[CC 1990 §§ 18-285 — 18-288; CC 1978 §§ 2359.176, 2359.178, 2359.180; Ord. No. 337 § 2, 5-10-2000; Ord. No. 338 § 2, 8-9-2000]
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 320, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below on the streets as designated.
Speed Limit
State Route 28:
From south City limit (Twelfth Street) north 0.15 of a mile
45 mph
Then 0.75 of a mile
35 mph
Then to the east City limits.
45 mph
State Route 89:
From north City limits (Rohrer Drive) south 0.30 of a mile
35 mph
Then to State Route 28
25 mph
State Route M.
From the west City limits to County Road 308 (Bridge Road)
50 mph
Then to Taylor Avenue;
35 mph
Then to State Route 89 (Alvarado Avenue);
25 mph
State Route EE:
From State Route 28, for 0.57 miles
35 mph
Then to south City limits.
50 mph