[CC 1990 §2-252; Ord. No. 366 §§1 — 2, 10-18-2004]
This Section will authorize the City of Belle to place the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual, as set out in this Article, in effect for elected and non-elected employees.
This manual was created and will be an informational source and guideline for employees.
Appointment And Promotion. Appointments and promotions to all classified positions shall be solely on the basis of merit, which shall be determined by evaluation of the applicant's:
Training, education and experience;
Interview results; and
When deemed necessary, an examination or demonstration test.
Any new full-time employee hired may be required to live in the City limits or within a certain radius determined by the Board of Aldermen.
Promotion Policy. Whenever possible, all vacancies occurring in the service of the City shall be filled by promotion of a qualified employee within the City service. The department head may recruit applicants from outside the City service whenever no adequately qualified applicants are available within the City service. Promotion within the City service shall be based on the qualifications of the person being appointed. If no acceptable applicant is found within the City service, the vacancy will be filled from outside the City service. The criteria used in the selection of the most qualified applicant shall be based upon experience, performance, evaluation and, where feasible, examination.
Age. The minimum age for employment as a probationary employee shall be eighteen (18) years of age. The minimum age for employment for seasonal employees shall be sixteen (16) years of age. The minimum age for employment as a Police Office shall be twenty-one (21) years of age.
Relative In City Service. Article VII, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri states: "Any public officer or employee in this state who by virtue of his or her office or employment names or appoints to public office or employment any relative within the fourth degree, by consanguinity or affinity, shall thereby forfeit his or her office or employment." Relative includes the following related to the officer or employee and spouse: son or daughter, grandchild, great grandchild, parent, brother or sister, nephew or niece, grand nephew or niece, grandparent, uncle or aunt, first cousin, great grandparent, great uncle or aunt and great-great grandparent."
Job descriptions may be found in the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual which is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Employee evaluation may be found in the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual which is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Probationary Period.
Each employee receiving an appointment in the service of the City must serve a probationary period of six (6) months before being considered a permanent employee.
During the employee's six (6) month probationary period, the employee shall be evaluated by the immediate supervisor for the position based on written performance expectations provided to the employee at the time of employment.
During the probationary period full-time employees are eligible for employee fringe benefits, such as sick leave and personal days. Wages for designated holidays falling within the probationary period shall be paid to full-time probationary employees.
Full medical insurance starts after one (1) full calendar month for full-time employees.
Retirement benefits start after six (6) months for full-time employees.
Extension Of Probationary Period. At the end of an employee's six (6) month probationary period, if there is reason to believe that the employee may develop the ability to perform satisfactorily by an extension of the probationary period, the department head may recommend an extension of no less than two (2) months but not to exceed six (6) months to the Board of Aldermen for approval.
Termination Of Probationary Period. At the end of each employee's six (6) month probationary period or extension granted under the authority of the Board of Aldermen, the supervisor of the employee shall complete a performance evaluation and notify the Mayor that:
The employee has successfully completed the probationary period, and is capable of performing the duties of the position satisfactorily, and is henceforth to be considered a permanent employee with all rights and privileges due; or
The employee has not demonstrated the ability to satisfactorily perform the duties of the position, and is to be separated from City Government.
Conduct, Work Habits, Attitude.
It shall be the duty of each employee to maintain high standards of conduct, cooperation, efficiency and economy in their work for the City. Whenever work habits, attitude, production or personal conduct of any employee falls below desirable standards, supervisors should point out the deficiencies at the time they are observed. Corrections and suggestions should be presented in a constructive and helpful manner in an effort to elicit the cooperation and the needed improvement. Whenever possible, oral and/or written warnings with sufficient time for improvement shall precede formal discipline. City equipment cannot be used for private use or private jobs unless it is a "Good Samaritan Act" to help a citizen of Belle or community related.
All City employees are expected to dress appropriately in relationship to the duties of their position. It is at the discretion of the immediate supervisor to address inappropriate dress issues. It is the immediate supervisor's responsibilities to insure that a professional image is maintained. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
Political Activities. City employees shall not be appointed or retained on the basis of their political activity. City employees shall not be coerced to take part in political campaigns, to solicit votes, to levy, contribute or solicit funds or support, for the purpose of supporting or opposing the appointment or election of candidates for any municipal office.
Outside Employment.
Employees of the City shall be permitted to hold jobs in addition to their full-time jobs with the City providing said outside work does not conflict with the performance of their duties with the City. Prior to accept any outside employment, the Board of Aldermen must be notified and approve outside employment. Approval shall be based on a determination that no conflict exists between duties of full-time employment with the City and the duties and responsibilities of the outside employment.
No employee of the City shall perform any work for any other individual, firm or company during the established workday for their department.
If it is necessary for an employee to work overtime (required by the Board of Aldermen or their department supervisor) in case of any emergency, no employee shall be exempt from performing their share of overtime duty because of any outside employment.
Every employee has the opportunity to have his/her issues heard, however, if urged to first speak to the immediate supervisor before proceeding to the next step. An employee must first speak with the immediate supervisor for the position and then may proceed to the City Administrator/Office Manager, Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Instances of alleged civil right harassment (gender, race, disability, etc.) allegations may be taken to any supervisor, the Mayor or any Board of Aldermen member.
Military Leave. Employees may receive a leave of absence not to exceed two (2) weeks annually for participation in annual training in the National Guard or Reserved Armed Forces. A copy of official orders requiring training must accompany requests for such leave. Compensation for this period of military leave shall be limited to the amount by which the normal City pay exceeds the military pay received. A copy of the military pay voucher shall be submitted prior to authorization for payment to the employee for the period of leave. Such military training leave shall not be deducted from leave unless employee requests to use vacation.
Emergency Leave.
In the event of death of a closely related person of an employee, the employee may be granted bereavement leave by their department head. For purposes of this policy, closely related person is defined as: spouse, child, mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and son- or daughter-in-law.
Bereavement leave shall be with pay at the regular rate of compensation.
Three (3) days of bereavement leave is granted to each full-time employee for each incident. Requests for sick leave or vacation are to be reviewed and approved by the immediate supervisor on a case-by-case basis. The Board of Aldermen encourages each supervisor to be as lenient as possible in review such requests.
Temporary, part-time or seasonal employees shall not be entitled to emergency leave with pay.
Jury Duty. An employee shall be granted leave with pay when required to be absent from work for jury duty or as a trial witness. Compensation for such leave shall be limited to the difference between pay received from this service and normal duty pay.
Discipline Policy.
It shall be the duty of all City employees to comply with and to assist in carrying into effect the provisions of the City's personnel rules and regulations. All discipline shall be in accordance with procedures established by the personnel rules and regulations.
Employee's responsibilities. It is the duty of every employee to attempt to correct any faults in their performance when called to their attention and to make every effort to avoid conflict with the City's rules and regulations.
Supervisor's responsibilities.
It is the duty of every supervisor to immediately discuss improper or inadequate performance with the employee in order to correct the deficiencies and to avoid the need to exercise disciplinary action. Discipline shall be, whenever possible, of an increasingly progressive nature, the step of progression being:
Documented verbal counseling,
Written counseling,
Suspension and/or probation, and
More severe infractions, such as ethics violations, may warrant acceleration of discipline and in some cases may warrant immediate removal. Suspension and/or probation, or dismissal must to be documented by supervisor with immediate notification provided to the Board of Aldermen.
All supervisor activities are to be directed toward helping non-performing employees be successful and productive. However, finite time periods should be given to expedite the process. General performance issues require verbal counseling comprising clear direction, expectations and appropriate support with a two (2) month time frame. Failing success, written directives along with signed documentation of understanding by the employee should be undertaken for another two (2) months. If the employee is not successfully performing their job duties after sixty (60) days of counseling and assistance, the supervisor should provide to the Board of Aldermen documentation of all attempts to assist the employee and a recommendation to place the employee on thirty (30) days probation. If the employee is failing to perform job duties in a successful manner after ninety (90) days of corrective action, the supervisor should recommend to the Board of Aldermen that the employee be terminated. Documentation of all attempts to correct the employee's performance must accompany a recommendation to terminate. The Board of Aldermen retains the authority to approve suspension, corrective probation and termination. Upon viewing documentation, the Board of Aldermen may require additional counseling and assistance.
Grounds for action. The following are examples of actions which are grounds for discipline, or removal of full-time or part-time employees:
Conviction of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude;
Acts of incompetence;
Absence without leave;
Act of insubordination;
Intentional failure or refusal to carry out instructions;
Misappropriation, destruction, theft or conversion of City property;
Inability to successfully perform the duties of the position;
Acts of misconduct while on duty;
Willful disregard of orders;
Habitual tardiness and/or absenteeism;
Falsification of any information required by the City;
Failure to properly report accidents or personal injuries;
Neglect or carelessness resulting in damage to City property or equipment;
Repeated convictions during employment on misdemeanor and/or traffic charges;
Introduction, possession, or use of City property or in City equipment of illicit drugs, intoxicating liquors;
Inappropriate conduct or treatment of members of the public;
Sexual harassment;
Acts of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability.
Failure to pass any controlled substance or alcohol testing as required herein.
This is not an all inclusive list. Other actions that may be considered for demotion, suspension or removal will be reviewed by the Board of Aldermen upon recommendation of the City Administrator/Mayor.
Resignation of employee. In order to resign in good standing, an employee must give adequate notice of his/her intent to resign. The termination action of any employee who fails to give adequate notice shall bear the following notation: "Resignation accepted with prejudice due to inadequate notice." Adequate notice for the purpose of enforcement of these provisions shall be, in most cases, construed to mean two (2) weeks. Failure to give adequate notice shall be sufficient reason to deny an applicant consideration for employment at a later date. The supervisors of the various departments may release an employee without prejudice when an employee has given adequate notice, but requests an earlier release.
Suspension Of Employees.
Probationary employee. Any probationary employee may be suspended, reduced in pay or class, or terminated at any time by the Board of Aldermen. Probationary, temporary, seasonal or part-time employees shall not have the right to appeal such action.
Full-time or regular employee. All full-time regular employees holding positions in the service of the City may be suspended for a period of not more than ten (10) working days, reduced in pay or class, or terminated by the Board of Aldermen.
Right to appeal. All full-time, permanent employees are granted the right of appeal. Within ten (10) days after effective date of disciplinary action, the employee may file a written appeal to the Board of Aldermen.
Investigation. The Board of Aldermen shall hear appeals submitted by any full-time, permanent employee in the City relative to any suspension, demotion or dismissal.
Appeal hearing open to public. The employee may file a written request that the hearing be open or closed to the public. The Board of Aldermen may consider the employee's request; however, the meeting will be open or closed at the discretion of the Board of Aldermen, subject to all requirements of law.
Informal nature. The hearing shall be conducted in an informal nature and the Board of Aldermen shall make every effort to avoid the appearance of conducting a trial in a court of law.
Scheduling of appeal. No later than ten (10) working days after receipt of the written appeal, the Mayor shall fix a time and place for convening of the hearing.
Right to appellant. Appellant shall have the right to appear and be heard in person.
Appellant fails to appear. Appellant's failure to attend or notify the City Clerk of his/her inability to attend due to good cause at the hearing will constitute just cause of dismissal of the appeal and imposition of the disciplinary action.