Cross Reference — As to planning and zoning, ch. 400.
State Law References — Parks in fourth class cities, §§90.010 to 90.020, RSMo.
[CC 1990 §15-1; CC 1978 §1111.005]
There is hereby established a City Park Board made up of nine (9) members.
[CC 1990 §15-2; CC 1978 §1111.005]
Each member of the City Park Board shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Belle, Missouri, with the approval of a majority of the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1990 §15-3; CC 1978 §1111.201]
Each director shall hold office, one-third (⅓) for one (1) year, one-third (⅓) for two (2) years, and one-third (⅓) for three (3) years from the first (1st) of June following their appointments, and their first (1st) regular meeting shall cast lots for their respective terms; and annually thereafter the Mayor shall, before the first (1st) of June of each year, appoint as before three (3) directors who shall hold office for three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. The Mayor may, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty.
[CC 1990 §15-4; CC 1978 §1111.201]
The Park Board shall elect from its number a Chairman to preside over all Park Board meetings.
[CC 1990 §15-5; CC 1978 §1111.205]
They shall make and adopt for their guidance and for the government of the park such bylaws, rules and regulations as may be expedient.
[CC 1990 §15-6; CC 1978 §1111.205]
All monies received for such park shall be deposited in the Treasury of the City of Belle, Missouri, to the credit of the Park Fund and shall be kept separate and apart from the other monies of Belle and drawn upon by the proper officers of said City upon the property authenticated vouchers of the Park Board.
[CC 1990 §15-7; CC 1978 §1111.211]
The said Board of Park Directors shall make, on or before the second (2nd) Monday in June, an annual report to the Board of Aldermen stating the condition of their trust on the first (1st) day of May of that year, the various sums of money received from the Park Fund and other sources, and how much monies have been expended and for what purposes, with such other information and suggestions as they may deem of general interest. All reports relating to receiving and expending of money shall be verified by affidavit.
[CC 1990 §15-8; CC 1978 §1111.211]
The Board of Aldermen and the City Park Board jointly are authorized to request and apply for Federal and/or State funds to aid in the establishment and upkeep of the City park which is a part of the City of Belle, Missouri, a Fourth Class City.
[CC 1990 §15-9; CC 1978 §1111.501]
The Park Board shall have power to appoint a suitable person to take care of said park and necessary assistants for said person and fix their compensation, and shall in general carry out the spirit and intent of Sections 90.500 to 90.570, RSMo., in establishing and maintaining public parks.
[CC 1990 §15-15; CC 1978 §1109.011]
Belle City park located west of the City of Belle, Missouri, which is owned and operated by the City of Belle for its citizens' use and enjoyment, shall be open between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 11:00 P.M. each day of the week, that at all other times the park shall be closed to the general public.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
[Ord. No. 569, 11-10-2015]
The large (notable) number of fowl attracted by the feeding and baiting in the City park has increased, and continues to increase, the presence of harmful bacteria, parasites, and other microorganisms which present a threat to the public health and well-being of those persons using our City park. Fecal matter from waterfowl contributes to the phosphate loading of water bodies thereby resulting in lessened water quality of our City lake located in the City park. Large or notable numbers of waterfowl feeding, trampling and defecating cause damage to the terrain and lake water. Treatment of the water in the lake to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria has increased from one (1) time yearly to four (4) times yearly. The bacteria from the waterfowl fecal matter has worsened and quality of the lake water has not improved even after four treatments thereby necessitating the need to reduce the population of the waterfowl in and around the lake area and within the City park.
The purpose of this Section is to control the feeding and baiting of migratory and non-migratory waterfowl (hereinafter referred to as "fowl"), in order to protect the public health, property, and the water quality of the lake located in the City park of Belle, by reducing the amount of fecal matter from these fowl deposited in the water and on the adjacent shoreline of the lake and land within the park caused in part by the feeding and baiting of these fowl by the public.
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Attracting or luring waterfowl with the use of or dissemination of food in any manner in the vicinity of waterfowl.
Providing or disseminating food in any manner in the vicinity of waterfowl.
MIGRATORY WATERFOWLDucks, geese and swans native to North America.
NON-MIGRATORY (DOMESTIC) WATERFOWLDucks, geese and swans not retained in agricultural operations.
Prohibition Of Feeding. No person shall feed, bait, cause to be fed, or provide food of any nature for migratory or nonmigratory (domestic) fowl within the City park of the City of Belle. No person or persons shall foster any condition to exist or continue which results in a congregation or congestion of migratory or non-migratory fowl within the City park.
Enforcement. This Section shall be enforced by the Belle Municipal Police Department. Notice of violation shall be by the issuance of an offense citation.
Penalties For Offenses. Any person found to be violating this Section shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and, upon conviction, shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first offense and fifty dollars ($50.00) for the second and subsequent offense(s).