Nonmetallic mining is recognized as an important industry which
contributes to the Town's economic and social well-being but
which risks damage to the long-term physical environment and the tax
base of the Town. It is the purpose of this chapter to establish regulations
for nonmetallic mining and site reclamation that will protect the
environment and the tax base both during and after the conduct of
mining operations.
In this chapter, terms shall mean the following:
The cessation of nonmetallic mining operations for more than
360 consecutive days where the cessation is not specifically set forth
in an operator's application, operation or reclamation plan or
permit, or by other written request deemed sufficient by the Town.
"Abandonment of operations" does not include the cessation of activities
due to labor strikes or natural disasters.
Any horizontal increase beyond dimensions of the original
application for the project site and shall be subject to the diminishing
assets rule.
The contaminating or rendering unclean or impure of the air,
land or waters of the state or making the same injurious to public
health, harmful for commercial or recreational use, or deleterious
to fish, bird, animal or plant life.
Any vertical or horizontal increase or decrease within the
dimensions of the original application for the project site.
Operations or activities for the extraction from the earth
for sale or use by the operator of mineral aggregates such as stone,
sand, and gravel and nonmetallic minerals such as asbestos, beryl,
clay, feldspar, peat, and talc and topsoil-related operations or activities
such as excavation, grading or dredging, if the purpose of those operations
or activities is the extraction of mineral aggregates and nonmetallic
minerals, and related processes such as crushing, screening, scalping,
dewatering and blending. "Nonmetallic mining" or "nonmetallic mining
operation" does not include or allow the following activities or uses,
by way of illustration which include but are not limited to: manufacture
of concrete building blocks or other similar products, asphalt or
hot blacktop mixing and production of ready-mix concrete. Any such
uses need to be granted by a separate conditional use permit.
Waste soil, rock, mineral, liquid, vegetation and other waste
material resulting from a nonmetallic mining operation. This term
does not include merchantable by-products resulting directly from
or displaced by the nonmetallic mining operation.
The location where a nonmetallic mining operation is proposed
to be conducted or is conducted, including all surface areas from
which minerals are removed, related storage and processing areas,
areas where nonmetallic mining refuse is deposited, and areas disturbed
by the nonmetallic mining operation by activities such as the construction
or improvement of roads or haulage ways.
Any person who is engaged in a nonmetallic mining operation
or nonmetallic mining site reclamation or who applies for or holds
a nonmetallic mining permit issued under a nonmetallic mining reclamation
ordinance, whether individually, jointly or through subsidiaries,
agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors.
The owner and operator of a proposed or existing nonmetallic
mining site and all owners of property located within 1,000 feet of
the boundaries of a proposed or existing nonmetallic mining site.
Any permit which may be required under this chapter of an
operator as a condition precedent to commencing or continuing nonmetallic
mining at a project site.
The rehabilitation of a nonmetallic mining site, including,
but not necessarily including, and not limited to, removal of nonmetallic
mining refuse, grading of the site, replacement of topsoil, stabilization
of soil conditions, establishment of vegetative cover, control of
surface water and groundwater, prevention of environmental pollution,
construction of fences and, if practical, restoration of plant, fish
and wildlife habitat.
The replacement of the topsoil which was removed and disturbed
by a nonmetallic mining operation or the provision and placement of
soil which is at least as adequate, in the opinion of the Town, as
the topsoil which was removed or disturbed for the purposes or providing
adequate vegetative cover and stabilization of soil conditions.
A quantity of durable stones or concrete pieces of varying
size and shape, placed as a protective layer over soil in such a manner
that the smaller pieces fill the spaces between the larger pieces.
Concrete pieces are less desirable than stones for this use, and those
with exposed reinforcing rods shall not be used.
That material (normally the A and upper part of the B horizon)
which, based upon the official National Cooperative Soil Survey, is
acceptable for respreading on the surface of regraded areas to provide
a medium which sustains a dense plant growth capable of preventing
wind and water erosion of the topsoil and other materials beneath.
The Town of Lawrence.
Consisting of one representative from each of the nonmetallic
mining operations, one representative for blasting operators, one
resident, one member of the Town Board and one member of the Town
Planning and Zoning Board who will meet to discuss concerns and issues
relating to nonmetallic mining operations and make advisory recommendations
to the Town Planning and Zoning Board.
This chapter is applicable to all nonmetallic mining sites within
the Town of Lawrence.
This chapter does not apply to the following activities:
A. Excavations or grading by a person solely for domestic or farm use
at his or her residence or farm.
B. Excavations or grading conducted for the construction, reconstruction,
maintenance or repair of a highway, railroad, airport facility or
any other transportation facility if the excavation or grading is
within the property boundaries of the transportation facility.
C. Grading conducted for preparing a construction site or restoring
land following a flood or natural disaster.
D. Excavations for building construction purposes.
E. Nonmetallic mining sites of less than one acre.
F. Any mining operation, the reclamation of which is required in a permit
obtained under Ch. 293 or Subchapter III of Ch. 295, Wis. Stats.
G. Any activities required to prepare, operate or close a solid waste
disposal facility under Subchapters II to IV of Ch. 289, Wis. Stats.,
or a hazardous waste disposal facility under Ch. 291, Wis. Stats.,
that are conducted on the property on which the facility is located,
but this chapter shall apply to activities related to solid waste
or hazardous waste disposal that are conducted at a nonmetallic mining
site that is not on the property on which the solid waste or hazardous
waste disposal facility is located, such as activities to obtain nonmetallic
minerals to be used for lining, capping, covering or constructing
berms, dikes or roads.
H. Dredging for navigational purposes, to construct or maintain farm
drainage ditches and for the remediation of environmental contamination
and the disposal of spoils from that dredging.
I. Removal of material from the bed of Lake Michigan or Lake Superior
by a public utility pursuant to a permit under § 30.21,
Wis. Stats.
All nonmetallic mining operations existing at the effective
date of this chapter (April 24, 2000) shall, within 30 days of said
effective date of this chapter, be provided with a copy of this chapter
via certified mail. Within 90 days of their receipt of this chapter,
operators of existing nonmetallic mining operations shall submit the
necessary plans to bring said operation into conformity with this
chapter. Such period may be extended for an additional 90 days upon
review and approval by the Town Board of said written request for
extension. Pending the receipt and review of a timely submitted application
by the Town Board, the operation shall be permitted to continue the
existing nonmetallic mining operation at the site for which an application
was submitted. If a permit is denied, the applicant shall cease nonmetallic
mining operations at such site; however, the applicant shall be given
a reasonable period of time for the processing and removal of existing
materials and/or stockpiles.
The application for an initial permit hereunder shall be accompanied
by a fee as provided in the Town Fee Schedule. An application for
a renewal permit hereunder, if no substantial alterations or changes
are proposed to be made to the previously approved plans, shall be
accompanied by a fee as provided in the Town Fee Schedule. If substantial
alterations or changes are proposed to be made to the previously approved
plans, the application for the renewal permit shall be accompanied
by an additional fee as provided in the Town Fee Schedule. Permits
are issued for a calendar year, or three-year period, and expire on
December 31 of the permit expiration year.
The Town Board or its designee may enter the premises of a nonmetallic
mining site in the performance of its or his official duties or pursuant
to a special inspection warrant issued under § 66.0119,
Wis. Stats., in order to inspect the premises to act on any application
hereunder, to ascertain compliance with a nonmetallic mining reclamation
ordinance and permit, or to investigate any alleged violation. It
shall be a condition of a permit issued hereunder that, upon request,
such person shall be granted access to the premises during hours of
operation for purposes of any such inspection, provided that applicable
safety laws, rules and regulations are adhered to.