Cross References — As to utilities, Title VII.
State Law References — Regulation of gas, electric, water, heating and sewer corporations, §§393.110 to 393.295, RSMo.
[CC 1990 §17-50; Ord. No. 274 §1, 5-14-1986]
Pursuant to Section 393.275, RSMo., the tax rate of the business license tax on the gross receipts of utility corporations shall be maintained at the present rate.
[CC 1990 §17-51; Ord. No. 274 §2, 5-14-1986]
The rate of taxation shall be, as heretofore, four and sixty-six hundredths percent (4.66%).
[CC 1990 §10-1; CC 1978 §541.101]
As used in this Article, the following term shall have this prescribed meaning:
Includes any firm, individual, partnership, association, corporation or any other group acting as a unit, in the plural as well as the singular number.
[CC 1990 §10-2; CC 1978 §541.111]
Every person now or hereafter engaged in the business of supplying electricity, gas, telephone service or water for compensation for any purpose in the City of Belle, Missouri, and every manufacturer of gas for compensation for any purpose in the City of Belle shall pay to the said City of Belle, as a license tax, a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the gross receipts from such business.
[CC 1990 §10-3; CC 1978 §541.113]
The license tax imposed by this Chapter shall not be construed as applying to any electricity or electrical energy sold and designated as industrial power or on any electricity or electric service sold where the price to any customer for such electricity or electrical service is increased by the amount of such tax.
[CC 1990 §10-4; CC 1978 §541.115]
It is hereby made the duty of every person engaged in any of the businesses described herein in the foregoing Sections to file with the Clerk of the City of Belle, Missouri, on the fifteenth (15th) day of October, 1956, a sworn statement of the gross receipts of such person from such business from the first (1st) day of April and the fifteenth (15th) day of October of each year thereafter, a sworn statement of the gross receipts from such business for the six (6) months preceding the filing of such statement. The Clerk of the City of Belle or his/her duly authorized deputy shall be and is hereby authorized to investigate the correctness and accuracy of the statement required and for that purpose shall have access at all times to the books and records of any person making such statement in order to ascertain the accuracy thereof.
[CC 1990 §10-5; CC 1978 §541.117]
Every person now or hereafter engaged in any of the businesses described in Section 620.040 hereof shall pay to the City Collector of the City of Belle on the fifteenth (15th) day of October, 1956, and on the fifteenth (15th) day of April and October of each year thereafter an amount equal to five percent (5%) of said person's gross receipts from said business for the preceding six (6) calendar months.
[CC 1990 §10-6; CC 1978 §541.119]
The tax herein required to be paid shall be in lieu of any other occupation tax required of any person engaged in any of the businesses described in Section 620.040 hereof, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as to exempt any such person from the payment to the City of Belle of the tax which said City of Belle levies upon the real and personal property belonging to such person, nor the tax required of merchants or manufacturers for the sale of anything other than electricity, gas, telephone service or water, nor shall the tax herein required exempt any such person from the payment of any other tax which may be lawfully required other than an occupation tax on any business described in Section 620.040.
[CC 1990 §10-7; CC 1978 §541.131]
Any person, firm or corporation having authority from said City and desiring to erect and maintain, within the City of Belle, a telephone or electric lighting system for the use of the general public may be authorized to set his/her or its poles, pins, abutments, wires or other fixtures along and across any of the public roads, streets, and alleys of the City subject to the restrictions hereinafter provided.
[CC 1990 §10-8; CC 1978 §541.133]
All poles which may be hereafter placed for the purpose of said telephone system or electric lighting system shall be smooth, straight and symmetrical and shall be not less than thirty (30) feet long and not less than five (5) inches in diameter at the top, and shall be firmly and securely set in the ground a depth of not less than five (5) feet, and shall be so set in the ground on the sidewalk line adjacent to the outer curb line of said sidewalk, where there is a sidewalk or along any street, avenue and alley, where the poles shall be erected, and in case there is no sidewalk or ground dedicated to the public use for the same, then said poles shall be set opposite the dividing line, between platted lots wherever practicable, and such poles shall be erected under the supervision of the Street Commissioner of the City. Wherever any such pole is set in the ground, the street and sidewalk shall immediately be restored to the same condition as it was before the pole was set. Provided however, that the Board of Aldermen may require all such poles to be placed in and along alleys when deemed practicable to do so.
[CC 1990 §10-9; CC 1978 §541.135]
Telephone and electric wires and cables shall hereafter in all places be not less than twenty-five (25) feet above the level of the curbstone of the sidewalk, street or alley on which it is erected, as the case may be.
[CC 1990 §10-10; CC 1978 §541.137]
Any person, firm, association or corporation desiring to erect or maintain, within the City, a telephone or electric lighting system shall first obtain the written permission from said City as required by law, provided however, that the provisions of this Chapter shall not effect the permits heretofore granted, and provided further, that the City shall not be held liable for any damages done to any person or property by any such person, firm, association or corporation erecting or maintaining said telephone or electric system under such permit.