A subdivision sketch plan may be submitted by the subdivider or property owner as a basis for informal and confidential discussion with the Planning Commission.
Data furnished in a sketch plan shall be at the discretion of the subdivider. It is suggested that the following items be included in the sketch plan presentation. The presentation need not be to scale and the precise dimensions are not required.
Tract boundary.
North point.
Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Topographical and physical features. (Use of USGS 7 1/2, one inch equals 2,000 feet scale quadrangle maps suggested.)
Proposed general street layout.
Proposed general lot layout.
Existing zone district in which subdivision is located.
The subdivider shall supply four copies of the preliminary plan and two copies of other required material along with a written application to the Commission. The copies of the preliminary plan can be either black and white or blue and white prints. Major subdivisions may require more than one sheet in which case a small scale key map appropriately indicating part of subdivision shown on each page shall be provided.
The preliminary plan shall be at scale of 50 feet or 100 feet to the inch or at the largest practical scale and shall show the following information:
Proposed subdivision name or identifying title.
Name and address of the owner of the tract or of his authorized agent, if any, and of the subdivider.
Date, North point and graphic scale.
Total acreage of the tract and number of lots.
Zoning requirements; district and lot size. Any changes that may be proposed in the provisions of the zoning applicable to the area to be subdivided; and suggested locations of buildings in connection therewith.
Tract boundaries showing distances and bearings.
Contours at vertical intervals of five feet unless other specified.
The names of all owners of all immediately adjacent unplotted land; the names of all proposed or existing subdivisions immediately adjacent, and the locations and dimensions of all existing streets, roads, railroads, public sewers, aqueducts, water mains and feeder lines, fire hydrants, gas, electric, and oil transmission lines, watercourses, and other significant features within 400 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided; and the location of all buildings and approximate location of all tree masses within the property.
The location and widths of any streets or other public ways or places shown upon an adopted master plan, if such exists for the area to be subdivided.
The full plan of the development, showing the location of all proposed streets, roads, alleys, utility easements, parks, playgrounds and other public areas; sewer and water facilities; proposed building setback lines for each street; proposed lot lines and approximate dimensions of lots; lot number and/or block number in consecutive order; and all streets and other areas designed for appurtenant facilities, public use or proposed to be dedicated or reserved for future public use, together with the condition of such dedications or reservations.
Provision for surface drainage of the tract to be subdivided.
A key map, for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided at a minimum scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets, roads, schools, parks and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided.
Tentative cross sections and center-line profiles for each proposed street shown on the preliminary plan. These plans may be submitted as separate sheets.
Results and locations of percolation tests, made in accordance with the specifications of the Department of Environmental Protection (including the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act[1]), shall be submitted if on-lot sewage systems are to be used. The test locations must be shown on at least two copies of the preliminary plan.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.
Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. These designs may be submitted as separate sheets.
Where the preliminary plan submitted covers only a part of the subdivider's entire holding, a sketch of the prospective future street system of the unsubmitted part shall be furnished; the street system of the submitted part will be considered in the light of adjustments and connections with future streets in the part not submitted.
Proposed street names.
A draft of any proposed covenants to run with the land.
A tentative timetable for the proposed sequence of development for the subdivision.
Statement of intentions regarding installation of required improvements or furnishing performance bond or other suitable security in lieu of such installations.
The final plan which is to be submitted to the Commission for approval and subsequent recording shall either be drawn with India ink on tracing cloth or be a transparent reproduction of the final plan with black line on cloth or stable plastic base film. The final plans shall be at a scale of either 50 feet or 100 feet to the inch or at the largest practical scale. If the final plans are drawn in two or more sections it shall be accompanied by a key map showing the location of the several sections. The final plans shall be on no larger than eighteen-inch-by-twenty-four-inch sheets.
The final plan shall show the following:
Name of the subdivision.
Name and address of the owner and subdivider.
North point, graphic scale and date.
Block and lot numbers (in consecutive order), dimensions, minimum area and total number of lots; acreage of whole development density and use of land.
Source of title to the land of the subdivision and to all adjoining lots, as shown by the books of the County Recorder of Deeds, names of the owners of all adjoining unsubdivided land.
Lot lines with accurate bearings and distances. Distances to be to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
Accurate dimensions of existing public land and of any property to be dedicated or reserved for public, semipublic or community use; all areas to which title is reserved by owner.
Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and bearings, which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error of not more than one foot in 10,000 feet.
Accurate distances and directions to the nearest established street corners or official monuments. Reference corners shall be accurately described on the plan.
Complete curve data for all curves included in the plan, including radius, delta angle, tangent, arc and chord.
Street names.
Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot markers.
Easements for utilities and any limitations on such easements.
Setback lines not less than the minimum as fixed by Chapter 500, Zoning, of the Code of the Borough of North East.
A location map of the subdivision at a minimum scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the property to adjoining property and to all streets, roads, and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided.
The following certificates, where applicable, shall be shown on the final plan:
Certification, with seal, by a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor to the effect that the survey and plan are correct.
Certificate for approval by the Planning Commission.
A statement duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the owner or owners of the property, to the effect that the subdivision shown on the final plan is the act and deed of the owner, that he (subdivider) is the owner of the property shown on the survey and plan, and that he desires the same to be recorded as such.
Certificate for approval by the Borough Council.
A certificate to provide for the recording information.
The final plan shall be accompanied by the following material:
Final profiles, cross sections, and specifications for street improvements and sanitary and storm sewerage and water distribution systems shall be shown on one or more separate sheets.
All covenants running with the land governing the reservation and maintenance of dedicated or undedicated land or open space, which shall bear the certificate of approval of the Borough Solicitor as to their legal sufficiency.
Certificate of dedication of streets and other public property. (This is the offer of dedication.)
Where lot sizes are based on public water and/or public sewer facilities, assurance acceptable to the Borough Council that such facilities will be installed.
Such certificates of approval by proper authorities of the state and the Borough as may have been required by the Borough Council, including certificates approving the water supply system and sanitary sewer system of the subdivision.
One of the following for guaranteeing improvements:
A certificate from the subdivider and signed by the authorized representative of the Borough Council in which the subdivision is located, that all improvements and installations in the subdivision required by these regulations have been made or installed in accordance with specifications.
A certificate from the subdivider and signed by the authorized representative of the Borough Council that a bond, certified check, or other security satisfactory to the Borough has been filed with the Borough.