[CC 1990 §4-38; Ord. No. 268 §7, 1985]
Dogs or cats found running at large within the City in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be taken up and impounded by the Humane Officer or other persons employed by the City for that purpose. The place of impoundment shall be a suitable place designated and provided for by the Board of Aldermen, and the name and address of such place shall be publicly displayed at the City Hall.
[CC 1990 §4-39; CC 1978 §2519.315]
Any dog or cat which exhibits clinical symptoms of rabies may, after notice is given to the owner, be impounded by the dog or cat warder on or off of the property of the owner. The animal may be held for seven (7) days at the City's impounding facilities for clinical observation and if alive and free from rabies at the expiration of that period, shall be returned to the owner at no expense. However, if such animal develops symptoms suggestive of rabies, it shall be allowed to die a natural death, or if the animal should die while in confinement for any reason, the head of such animal shall be removed by a veterinarian and submitted to any qualified official laboratory.
[CC 1990 §4-40; Ord. No. 268 §8, 1985]
The owner or keeper of any dog or cat taken up and impounded pursuant to this Chapter may redeem such dog or cat at any time within six (6) days after the same shall have been impounded by the payment to the City Collector a redemption or impounding fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) plus three dollars ($3.00) per day for boarding the animal. The impounding or redemption fee shall be paid into the City Treasury. The City Collector, upon receipt of such redemption or impounding fee and of such other sums as may be due, in any given case, shall issue to the owner or keeper of such dog or cat an appropriate release slip authorizing the custodian of the impounded dog or cat to deliver same to the person presenting such release slip. Dogs or cats so taken up and impounded shall be slain or caused to be slain in a humane manner by the person designated by the City for that purpose, or they may be given or sold to laboratories for experimental purposes.
[CC 1990 §4-41; Ord. No. 268 §9, 1985]
The keeper of any dog or cat taken up and impounded pursuant to this Article shall submit satisfactory evidence that such dog or cat has been immunized for rabies prior to the date of impounding or as a condition to the release, that such dog or cat shall be immunized within three (3) days after release.