or restrictions as it may determine necessary to ensure compliance with the standards set forth in Section
405.500 to avoid, minimize or mitigate potentially adverse effect of the conditional use on the community and properties in the vicinity. All such conditions or restrictions shall be set out in the ordinance approving the conditional use permit.
F. Permit Validity.
1. Any conditional use permit authorized shall be nullified if any of
the conditional uses have not been complied with and/or have been
2. Any conditional use permit authorized shall be nullified and void
if the applicant ceases to conduct the approved use for a period of
six (6) months. If the applicant ceases to conduct the approved use
for a period of six (6) months or more, he or she must reapply for
a conditional use permit to re-establish the prior use requested.
3. Any conditional use permit authorized shall be nullified and void
if the applicant should move or leave the location where the use was
originally approved.
4. If the applicant wishes to continue with a prior approved use, he
or she shall have to reapply for approval of a conditional use permit
at the new location of choice.
5. The approval of a conditional use is connected to the original applicant
to whom it was issued and not to the structure for which the conditional
use was granted.
G. Conditional Use Standards. A conditional use permit shall
be granted only if evidence is presented at the public hearings that
the conditional use will comply, to the extent applicable, with the
following standards:
1. The conditional use will be consistent with the policies and intent
of the Ozark Comprehensive Plan and the Ozark zoning regulations.
2. The conditional use will not increase flood or water damage hazard
to adjoining properties.
3. The conditional use will not generate noise that exceeds the sound
levels that are typical of uses permitted in the district.
4. Adequate access roads or entrance and exit drives will be designed
and provided to prevent traffic hazards and to minimize traffic congestion
at the site.
5. Street right-of-way and pavement width in the vicinity of the conditional
use is or will be adequate for traffic reasonably expected to be generated
by the proposed use.
6. Glare of stationary or vehicular lights from the conditional use
will not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood and if
such lights will be visible from a residential district, measures
to shield or direct lights to mitigate glare are proposed.
7. The conditional use will not have any substantial adverse effect
upon the use or enjoyment of adjacent and nearby property or conditions
affecting the public health, safety and welfare.
8. The conditional use will be designed, constructed and operated so
as not to interfere with the development and use of adjacent property
in accordance with the applicable zoning district regulations.
9. In the case of existing structures to be converted to a use requiring
a conditional use permit, the structure shall meet all fire, health,
building, plumbing and electrical requirements of the City of Ozark.
10. The conditional use otherwise complies with all applicable regulations
of this Chapter.
H. Conditional Use Permits For Towers.
1. Purpose. The purpose of these restrictions is to:
a. Minimize the adverse effects of towers on aesthetic and property
values through careful design, siting and vegetative screening;
b. Avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure
and falling ice through engineering and careful siting of tower structures;
c. Lessen traffic impacts on local streets; and
d. Maximize use of existing towers to reduce the number of towers needed.
2. Applicability. In addition to the provisions and
restrictions listed above for a conditional use permit, the following
requirements for conditional use permit shall also apply to all zoning
districts where towers are permitted as a conditional use and to all
zoning districts where towers are permitted as a principal or accessory
use where:
a. The tower exceeds one hundred (100) feet in height; or
b. The tower is on a building, exceeds twenty (20) feet in height as
measured from the top of the building, and the combined height of
the building and tower exceeds one hundred (100) feet.
3. Exemptions. An antenna and tower for the following
uses are exempt from these requirements and are permitted uses in
any district if accessory to a permitted use and if they comply with
the applicable regulations of the district in which situated:
4. Approval standards. All applications for a conditional
use permit for a tower shall comply with the following requirements.
Site includes all property described by the legal description submitted
with the conditional use permit application and may be only part of
a larger parcel.
a. Structures shall be set back from adjoining residential-zoned property,
property or streets sufficient to:
Contain on-site substantially all ice fall or debris from tower
Preserve the privacy of adjoining residential-zoned property.
The site is of sufficient size to comply with this standard if:
Accessory structures comply with the setback standards in the
zoning district;
The tower base is set back from adjoining residential-zoned
property, public property or a street by a distance equal to fifty
percent (50%) of the height of the tower up to one hundred (100) feet,
plus one (1) foot for each foot over one hundred (100) feet in height,
unless the tower is designed for collocation of at least two (2) additional
carriers in which case the setbacks for structures in the zoning district
where the tower is located shall be complied with or the distance
between the tower base and guy wire anchors, whichever is greater;
The tower is set back from adjoining land in other districts
by the rear yard setback required in the adjoining district;
Guy wire anchors are set back at least twenty-five (25) feet
from an adjoining residential-zoned property, public property or a
street; and
Guy wire anchors are set back at least the rear yard setback
from adjoining land in other districts.
b. Setback requirements for towers shall be measured from the center
of the tower to the property line of the parcel on which it is located.
The tower shall be set back from other on- and off-site towers and
supporting structures far enough so one (1) tower will not strike
another tower or support structure if a tower or support structure
c. The tower shall have the least practicable adverse visual effect
on the environment.
d. Existing on-site trees and shrubs shall be preserved to the maximum
extent practicable.
e. Traffic associated with the facility shall not adversely affect adjoining
streets. Vehicular access shall be limited to a major street if the
site adjoins both a major and local street.
f. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate workers,
employees, invitees and others who may be on location on account of
the location of the tower.
g. The applicant shall demonstrate that the planned equipment cannot
be accommodated on an existing or approved tower or location.
5. Application contents. An application for approval
of a conditional use permit for a new tower shall include the following
in addition to the application requirements of Section 405.500(C):
a. A site plan drawn to scale and identifying the site boundary; tower(s);
guy wire anchors; existing and proposed structures; vehicular parking
and access; existing vegetation to be retained, removed or replaced;
and uses, structures and land use designations on the site and adjoining
b. A plan drawn to scale showing proposed landscaping, including species
type, size, spacing and other features; and
c. Evidence that the planned transmission facilities cannot be accommodated
on an existing or approved tower and that the planned tower cannot
be accommodated on an existing or approved tower site. The Board of
Aldermen may consider expert testimony to determine whether other
towers or sites could accommodate the planned facilities and whether
fees and costs associated with the use of an existing or planned tower
or site is reasonable.
6. Conflict with FCC or FAA regulations. In the event
there is a conflict between these regulations and Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations,
the FCC or FAA regulations shall govern.
I. Conditional Use Permits For Accessory Dwelling Units.
[Ord. No. 23-043, 7-3-2023]
Purpose. The purpose of these restrictions is to:
Minimize any potential adverse effects of accessory dwelling
units could have on neighboring properties while providing additional
housing choice; and
Provide careful design, placement, and complementing use to
the property and adjacent properties.
Additional Requirements. In addition to the provisions and restrictions
listed above for a conditional use permit, the following shall be
required for any conditional use permit for an accessory dwelling
Accessory dwelling units shall conform to the building setbacks
on a lot and shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the
front corner of the principal dwelling;
An existing accessory structure converted to an accessory dwelling
unit shall be exempt from setback requirements but shall comply with
the adopted International Residential Building Codes;
Accessory dwelling units shall not exceed the maximum height
of the principal structure, based on the highest point of its roof
compared with the lowest point of ground level at the foundation,
whichever is less;
Accessory dwelling units shall not exceed fifty percent (50%)
of the living area of the principal dwelling or one thousand (1,000)
square feet, whichever is less. The accessory dwelling unit shall
count toward the total number and coverage of allowed accessory structures;
Accessory dwelling units shall have a maximum of two (2) bedrooms;
Accessory dwelling units shall match the primary dwelling exterior
Construction of the accessory dwelling unit shall be in accordance
with the adopted International Residential Building Codes;
The property owner must occupy either the primary dwelling unit
or accessory dwelling unit;
In addition to the primary dwelling unit parking, a minimum
of one (1) on-site parking space shall be provided for the accessory
dwelling unit;
The property owner is required to notify an existing homeowners'
association, if applicable, with the conditional use public notices;
Rental Accessory Dwelling Units. If the accessory dwelling unit
is rented, the property owner shall apply for and obtain a business
registration annually. Prior to the issuance of a business registration,
an accessory dwelling unit shall be inspected annually by the City
and shall be required to provide a successful inspection before a
business registration may be issued. If a non-rented accessory dwelling
unit ceases use and converts to a rental accessory dwelling unit,
then it shall require a new conditional use permit and compliance
with this Subsection, even if the ownership stays the same; and
The conditional use permit shall be nullified if any State,
Federal, or local laws have not been complied with and/or have been
[Ord. No. 18-012, 3-19-2018]
A. Purpose. This Section is designed to define what constitutes a home occupation and to enumerate the particular home occupations that are permitted. A home occupation is a privilege granted to a resident which should not be a nuisance to other residents. A home occupation may be continued for only so long as it is conducted lawfully and does not produce a condition which causes a nuisance, including, but not limited to, those enumerated in Chapter
220, Ozark City Code. Violations of this Section may result in the loss of the ability to operate the home occupation. No home occupation shall be permitted if it:
Changes the outside appearance of the dwelling or is visible
from the street;
Generates traffic, parking, sewage, water use, or noise in excess
of what is normal in a residential neighborhood;
Creates a hazard to person or property, results in electrical
interference or becomes a nuisance; or
Results in outside activities, storage, or display.
B. Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
An activity carried out for compensation in a residential
dwelling unit.
C. Home occupations permitted. Home occupations include, but are not
limited to, the following occupations:
Home offices for architects, engineers, lawyers, realtors, insurance
agents, brokers, ministers, rabbis, priests, salesmen, sales representatives,
manufacturers' representatives, home builders, home repair contractors,
trash haulers and similar occupations.
Artists, sculptors, authors, photographers and composers.
Computer programming and data processing.
Dressmakers, seamstresses, and tailors.
Home crafts, such as model making, rug weaving, woodworking,
ceramics (with a kiln up to six (6) cubic feet) and similar activities,
provided that no machinery or equipment shall be used or employed
other than that which would customarily be found in the home, including
machinery or equipment that would ordinarily be employed in connection
with a hobby or a vocation not conducted for gain or profit.
Mail order, not including retail sales from site.
Music and art teachers or other tutoring services.
Work-at-home activities where employees of a business, located
at another location, perform work for the business in their own residence,
provided all physical contact between the business and the employee
occurs at the place of business and not the residence, other than
the initial installation of any equipment or other work facilities.
The work activities of the employee shall conform with all other requirements
of this Section.
Hair cutting and styling, provided:
Only one chair is permitted; and
Hours of operation for this home occupation shall be limited
to 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.; and
The use complies with all building and other applicable codes,
City of Ozark, and State of Missouri regulations and standards.
D. Use Limitations.
No person other than someone related by blood, marriage, adoption,
or custodial relationship to the person conducting the home occupation
and who also resides in the dwelling unit shall be employed in the
home occupation.
The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the principal
residential building or in a permitted accessory building.
No manufacturing or processing of any sort whatsoever shall
be done.
No signage shall advertise the presence or conduct of the home
occupation unless the sign is required for the type of occupation
by Federal, State, or local law. If the size of the sign is not specified
by Federal, State, or local law, the sign shall not exceed one and
one-half (1.5) square feet and must be attached to the residence.
No stock in trade shall be displayed or sold.
No stock in trade, except articles produced by members of the
family residing on the premises, shall be stored on the premises.
No alteration of the principal residential building shall be
made which changes the character thereof as a dwelling, including
the creation of a separate entrance to the dwelling or utilization
of an existing entrance exclusively for the home occupation.
The home occupation shall not produce offensive noise, vibration,
smoke, electrical interference, dust, odors or heat. Any noise, vibration,
smoke, electrical interference, dust, odors, or heat detectable beyond
the property lines or beyond the walls of the dwelling unit, if the
unit is part of a multifamily structure, shall constitute a violation
of this Section.
No mechanical or electrical equipment other than normal domestic
or household equipment shall be used.
There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment or materials
used in the home occupation.
The receipt or delivery of merchandise, goods, or supplies for
use in a home occupation shall be limited to the United States mail,
similar parcel delivery service, or private vehicles with a gross
vehicle weight rating of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or less.
Not more than one (1) vehicle shall be utilized in the business.
No customer waiting areas shall be provided.
No vehicles shall be parked and no equipment or materials shall
be stored for trash haulers, home builders, home repair contractors,
and similar occupations.
A business license shall be obtained, if required, by other
No more than twenty percent (20%) of the total floor area of
the dwelling unit and garage shall be devoted to the home occupation.
A garage shall not be used for a home occupation if such use has the
effect of eliminating required parking.
Upon request by the Director of Planning and Development, or
his designee, the applicant shall provide appropriate plans, showing
conformance with this Section.
E. Particular home occupations prohibited. Permitted home occupations
shall not in any event be deemed to include the following types of
activities and uses:
Animal hospitals, stables, or kennels.
Auto repairing and painting.
Barber shops and beauty parlors.
Dancing schools and studios.
Dispatching of transfer and moving vans.
Medical offices for doctors, dentists, and veterinarians.
Nursery schools and day-care centers, except as permitted as
a conditional use.
Preparation of food for sale, except as permitted as a conditional
Appliance or electronic repair shops.
Raising animals for sale, except as permitted as a conditional
Shops for contractors and tradesmen, such as electricians, plumbers,
and carpenters.
Trash hauler operations other than a home office.
[Ord. No. 19-061, 8-5-2019; Ord. No. 23-010, 1-17-2023]
A. Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to allow marijuana licensed
facilities while minimizing any possible adverse effects of such uses
on the surrounding neighborhood.
B. No use shall emit an odor that creates a nuisance in violation of
City Code.
C. No marijuana may be smoked, ingested, or otherwise consumed on the premises of any marijuana licensed facility, unless authorized by Article
XIV of the Missouri Constitution or Missouri law.
D. If multiple licenses are issued for one (1) location, then restrictions
for the highest intensity use shall apply.
E. The distance between the facility and the then-existing elementary or secondary school, daycare, or church, as those terms are defined in Article
XIV of the Missouri Constitution, shall be measured from the primary entrance/exit door to primary entrance/exit door. Said distance measurements shall be made along the shortest path between the demarcation points that can be lawfully traveled by foot.
F. Any
marijuana facility required to collect tangible personal property
sales tax for each sale shall do so in conformance with the State
G. All other City Codes shall apply.