[R.O. 2009 §12-301; Code 1969 §20-36]
It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, maintain or conduct any private hospital, nursing home or convalescent home within the City without making application for and securing a license to do so. Application for such license shall be made to the City Clerk/Administrator and shall contain the name and address of the applicant, the location of the proposed establishment, the number and character of rooms therein and the maximum number of persons expected to be accommodated therein at any one (1) time.
[R.O. 2009 §12-302; Code 1969 §20-38]
Upon receipt of an application for a private hospital, etc., license, the City Clerk/Administrator shall refer the same to the Public Safety Committee who shall cause an inspection of the premises to be made from the standpoints of health, sanitation and safety. The Public Safety Committee shall make a report of its inspection which, together with the application, shall be referred to the Board of Aldermen. Such report shall contain a recommendation as to the maximum number of persons which the applicant, as licensee, may be permitted to accommodate upon the premises at any one time. If the Board of Aldermen is satisfied that the establishment contemplated by the applicant is in compliance with the applicable laws and ordinances, it shall direct the issuance of the license. Such direction shall state the maximum number of persons which the licensee may be permitted to accommodate upon the premises at any one time, such maximum to be clearly stated upon such license. Such license, or a copy thereof, shall be promptly displayed by the licensee at or near each entrance to the premises.
[R.O. 2009 §12-303; Code 1969 §20-37]
The annual fee for a private hospital, etc., license shall be the sum of three dollars ($3.00) multiplied by the maximum number of persons permitted to be accommodated upon the premises at any one time, but not, however, less than the sum of sixty dollars ($60.00).
[R.O. 2009 §12-304; Code 1969 §20-39]
Every licensee under this Division shall in the month of January of each year make application for renewal of such license, at which time inspections shall be made as upon original application and the annual license fee paid. The Mayor may at any time require the inspection of any private hospital, nursing or convalescent home by the Public Safety Committee or by the Chief of the Fire Department and may order any alterations or changes made or the installation of any safety appliance that may be necessary to render the premises sanitary, safe or suitable for the purposes for which they are used. In the event of failure to comply with any such requirements within a period of thirty (30) days, then such license may be revoked.
[R.O. 2009 §12-305; Code 1969 §20-40]
The licensee, may at any time, make written application to the Board of Aldermen for an increase in the maximum accommodation of his/her private hospital, etc., permitted under the license then in force. Such application shall be accompanied by an inspection fee of ten dollars ($10.00). Upon such application, an inspection shall be made as upon an original application. Upon approval by the Board of Aldermen of any increase in the permitted maximum accommodation, the licensee shall pay an additional license fee for the balance of the calendar year of three dollars ($3.00) per person, upon such addition to the permitted maximum accommodation, and an amended license shall be issued to the licensee.