[CC 1990 §16-8; CC 1978 §907.005]
The cost of bringing to grade all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, and for the building of bridges, culverts, public sewers and foot walks across streets, avenues, alleys and other public highways shall be paid out of the General Revenue Fund of the City, provided however, that the Board of Aldermen may by ordinance, when permitted to do so under the law, provide other means of payment of the cost of bringing to the established grade any street, avenue, alley or other highway or square or area formed by the intersection or meeting of streets or other highways or part thereof proposed to be improved.
[CC 1990 §16-9; CC 1978 §907.007]
The Board of Aldermen shall have power within the City, by ordinance, to cause the streets, avenues, alleys and public places of the City, or any part thereof, to be sprinkled, oiled, repaired and surfaced and resurfaced and the cost thereof to be paid by special tax as provided for by law.
[CC 1990 §16-10; CC 1978 §907.009]
The cost of paving, macadamizing, guttering and curbing (where such curb is set out into the street beyond the sidewalks) all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways or any part thereof or any connection therewith and repairing the same, and for doing all excavation and grading necessary therefore, after said streets, avenues, alleys and other highways or parts thereof or connections therewith have been brought to a grade as hereinbefore provided, shall be levied as a special assessment upon all lots and pieces of ground upon either side of such street, avenue, alley or other highway or part thereof or connection therewith abutting thereon along the distance improved in proportion to the front foot.
[CC 1990 §16-11; CC 1978 §907.011]
The City of Belle is hereby granted power, authority and right to issue its bonds, within the limits prescribed by the Constitution and State laws, for the purpose of paving, graveling, macadamizing, guttering and curbing all or any part of any public street, avenue, alley or public highway, provided however, that such bonds shall not be issued until two-thirds (⅔) of the legal voters of said City have consented thereto in accordance with the laws of Missouri.
[CC 1990 §16-12; CC 1978 §907.013]
The cost of paving or macadamizing the squares and areas as formed by the crossing or meeting of streets and other highways and parts thereof, or connections therewith, shall be borne by a special assessment as provided for by law.
[CC 1990 §16-13; CC 1978 §907.015]
The assessments made for making and repairing sidewalks and sidewalk curbing and for paving, macadamizing, curbing and guttering all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways and repairing the same, as herein provided, shall be known as special assessments for improvements and shall be levied and collected as a special tax, as provided by law.
[CC 1990 §16-14; CC 1978 §907.017]
The Board of Aldermen is hereby given power, by ordinance, to create, open and improve any public square, public park, street, avenue, alley and other highway, old or new, and also to vacate or discontinue the same whenever deemed necessary or expedient, provided that all damages sustained by the citizens of the City or the owners of the property therein shall be ascertained as prescribed by law relating to the condemnation of private property for public use; and provided further, that whenever any public square, street, avenue, alley or other highway shall be vacated, the same shall revert to the owners of the adjacent lots in proportion as it was taken from them; and when the grade of any street or alley shall have been once established by ordinance, it shall not be lawful to change such grade without making compensation to all persons owning real estate on such street or square, avenue, alley or other highway who may be damaged by such change of grade, to be determined and governed in all respects with reference to benefit and damages as is provided under the laws of Missouri.