[Adopted 12-6-1957 by Ord. No. 118]
The City of Arcadia, Wisconsin, hereby elects, pursuant to Ch. 66, Wis. Stats., that the office of City Constable be abolished and that there be created the office of Chief of Police, who shall be selected as hereinafter provided.
Such person so selected to perform the duties of the office of Chief of Police shall hereafter be appointed by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members of the Common Council of the City of Arcadia and shall take office on May 1, 1958.
Such person so appointed to perform the duties of such office of Chief of Police shall hold office for an indefinite term, subject to be removed as provided in § 17.12(1)(c) and (d), Wis. Stats.
Such person appointed to perform the duties of Chief of Police shall perform the duties required of said office as provided by law and such other duties as are required or requested to be executed by him by the Common Council from time to time.
The Common Council is authorized to fix the salary of the Chief of Police. Such salary may be revised at any time in the discretion of the Common Council.
This ordinance shall be deemed an amendment to the charter of the City of Arcadia and all general charter law set forth in the Wisconsin Statutes inconsistent herewith shall not apply hereafter.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This is a charter ordinance and shall take effect 60 days after its passage and publication unless within such sixty-day period a referendum petition as provided by § 66.01, Wis. Stats.,[1] shall be filed, in which event this ordinance shall not take effect until it shall have been submitted to a referendum vote of the electors and approved by a majority vote of the electors voting thereon.
Editor's Note: See now § 66.0101, Wis. Stats.