[R.O. 2016 § 400.200; Ord. No. 438-02 §§ 1 — 2, 11-12-2002]
It shall be the duty of the Director of Community Development to administer and enforce the regulations contained herein.
It shall be unlawful to commence or to proceed with the erection, construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration, enlargement, extension, razing or moving of any building or structure or of any portion thereof without first having applied in writing to the Director of Community Development for building permit to do so and a building permit has been granted therefor; provided, however, that no building permit shall be required to move any accessory building onto a residential lot where the gross area covered by the accessory building is one hundred (100) square feet or less and the accessory building is not permanently attached to the ground as long as there are no more than a total of two (2) accessory buildings on the residential lot allowed pursuant to this exception.
Every application for a building permit shall be in writing and delivered to the Director of Community Development and shall be accompanied by a detailed set of plans in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the size of the proposed building or structure, its location on the lot, the basic materials of which it is to be constructed and the details and type of construction to be used. On the issuance of a permit, one (1) set of said plans shall be retained by the Director of Community Development as a permanent record and one (1) set shall be returned to the applicant.
Blank forms shall be provided by the Director of Community Development for the use of those applying for permits as provided for in this Code. Any permits issued by the Director of Community Development shall be on standard forms for such purpose and furnished by the City. A careful record of all such applications, plans, and permits shall be kept in the office of the Director of Community Development.
Any building permit, under which no construction work has been commenced within six (6) months after the date of issue of said permit or under which the proposed construction has not been completed within two (2) years of the date of issue shall expire by limitation; and no work or operation shall take place under such permit after such expiration. A building permit may be once extended for a period not exceeding six (6) months by the Director of Community Development.
No building permit shall be issued for and no building shall be erected on any lot within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Park Hills unless the street giving access to the lot upon which the building is proposed to be placed conforms to the requirements of the Major Street Plan of the City of Park Hills, as provided in Sections 89.460 and 89.470, RSMo.
All applications for building permits shall be subject to supplementary regulations and provisions of all municipal ordinances affecting the erection, construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration, enlargement, extension, razing or moving of any building or structure, or any portion thereof, within the designated Flood Hazard Area of the City of Park Hills.
No building permit shall be issued for and, except as provided in Subsection (B) above, no accessory building shall be erected, constructed, enlarged or extended on, or moved onto, any lot within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Park Hills unless constructed with a permanent concrete foundation structure in accordance with the Building Code adopted in Title V of this Code.