[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen as last amended 7-9-2003]
The Town of Conway Community Building and grounds serve as a community facility to be used primarily for Town-sponsored recreational programs. Their use is largely oriented towards a variety of youth programs, including the Conway Teen Center. They also serve as administrative offices for the Town Recreation Department and for such Town functions as a polling place during elections.
The building and grounds are available for general community use for such functions as meetings or special events sponsored by private for-profit or nonprofit groups. Such use, however, shall not conflict with the primary uses of the facility. Specifically, there may be events or programs that are not compatible with use of the facility for youth programs. The Town Manager shall determine whether a program or event is compatible with Town youth programs.
The following specific polices shall apply:
The facilities of the Conway Community Building shall be open for all appropriate uses by the residents of the Town of Conway.
All users of the community building will be required to enter into a user agreement.
[Amended 4-11-2017 ATM by Art. 29]
The following rental user categories shall apply:
The Town of Conway and Conway precincts and affiliates are exempt from fees.
All other organizations, groups or individuals, whether not-for-profit or for-profit, shall be subject to fees as set from time to time by the Board of Selectmen.
[Amended 4-11-2017 ATM by Art. 29]
Ongoing use of the facility by a particular group is generally not permitted. The Town Manager, however, may make exceptions to this policy if, in his/her judgment, there is a community benefit to such ongoing use.
Scheduling priority shall be given to Conway-based organizations. Use shall be at the discretion and convenience of the Recreation Department and Recreation Director and shall be subject to change or cancellation.