[R.O. 2010 §120.020; CC 1970 §22-2; Ord. No. 1458 §1, 1-28-1969]
Under the authority granted to the Board of Aldermen by State Statutes, the following personnel principles and policies are established:
Employment in the City Government shall be based on merit and free of personal and political considerations;
Just and equitable incentives and conditions of employment shall be established and maintained to promote efficiency and economy in operation of the Municipal Government;
Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated for on a uniform basis;
Appointments, promotions and other personnel actions, requiring the application of the merit principle, shall be based on systematic tests or evaluations;
Every effort shall be made to stimulate high morale by fair administration of this Article and by every consideration of the rights and interests of employees, consistent with the best interests of the public and the City; and
Continuity of employment covered by this Article shall be subject to good behavior, satisfactory performance of work, necessity for the performance of work and availability of funds.
[R.O. 2010 §120.030; CC 1970 §22-3; Ord. No. 1458 §2, 1-28-1969]
All offices and positions of the City shall be and are hereby allocated to the classified service or the exempt service. The exempt service shall include all elected officials and members of the citizens boards and commissions, the City Administrator, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney, City Engineer, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Public Works Superintendent consultants and counsel rendering temporary or part-time professional services, and all other personnel appointed to serve without compensation. The classified service shall include all other positions in the City service which are not specifically placed in the exempt service by this Article. Unless specifically designated otherwise, personnel policies and rules shall apply to employees of the classified service.
[R.O. 2010 §120.040; CC 1970 §22-4; Ord. No. 1458 §3, 1-28-1969]
The City Administrator shall have the basic responsibility for the personnel program as set forth in this Article. He/she specifically shall:
Be responsible for effective personnel administration;
Appoint, remove, suspend and discipline all officers and employees of the City subject to the policies set forth in this Article, provisions of the general ordinances and those in the State Statutes;
Fix and establish the number of employees in the various City Departments as set by ordinance and determine the duties and compensation in accordance with the policies set forth in this Article and subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen and budget limitations; and
Perform such other duties and exercise such other powers in personnel administration as may be subscribed by law and this Article.
Cross Reference — As to the power of the administrator to appoint, suspend and remove officers, §105.270.
[R.O. 2010 §120.050; CC 1970 §22-5; Ord. No. 1458 §4, 1-28-1969]
The City Administrator shall act as Director of Personnel and shall be responsible for the administration and technical direction of the City personnel program. Specifically, the Director of Personnel shall:
Administer, under the direction of the Mayor, the personnel program as set forth in this Article and the personnel rules;
Perform all lawful and necessary duties essential to the effective administration of the personnel system;
Recommend to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for consideration, rules and revisions and amendments thereto;
Recommend to the Mayor a position classification plan for approval by the Board of Aldermen, and install and maintain such a plan;
Prepare and recommend to the Mayor a pay plan for all City employees for Board of Aldermen approval;
Establish and maintain a roster of all persons in the Municipal service setting forth each officer and employee, class title of his/her position, salary, any changes in class title, status and such other data as may be deemed desirable or useful;
Develop and administer such recruiting and examining programs as may be necessary to obtain an adequate supply of competent applicants to meet the needs of the City;
Be responsible for certification of all payrolls;
Develop and coordinate training and educational programs for City employees;
Investigate periodically the operation and effect of the personnel provisions of this Article and the rules and report his/her findings and recommendations to the Mayor; and
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Mayor not inconsistent with this Article.
[R.O. 2010 §120.060; CC 1970 §22-6; Ord. No. 1458 §5, 1-28-1969; Ord. No. 1495 §1, 10-13-1970]
The Board of Aldermen shall, as a collateral duty, perform the functions of the Personnel Appeals Board.
[R.O. 2010 §120.070; CC 1970 §22-8; Ord. No. 1458 §5, 1-28-1969; Ord. No. 1495 §1, 10-13-1970]
The Board shall hear appeals submitted by any classified employee relative to any suspension, demotion or dismissal. The Board shall hear the representatives of the City as well as the employee concerned and any witnesses presented by either. The Board shall obtain all of the facts pertinent to the case and render a decision which shall be binding on all parties concerned.
[R.O. 2010 §120.080; CC 1970 §22-9; Ord. No. 1458 §6, 1-28-1969]
The City Administrator shall present to the Board of Aldermen personnel rules and regulations to be adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Such adoption shall be by resolution. The rules shall cover specific procedures and policies to govern the following phases of the personnel program:
Administration of a position classification plan;
Administration of a pay plan;
The announcement of vacancies and the acceptance of applications for employment;
Preparation and conduct of examinations;
Establishment and use of employment lists containing names of persons eligible for employment;
Establishment of promotional policies;
Certification of employment of persons to fill vacancies and the making of temporary and emergency appointments;
Valuation of the work of employees including those serving a probationary period;
Transfer, promotion and reinstatement of employees in the classified service;
Separation from the service of employees by resignation, layoff, suspension, dismissal and for incapacity to perform required duties;
Establishment of hours of work, attendance and leave regulations and working conditions;
Development of employee morale, welfare and training;
Rules governing the outside employment of municipal employees;
Rules governing relationships with employee organizations;
Maintenance and use of necessary records and forms;
A uniform system of handling all grievances; and
Such other matters as may be necessary and proper to carry out the intent and purpose of this Article.
[R.O. 2010 §120.090; CC 1970 §22-10; Ord. No. 1458 §7, 1-28-1969]
Amendments to the personnel rules and regulations may be proposed by the City Administrator and will become effective upon approval by the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2010 §120.100; CC 1970 §22-11; Ord. No. 1458 §8, 1-28-1969]
The personnel rules and regulations shall provide procedures for the employment of persons on the basis of merit in conformity with this Article. Such procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
An orderly and systematic method of recruitment to ensure that all those employed will be hired on a merit basis, and the establishment of qualified lists for employment purposes;
Provisional appointments in the absence of appropriate employment lists; provided, that employment lists shall be established for such a position within twelve (12) months and that no person shall be employed by the City under provisional appointment for a total of more than twelve (12) months;
During the period of suspension of an employee or pending final action of proceedings to review the suspension, demotion or dismissal of an employee, the vacancy created may be filled by the employing authority only by provisional appointment; and
In the event of emergency the appointing authority may appoint such persons as are required to meet the situation but such appointments shall not exceed sixty (60) working days in any twelve (12) month period.
[R.O. 2010 §120.110; CC 1970 §22-12; Ord. No. 1458 §9, 1-28-1969]
In preparing the classification plan, as called for in this Article, the City Administrator shall ascertain the duties, authority and responsibility of all positions subject to this Article. After consultation with department heads and employees, he/she shall prepare and recommend to the Mayor a position classification plan which shall group all positions in the classified service, based on their duties, authority and responsibilities. The position classification plan shall set forth for each class or position a class title, a statement of duties, authority and responsibilities thereof and the qualifications that are necessary or desirable for the satisfactory performance of the duties of the position.
[R.O. 2010 §120.120; CC 1970 §22-13; Ord. No. 1458 §10, 1-28-1969]
The Director of Personnel shall develop a uniform and equitable pay plan consisting of minimum, intermediate and maximum rates of pay for each class of position. Salary ranges for each class shall be coordinated with the position classification plan and shall be based on the ranges of pay for other classes, requisite qualifications, general rates of pay for comparable work in other public and private employment in the area, cost of living data, suggestions of department heads and employees, maintenance or other benefits received by employees, the financial policy of the City and other economic considerations.
[R.O. 2010 §120.130; CC 1970 §22-14; Ord. No. 1458 §11, 1-28-1969]
The City Administrator shall submit the classification and pay plans to the Board of Aldermen for adoption. The Board of Aldermen shall adopt such plans as prescribed or as amended by resolution. The plans may be amended from time to time in the same manner as they were adopted.
[R.O. 2010 §120.140; CC 1970 §22-15; Ord. No. 1458 §12, 1-28-1969]
On the effective date of a new or revised pay plan, employees receiving less than the minimum rate for their class, shall be increased to the minimum rate of the salary range. Employees receiving more than the maximum rate of their class shall continue to receive the same rate. Employees whose salary rates fall at any step in the range for the position shall continue at that rate. Rates at other than an established step of the salary range shall be increased to the next higher step.
[R.O. 2010 §120.150; CC 1970 §22-16; Ord. No. 1458 §13, 1-28-1969; Ord. No. 19-19, 10-7-2019[1]]
The rules and regulations shall provide that all original and promotional appointments shall be for a probationary period of six (6) months. The City Administrator may extend this probationary period for an additional six (6) months. During this probationary period, an employee may be dismissed at any time without right of appeal or hearing in any manner. The employee dismissed during the probationary period from a position to which he/she has been promoted may be reinstated to the position from which he/she has been promoted unless charges are filed and he/she is discharged as provided in this Article and the rules.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 19-19 set an effective date of 1-1-2020.
[R.O. 2010 §120.160; CC 1970 §22-17; Ord. No. 1458 §14, 1-28-1969]
After consultation with the department head, the City Administrator may suspend an employee appointed by him/her without pay for disciplinary purposes. No employee shall be suspended for more than thirty (30) days in any calendar year; except, that extensions may be made pending any investigation and hearing. After consultation with the department head, the City Administrator may demote or dismiss an employee appointed by him/her whose work is unsatisfactory. Written notice of the action shall be served upon the employee affected and filed with the City Administrator before it shall become effective.
All appointments made by the Mayor, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, may be suspended, demoted or dismissed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2010 §120.170; CC 1970 §22-18; Ord. No. 1458 §15, 1-28-1969]
Any regular employee who is suspended, demoted or dismissed may appeal to the Appeals Board within thirty (30) days after such action is taken. The personnel rules and regulations shall establish an appeal procedure.
[R.O. 2010 §120.180; CC 1970 §22-19; Ord. No. 1458 §16, 1-28-1969]
No person in the exempt or classified service or seeking admission thereto, shall be employed, promoted, demoted or discharged, or in any way favored or discriminated against because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, or disability.
[R.O. 2010 §120.190; CC 1970 §22-20; Ord. No. 1458 §17, 1-28-1969]
The following relatives of any elective officer are disqualified from holding any appointive office or employment during the term for which the elective officer was elected: Spouse, child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister or the spouses of any of them. All relationships shall include those arising from adoption.
[R.O. 2010 §120.200; CC 1970 §22-21; Ord. No. 1458 §18, 1-28-1969; Ord. No. 03-04 §1, 2-17-2004]
City employees are encouraged to exercise their right to vote, but no employee shall make use of work time or equipment to aid a political candidate, political party or political cause or use his/her City position to persuade, coerce or intimidate any person in the interest of a political candidate, political party or political cause. Employees may not display on their person during work hours or in their work area any buttons or literature which supports or endorses a political candidate, party or cause.
No City employee, including all full-time, part-time and seasonal employees, may participate in or assist any candidate seeking elective office with the City except by casting their individual ballot.
Any City employee who becomes a candidate for any elective office involving the City of Glendale shall immediately forfeit his/her position with the City.
Prior to any City employee becoming a candidate for or accepting appointment to an elective position with a political subdivision other than the City of Glendale shall immediately place on file with the department head and City Administrator a statement which includes the following: that no City time or equipment will be used in the campaign or in carrying out the responsibilities of that elective office and that steps have been taken to assure that the employee's City job will be carried out effectively both during the campaign and for the duration of the incumbency. The City Administrator shall determine if there is any incompatibility with his/her employment with the City.
No employee shall seek election to or accept appointment to a position which is incompatible with his/her employment with the City.
Any willful violation or violation through culpable negligence of any of the above prohibitions shall be sufficient grounds for the discharge of any employee guilty of such violation.
[R.O. 2010 §120.210; CC 1970 §22-22; Ord. No. 1458 §19, 1-28-1969]
No employee under the government of the City shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution for political purpose in the City.
[R.O. 2010 §120.220; CC 1970 §22-23; Ord. No. 1458 §20, 1-28-1969]
Any person holding a position included in the classified service who shall have served continuously in such position, or in some other position included in the classified service, for a period of at least six (6) months immediately prior to January 28, 1969, shall upon certification by the appointing authority that his/her work has been satisfactory, assume regular status in the classified service in the position held on such date without preliminary examination or working tests and shall thereafter be subject in all respects to the provisions of this Article. Persons who have held positions less than the regular probationary period established for their positions shall be regarded as probationers and may be certified in the same manner when they satisfactorily complete the regular working test period from the date of original appointment.
[R.O. 2010 §120.230; CC 1970 §22-24; Ord. No. 1458 §21, 1-28-1969]
The Mayor is authorized to consult with, or receive suggestions from, individual City employees or groups of City employees concerning matters of personnel policy. Where appropriate, the Mayor may refer any requests from employees to the Board of Aldermen, along with his/her recommendations, for its consideration. On matters within the discretion of the Mayor, he/she shall give due consideration to the views of employees. However, nothing herein shall be interpreted as depriving the Board of Aldermen or the Mayor of the right to make a final decision on matters for which they have ultimate responsibility.
[R.O. 2010 §120.240; CC 1970 §22-25; Ord. No. 1458 §22, 1-28-1969]
The Board of Aldermen shall appropriate such funds as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Article.