[Adopted by the Town of Conway]
No person shall drink any alcoholic beverages or alcoholic liquor,
as defined in RSA Ch. 175, upon any public street, highway, public
sidewalk, municipal parking lot or municipal park within the limits
of the Town of Conway.
Three or more persons shall not stand or loiter in a group or
near each other on any footwalk or sidewalk in the Town so as to obstruct
the free and unimpeded passage of foot passengers thereon; and any
person obstructing any footwalk or sidewalk by standing or loitering
thereon shall move on immediately on request of any police officer
and shall not again return to the place from which he has been requested
to move or stand in a group or loiter in that place or elsewhere on
any footwalk or sidewalk, after being so requested to move.
No person or persons shall sit, stand or lounge on a public
way in or about any door, windows or passageways, except the owners
or occupants of the premises, after having been requested by the owner,
occupant or any police officer to depart therefrom.
No person shall remain on private property after being requested
to remove himself by the owner or occupant or if said property is
posted to prohibit trespassing.
[Amended 4-11-2017 ATM by Art. 29]
Any person violating this article shall be fined in an amount
set from time to time by the Board of Selectmen.
[Adopted 3-12-1985 ATM by Art. 18]
It shall be unlawful to urinate on any public property situated
within the borders of the Town of Conway, New Hampshire.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Any way defined in RSA 259:125, II, any property owned by
the Town of Conway and any property owned by the State of New Hampshire.
[Amended 4-11-2017 ATM by Art. 29]
Any person violating this article shall be fined in an amount
set from time to time by the Board of Selectmen, to inure to the Town
for its general purposes.