This article is designed to provide for the future growth and development of those multifamily residences, businesses, and industries that seek an aesthetically attractive working environment. The intent and purpose of this article are to promote and maintain desirable economic development within the Business/Commercial (B-1) District, Limited Industrial (LI) District, General Industrial (GI) District, Multifamily (R-3) District and Planned Development (PD) District that is practical, feasible, and an asset to owners, neighbors, and the Town of Lawrence while maintaining a safe and attractive environment. The Town of Lawrence Town Board has final approval on all site plan/development and design.
The purpose of this article is to establish rules, regulations, standards, and procedures for approval of all new development proposals and the expansion of existing businesses and industries in order to:
Provide for safe, efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
Provide for screening, landscaping, signage, lighting and green space.
Ensure efficient, safe, and attractive land development.
Provide for compliance with appropriate design standards to ensure adequate light and air, proper building arrangements, and minimal adverse effect on adjacent properties.
Develop proper safeguards to minimize the impact on the environment.
Ensure the provision of adequate water supply, drainage, and stormwater management, sanitary facilities, and other utilities and surveys.
Encourage modern and unique innovative design, construction, technology and planning methods.
Advance and promote sound growth and continuous development within the Town.
This article applies to the following zoning districts: Business/Commercial (B-1) District, Limited Industrial (LI) District, General Industrial (GI) District, Multifamily (R-3) District and Planned Development (PD) District.
The interpretation and application of this article shall be held as minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, and welfare.
No structure shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or altered and no structure or land shall be used for any purpose nor in any manner which is not in conformity with the provisions of this article.
Where permitted and prohibited uses, site and landscape regulations, building design criteria, off-street parking and loading requirements, and other regulations contained herein are either more or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by provisions of any other law, ordinance, rule, resolution or regulation, the requirements that are more restrictive or which impose a higher standard shall govern.
Vision corners are required in all districts. The vision corner will be defined as follows: The vision corner is formed by measuring 30 feet along each property line from the corner where the two street sides of the property meet. Connecting these two lines with a diagonal line completes the triangle and forms the vision corner.
It shall be the duty of the Town Board or designated individual to be in charge of the day-to-day administration and interpretation of the development and design standards. Enforcement of these standards is charged to the Lawrence Building Inspector in accordance with § 60.61, Wis. Stats.
All proposed site plans shall be forwarded to the following Town departments: Town Clerk/Treasurer, Building Inspector, Fire Department, Public Works and Planning and Zoning Board. Each department shall review each plan and make recommendations to approve, approve with conditions, or reject said plan to the Planning and Zoning Board within 45 days of submittal. These departments shall be responsive to applicants and their possible time constraints and shall expedite the review process to the extent possible and forward to the Town Board for final approval.
From time to time the design criteria may be amended, changed or deleted. Such action shall originate before the Planning and Zoning Board and be reviewed and approved by the Town Board in accordance with § 60.61, Wis. Stats.
Change of use or occupancy of a building or structure must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Board and Town Board.
Appeals. Unless otherwise provided herein, appeals to the requirements contained in these standards shall be heard by the Board of Appeals.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish general development performance standards, in accordance with Chapter 300, Zoning, of this Code. These standards are intended and designed to assure compatibility of uses; to prevent urban blight, deterioration, and decay; and to enhance the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the community.
Building. The Town of Lawrence's overall approach encourages a variety of architectural styles. However, basic harmony is intended to prevail so that no one structure detracts from the attractiveness of the overall environment. The Planning and Zoning Board and the Town Board shall review building design in order to ensure architectural compatibility and integrity. The building requirements of this section are intended to be general requirements, and more stringent requirements may be imposed by the Planning and Zoning Board or the Town Board, taking into consideration public interests, such as coordinating a consistent appearance and quality of construction with adjacent structures, the size of the proposed structure, the topography of the site, and the proximity of the structure to public rights-of-way.
Building exterior front elevation and walls facing adjacent street/roadway. Materials shall be one of the following (color and texture to be approved):
Hard-burned clay brick.
Concrete masonry. Units shall be those generally described by the National Concrete Masonry Association as "customized architectural concrete masonry units" or shall be broken-faced brick-type units with marble aggregate or split-face or broke-off concrete block. There shall be no exposed concrete block on the exterior of any building facing any public road. Any concrete units that have a gray cement color shall be color coated.
Concrete may be poured in place, tilt-up or pre-cast. Poured in place and tilt-up walls shall have a finish of stone, a texture or a coating. Coating shall be an approved material with proof of warranty.
Natural stone.
Glass curtain walls.
Metal siding, insulated wall panels, structural insulated panels, or other materials approved by the Town Board may be used only in combination with one of the approved materials [Subsection C(1) to (5)] and with approval of the Planning and Zoning Board. Only concealed fastener systems will be allowed. These products will be approved only with proof of sufficient warranty and workmanship. Samples and manufacturer specifications shall be supplied upon request.
Building exterior side elevations. Sides adjacent to the front wall/elevation shall consist of the same material as the front wall for at least 30 feet in length or equivalent to 30% of the side wall elevation. The balance of the side walls may be faced with a coated metal siding or other approved material which is entirely coated with a colorfast, abrasion- and corrosion-resistant, long-life finish which is resistant to chemicals and withstands temperature extremes. Any material utilized to attach the metal siding to the building shall be concealed or the utilization of shadow panels or semi-concealed fastener panels with fasteners painted to match required. Color and texture to be approved. Samples shall be provided upon request.
Building exterior rear elevation.
Metal siding may be utilized on the rear building walls. Any metal siding proposed for use shall be entirely coated with a colorfast, abrasion- and corrosion-resistant, long-life (minimum of 20 years) finish that is resistant to chemicals and withstands temperature extremes. Any material utilized to attach the metal siding to the building shall be concealed or the utilization of shadow panels or semi-concealed fastener panels with fasteners painted to match required. Color and texture to be approved. Samples shall be provided upon request.
The colors, materials, and finishes shall be coordinated in a consistent manner with other buildings within the district.
Mechanical equipment. All mechanical equipment shall be enclosed or screened. Roof-mounted equipment shall be integrated into the design of the structure, enclosed or screened to the extent possible.
Construction. Construction shall commence within one year of plan approval or in accordance with a development agreement with the Town. No site plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Board shall be valid for more than 12 months from the date of such approval unless a building permit is obtained and development in accordance with such site plan is commenced within such period. The provisions of this section shall apply unless otherwise agreed to by the Town of Lawrence Town Board.
Maintenance. The exterior walls and roof of buildings shall be maintained in a clean, orderly, and attractive condition, free of cracks, dents, punctures, breakage, and other forms of visible marring. Materials that become excessively faded, chalked, cracked, chipped, damaged or otherwise deteriorated shall be replaced, refinished, repaired or repainted in accordance with the reasonable determination and order of the Building Inspector within 30 days' notice of such defect. Violations are subject to fines in accordance with Chapter 20, Citations, of this Code, § 778.11, Wis. Stats., or through issuance of a citation and prosecution in the Municipal Court.
No right to divide property. After a site has been approved, it shall not be further divided without the review and consent of the Planning and Zoning Board with final approval by the Town Board.
Construction and maintenance. Every fence shall be constructed in a substantial, workmanlike manner and of material reasonably suited for the purpose for which the fence is proposed to be used. Every fence shall be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair or danger or constitute a nuisance, public or private. Any such fence which is, or has become, dangerous to the public safety, health or welfare is a public nuisance and shall be repaired. Link fences, wherever permitted, shall be constructed in such a manner that no barbed ends shall be at the top except for limited outdoor storage areas. Violations are subject to fines in accordance with Chapter 20, Citations, of this Code, § 778.11, Wis. Stats., or through issuance of a citation and prosecution in the Municipal Court.
Location and height. On corner lots in all districts, no fence or planting in excess of 36 inches above the street center-line grade shall be permitted within a vision corner.
In those instances where a fence exists as an enclosure which restricts access from the front to the rear yard, a gate, identifiable as a collapsible section, or other such means of recognizable ingress, shall be unobstructed and a minimum of three feet in width. The location of such ingress points shall be positioned at any point paralleling the front lot line between the side lot property line and the principal structure.
Fences in all nonresidential zones shall not exceed eight feet in height.
No fencing shall be allowed between the front setback line and the principal structure.
When erecting a fence on a berm, the total height of the berm and the fence combined shall not be greater than eight feet above the natural grade. Height barrier if required may vary and will be determined by the Planning and Zoning Board and approved by the Town Board.
Certain locations and business types may require 90% impervious fencing which shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Board and the Town Board.
To provide for the basic needs of safety and security, appropriate lighting shall be provided in order to delineate roads, drives, parking areas, pedestrianways, buildings, and other organizational points. Lighting shall be an integral part of the overall architectural design; therefore, proposed lighting, whether freestanding or building-mounted, shall complement the architectural character of the principal use. Lighting design shall correlate energy conservation with aesthetic, architectural, and safety factors.
Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking, loading and service areas shall be shaded, diffused, or arranged to reflect light away from adjacent parcels and public streets. Glare, whether direct or reflected, as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible beyond the limits of the site from which it originates. Parking lot lights may be used in either a single or multi format. Characteristics: 27,000 lumen high-pressure sodium/metal halide, spaced approximately 100 feet to 120 feet off center, consisting of sharp, cutoff-type luminaires. Maximum height for pole not to exceed 30 feet, to be an approved metal pole. The use of wooden poles is prohibited.
Walkway lighting should be of the same family as mentioned above, height to be 10 feet to 14 feet above grade. Bollard lighting can be used as low-level walkway illumination on private property.
Building lighting should occur as part of the overall design concept, using recessed lighting in overhangs and at the entrance. Well-designed soft lighting of the building exterior is allowed, provided that it does not impact on the surrounding properties and complements the architecture and the light source is concealed.
The use of floodlights, building-mounted or otherwise, and tall freeway-type fixtures is prohibited unless approved by the Planning and Zoning Board and a final approval from the Town Board.
Flag directional lighting is permitted with approval of the Planning and Zoning Board and final approval from the Town Board.
The following procedure shall be followed for the submittal of site plans. Where procedures and requirements imposed by this section are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable procedures and requirements imposed by any other provision of this chapter or any other law, ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements shall govern.
Preliminary consultation. Prior to the submittal of a site plan, it is recommended that the developer meet with the Town Clerk/Treasurer, Zoning Administrator, Building Inspector, and/or other appropriate Town staff to discuss zoning district, site plan, and landscaping plan requirements. Such meeting should occur prior to any extensive outlay of funds on the part of the developer since it is intended to identify potential problems and methods to alleviate them and to encourage a cooperative effort between the developer/owner and the Town.
Plan submittal. One electronic set of plans, plus three copies of all site plans requiring approval by the Planning and Zoning Board, shall be submitted to the Town Clerk/Treasurer seven days prior to the second Wednesday of the month. Landscaping plans may be submitted separately or included in the site plan. All plans shall be drawn to an engineering scale no greater than one inch equals 100 feet, plus one complete set of such plans reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches, and contain the following information:
Name of project/development.
Location of project/development by street address or certified site map (CSM).
Name and mailing address of developer/owner.
Name and mailing address of engineer/architect.
North point indicator.
Boundary lines of property, with dimensions.
Color rendering of building.
Location identification, and dimensions of existing and proposed:
Topographic contours at a minimum interval of two feet and key spot elevations.
Adjacent street elevations, street rights-of-way and proposed elevation of ground floor.
Locations and dimensions of fire lanes.
Utilities and any other easements, including but not limited to the following types:
Natural gas.
Sewer (sanitary and storm).
Fiber optic lines.
Other transmission lines.
Ingress-egress easements.
All buildings and structures, existing and proposed, to consider maximum development of the parcel if more than one structure could be located on the parcel.
Parking facilities.
Water bodies and wetlands.
Surface water holding ponds, drainage ditches, and drainage patterns; location and size of culverts.
Sidewalks, walkways, and driveways.
Off-street loading areas and docks.
Fences and retaining walls.
All exterior signs.
Exterior refuse collection areas must be enclosed by an approved material on a minimum of three sides, the open side cannot face the road or must be gated, and must be located in rear of structure. Multifamily (R-3) District exterior refuse collection areas must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board with final approval from the Town Board.
Exterior lighting.
Traffic flow on and off site.
Location of open space/green space.
Site statistics, including:
Site square footage.
Percent site coverage.
Percent open space and green space.
Floor area ratio.
Location and dimensions of proposed outdoor display areas.
Architectural rendering of the proposed structures and buildings, including:
All dimensions;
Gross square footage of existing and proposed buildings and structures; and
Description of all exterior finish materials.
Erosion control plans.
Stormwater drainage plan.
A staging plan of any project involving more than one phase or construction season which sets forth the chronological order of construction and relates to the proposed uses and structures of various service facilities and estimated completion dates.
Other information considered pertinent by Planning and Zoning Board, Town Board and/or the developers/owners.
Fees. All appropriate fees shall be submitted with the plans.
Review. Site plans shall be forwarded to the Town Clerk/Treasurer seven days prior to the second Wednesday of the month. The Planning and Zoning Board shall review and either approve, conditionally approve, or deny approval of the site plan based upon the appropriate zoning district requirements and the criteria set forth in Subsection B above.
Appeals. Appeals of a final Town Board decision may be made to the Board of Appeals.
General statement. The Town of Lawrence finds that is in the public interest for all developments to provide landscape improvements for the purposes of complementing the natural environment; improving the general appearance of the Town and enhancing its aesthetic appeal; preserving the economic base; improving quality of life; delineating and separating use areas; increasing the safety, efficiency, and aesthetics of use areas and open space; screening and enhancing privacy; mitigating the diverse impact of climate; conserving energy; abating erosion and stabilizing slopes; deadening sound; and preserving the quality of our air and water.
Landscape plan. All applicants for building permits for Business/Commercial (B-1) District, Limited Industrial (LI) District, General Industrial (GI) District, Multifamily (R-3) District and Planned Development (PD) District shall submit a landscape plan, prepared pursuant to Subsection C, below, for review and approval as required herein prior to the request for a building permit. Where procedures and requirements imposed by this section are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable procedures and requirements imposed by any other provision of this chapter or any other law, ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements shall govern.
Procedure. The following procedure shall be followed for the submittal of landscape plans:
Preliminary consultation. Prior to the submittal of a landscape plan, it is recommended that the developer/owner meet with the Town Clerk/Treasurer, Building Inspector, and/or other appropriate Town staff to discuss zoning district, site plan, and landscaping plan requirements. Such meeting should occur prior to any extensive outlay of funds on the part of the developer since it is intended to identify potential problems and methods to alleviate them and to encourage a cooperative effort between the developer/owner and the Town.
Plan submittal. One electronic set of plans plus 12 copies of all landscape plans requiring approval by the Planning and Zoning Board shall be submitted to the Town Clerk/Treasurer seven days prior to the second Wednesday of the month. Landscaping plans may be submitted separately or included in the site plan. All plans shall be drawn to an engineering scale no greater than one inch equals 100 feet, plus one complete set of such plans reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches, and contain the following information:
The location and dimensions of all proposed open space/green space areas.
Identification of all proposed vegetation:
Symbols, quantities, common names, and size of all plant materials.
Show all species to scale of mature crown diameter or spread.
Existing vegetation to be saved if possible or deemed feasible.
Typical sections of berms, fences, retaining walls, planter boxes, barriers, etc.
Review. Review of landscape plans shall be conducted concurrently and follow the same procedure as site plan review.
Appeals. Appeals of the Town Board decisions may be made to the Board of Appeals.
Specific requirements.
Ground cover. Open space areas shall, at a minimum, be seeded six months after completion of building. The following exceptions may be granted by Town staff during the review process:
The use of mulch material for shrubs and foundation plantings;
The seeding of future expansion areas delineated on site plan;
Areas maintained in a natural state that are undisturbed during construction; or
Other landscape elements such as decks, patios, stepping stones or landscape stones may be incorporated therein.
Minimum size of plantings. Required vegetation shall be of the following minimum planting size. Plantings must be 17 feet from the property line equally spaced one tree every 50 feet of road frontage (minimum of two trees).
Deciduous trees: one per every 50 feet of road frontage is required. Required size 1.5 inches in diameter as measured six inches above ground. Choice of maple or a species approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.
Evergreen shrubs used for screening purposes, including those used in conjunction with berms, shall be a minimum of 24 inches in height.
All trees used in site development shall be indigenous to the appropriate hardiness zone and physical characteristics of the site.
All plant material shall conform to American Standards for Nursery Stock, latest edition, sponsored by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. All vegetation shall be planted in accordance with accepted planting procedures.
All proposed vegetation included in the landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board to assure compliance with the requirements contained herein. Final approval is required of the Town Board.
All approved landscaping is to be installed in accordance with compliance timetable.
Any vegetation included on an approved landscape plan that dies shall be replaced by the developer/owner within one planting season. Vegetation replaced shall conform to the approved landscape plan and the requirements contained herein.
Maintenance. It shall be the joint responsibility of the owner and/or lessee of the principal use, uses, or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner all landscaping materials, vegetation, screening, and fences contained in the approved landscape and site plans.
Compliance timetable. All landscape plans shall include a timetable for construction, installation or planting within a period not to exceed two years from the date of commencement of construction. Any person who is, or has been, required to landscape any part of a zoning lot and who has not complied with that requirement shall, within 60 days of receipt of written notice from the Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector that a violation of this section exists, comply with all requirements.
District requirements. Development within the Town shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Multifamily (R-3) shall contain at a minimum:
One tree per 50 feet of road frontage, minimum of two trees.
Twenty-five percent of total lot area shall remain green space.
Business/Commercial (B-1) District, Limited Industrial (LI) District, General Industrial (GI) District and Planned Development (PD) District shall contain at a minimum:
One tree per 50 feet of road frontage, minimum of two trees.
Twenty-five percent of total lot area shall remain green space.
Buffers. That portion of any Business/Commercial, Industrial, or Multifamily District (other than duplex construction) that is abutting property zoned for single-family residential development shall have a landscaped area of at least six feet wide extending the full length of the Business/Commercial, Industrial, or Multifamily District and meeting the following minimum requirements:
One tree per 35 linear feet, or fraction thereof, of lot line bordering single-family districts.
A shrub, border, hedge, wall, fence, earthen berm, or other durable landscape barrier, or combination thereof, at least four feet high, but not exceeding eight feet high, which is 90% impervious to sight placed along the perimeter of such landscaped strip, except in the front yard setback.
When a berm or plantings, or a combination thereof, is used as a buffer, it may exceed eight feet in height only upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Board and final approval from the Town Board.
If a berm or buffer is erected, provisions shall be made for stormwater runoff. A detail plan is required with submittal.
Refer to Chapter 145, Erosion Control and Stormwater Management, Article I, Illicit Discharge and Connection, Article II, Construction Site Erosion Control, and Article III, Post-Construction Stormwater Management, of this Code.