[References to the Revised Statutes Annotated of the State of New Hampshire (RSA) appear in the following sections of the Town of Conway Charter and Code.]
Statutory Citation
Charter/Code Section
Subject Matter
RSA 21:34-a, II(a)(4)
§ 35-1, § 35-2
Definitions of "agriculture" and "farming"
RSA 31:39
§ 12-3, § 67-1, § 97-5, § 105-8, § 115-1, § 160-4
Penalties for violations of bylaws
RSA 31:39, I(n)
§ 97-2
Authority to make bylaws for regulating noise
RSA 36:4 (repealed 1983, 447:5, IV)
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F
Planning Board
RSA 36:54 through 36:58
§ 110-12
Review of developments of regional impact
RSA 36:55
§ 179-3C
Definition of "development of regional impact"
RSA 36:57
§ 179-3C
Procedure for review of developments of regional impact
RSA Ch. 36-A
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection C
Conservation Commission
RSA 36-A:4-a, I(b)
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection C
Authorized expenditure of funds by Conservation Commission
RSA 36-A:5
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection C
Conservation Commission appropriations
RSA Ch. 37
Charter Part II, § XVI
Town Manager
RSA 37:6, VII
Charter Part II, § XXII
Powers and duties of Town Manager
RSA 39:3
Charter Part II, §§ VI, VIII, IX
Town Meeting Articles
RSA 40:13, II-b(d)
Charter Part II, § VIII
Posting of Warrants
RSA 41:11
Charter Part III, § II
Selectmen authority to regulate use of highways
RSA 41:14-a
Charter Part III, § XI
Selectmen authority to acquire land and/or buildings
RSA 41:29-a
Charter Part II, § XVIII
Deputy Treasurer
RSA 41:38
Charter Part II, § XVII
Deputy Tax Collector
RSA 47:17
§ 156-1
Power of city councils to enact bylaws and ordinances
RSA Ch. 48-A
Ch. 72
Housing standards
RSA Ch. 49-B
Charter Part I, § II; Part III, §§ XIV, XV
Home Rule – Municipal Charters
RSA 72:1-c
§ 135-4
Optional collection of resident tax
RSA 72:28
§ 135-8, § 164-1
Standard and optional veterans' tax credit
RSA 72:28-b
§ 135-10
All veterans tax credit
RSA 72:35
§ 135-9
Tax credit for service-connected total disability
RSA 72:37
§ 135-3
Tax exemption for the blind
RSA 72:39-a
See Ch. 135, Art. V
Conditions for elderly tax exemption
RSA 72:62
§ 23-2
Tax exemption for solar energy systems
RSA 72:66
§ 23-3
Tax exemption for wind-powered energy systems
RSA 72:70
§ 23-1
Tax exemption for wood-heating energy systems
RSA 75:1
§ 26-8
Tax relief and market value
RSA 75:1-a
§ 26-5
Residential property subject to housing covenant
RSA 79-E
§ 26-1, § 26-3
Tax relief period to incentivize development
RSA 79-E:9
§ 26-9
Tax levies and penalties
RSA 80
§ 26-9
Collection of tax levies
RSA 80:52-a
§ 135-1
Prepayment of taxes
RSA 91-A:3
Charter Part II, § XV
Access to governmental records for nonpublic sessions
RSA 126-K:4
§ 90-18
Sale or distribution of tobacco products to minors
RSA Ch. 147
§ 105-8
Local authority to regulate nuisances, toilets, drains, rubbish and waste
RSA 147:1
§ 99-1
Local authority to regulate public health
RSA 147:3
§ 99-4
Public health investigations and complaints
RSA 147:4
§ 99-6B
Notice of removal of public health violations
RSA 147:6
§ 99-6C
Removal of public health violations without notice
RSA 147:7
§ 99-7
Expenses of removal of public health violations
RSA 147:7-a
§ 99-7
Notice of nuisance abatement
RSA 147:7-b
§ 99-7
Collection of nuisance abatement costs
RSA Ch. 147-A
Hazardous waste management
RSA 149-M:17
§ 115-1
Town authority and responsibility for solid waste management
RSA 149-M:4
§ 115-8B
Solid waste management definitions
RSA 155-E:2
§ 47-4A
Excavation permits required
RSA 155-E:2-a
§ 47-4A
Exceptions to excavation permit requirements
RSA 155-E:4, III
Prohibited excavation projects
RSA 155-E:4-a
Excavation operational standards
RSA 155-E:5
Excavation reclamation standards
RSA 155-E:5-a
Excavation incremental reclamation standards
RSA 155-E:5-b
Exceptions to excavation standards
RSA 155-E:7
§ 47-5F, § 47-13
Excavation hearing
RSA 155-E:8
§ 47-6A
Excavation permit fees
RSA 155-E:9
§ 47-15
Excavation permit appeals
RSA 155-E:10
§ 47-14A
Enforcement of excavation regulations
RSA 155-E:11
§ 47-1, § 47-10H
Municipal authority to regulate excavations
RSA 160-B:1, V
§ 53-1
Definition of "display" of fireworks
RSA 160-B:2
§ 53-3
Penalty for violating prohibition on sale of fireworks
RSA 160-B:3
§ 53-3
Penalty for violating prohibition on display of fireworks
RSA 160-B:10
§ 53-2
Local authority to regulate fireworks displays
RSA 169-B:32
§ 90-18
Delinquent children
§ 12-1
Alcoholic beverages
RSA Ch. 175
§ 95-1
Alcoholic beverages definitions and general provisions
RSA 175:1
§ 12-1
Alcoholic beverages definitions
RSA 204-C:57, IV
§ 26-3
Household income
RSA Ch. 227-J
§ 190-28C(8), § 190-30H(3)
Timber harvesting
RSA 227-J:9
§ 190-30H(3)
Cutting of timber near certain waters and public highways
RSA 227-L
Fire pits
RSA Ch. 227-M
Charter Part III, § XI
New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program
RSA Ch. 231
§ 130-65
City, town and village district highways
RSA 231:28 through 231:33
§ 130-68E(10)
Betterment assessments for laying out highways
RSA Ch. 236
§ 130-1
Highway regulation, protection and control regulations
RSA 236:13
§ 130-67C(8)(j)
Driveways and other public way access
RSA Ch. 259
§ 97-4
Street and vehicle definitions
RSA 259:50
§ 152-1C
Definition of "light truck"
RSA 259:115-b
§ 152-1C
Definition of "truck"
RSA 259:125
§ 12-1, § 62-4, § 95-7, § 160-1
Definition of "way"
RSA 261:86
Special number plates for vehicles of veterans
RSA 261:88
Walking disability vehicle plates and placards
RSA 261:157-a
§ 164-1
Vehicle registration exemption for prisoners of war
RSA 265:73-a
Signs on parking spaces reserved for the disabled
RSA 266:14
§ 160-1
Vehicle width defined
RSA 266:24
§ 160-1A
Special permits for vehicles over height, weight, or width limits
RSA 286:1
§ 120-1
License required for showmen
RSA 286:2
§ 120-1
License required for theatricals and parades
RSA 286:4-a
§ 120-7I
Added Town expenses for special events
RSA 286:5
§ 120-6B
Penalty for violating show and open-air meeting regulations
RSA 287:1
§ 190-31
Definition of "sports betting facility"
RSA Ch. 321-A
§ 16-1
Carnival-amusement operators
RSA 356-B:3
§ 110-3, § 130-3 (definitions of "abutter")
Condominium Act definitions
RSA 362-A:9
§ 179-4J
Net energy metering
RSA Ch. 422-b
§ 179-4G
Control of tall structures
RSA Ch. 424
§ 179-4G
Airport zoning
RSA 430:49
§ 190-27K, § 190-28H
State preemption of local pesticide management regulations
RSA 466:4.III
§ 190-31
Commercial kennels
RSA 466:6
§ 190-31
Group licensing
RSA 466:30-a
§ 35-1
Dog Control Law
RSA 466:31, II(a)
§ 35-4
Nuisance dogs
RSA Ch. 477
§ 190-3J
Conveyance of realty and interests therein
RSA Ch. 482-A
Fill and dredge in wetlands
RSA 482-A:3
Excavating and dredging permits for work in wetlands
RSA 485-A:38
Water supply and sewage disposal for accessory dwelling unit
RSA 485-A:29 through 485-A:44
§ 190-32 (definition of "functionally deficient")
Sewage disposal systems
RSA 485-A:17
§ 190-27J, § 190-28G
Terrain alteration
RSA Ch. 571-B
§ 190-17N, § 190-18L; § 190-19L, § 190-20N
Exposing minors to harmful materials
RSA 571-B:1
§ 190-32 (definition of "sexually oriented business")
Exposing minors to harmful materials: definitions
Criminal Code
RSA 644:2, V(b)
§ 12-1
Definition of "public place"
RSA 647:1
§ 190-31
Definitions of "charitable gaming facility," "game of chance"
RSA 669:13
Charter Part II, § XI
Nonpartisan ballot system
§ 190-6B
Planning and zoning
RSA Chs. 672 through 677
§ 130-1
Planning and zoning
RSA 672:1, III-a
§ 179-1
Energy-efficient purposes for land use regulations
RSA 673:1
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F; § 23-12
Local land use boards
RSA 673:2, II(a)
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F
Selectmen representation on Planning Board
RSA 673:2, II(b) and (c)
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F
Selection of Planning Board members
RSA 673:4
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection D
Historic District Commission
RSA 674:1
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F
Planning Board duties
RSA 674:2
§ 130-3 (definition of "Master Plan")
Master Plans
RSA 674:5 through 674:8
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F
Capital improvements program
RSA 674:16
§ 190-2
Municipal authority to enact zoning regulations
RSA 674:30
§ 130-61
Emergency temporary zoning and planning ordinances in relation to utility structures
RSA 674:31-a
§ 190-31, definition of "manufactured home"
Definition; presite built housing
RSA 673:33, I(b)
Zoning Board of Adjustment authority to grant zoning variances
RSA 674:35
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F
Power to regulate subdivisions
RSA 674:36
§ 130-28
Content of subdivision regulations
RSA 674:43
Charter Part II, § XXII, Subsection F; § 110-1
Power to review site plans
RSA 674:44
§ 110-8
Adoption of site plan review regulations
RSA 674:62 through 674:66
§ 179-1
Small wind energy systems
RSA 674:66
§ 179-3C
Abutter and regional notification for small wind energy systems
RSA 675:3
§ 23-24
Planning and zoning amendments
RSA 676:3
§ 110-17
Planning and zoning decisions
RSA 676:4
§ 47-5; § 110-7, § 110-8, § 110-9, § 110-11, § 110-13, § 110-16, § 110-17, § 130-9A, D, § 130-10, § 130-19A, C
Planning Board review of applications and plats
RSA 676:4-a
§ 110-46, § 110-51
Revocation of recorded land use approval
RSA 676:14
§ 190-5
Determining precedence of conflicting planning and zoning laws
RSA 676:16
§ 130-60
Penalties for transferring lots in unapproved subdivisions
RSA 676:17
§ 23-20, § 179-7, § 190-6B
Planning and zoning fines and penalties
RSA 676:17-a
§ 190-6B
Planning and zoning cease-and-desist orders
RSA 676:17-b
§ 190-6B
Land use citations
RSA Ch. 677
§ 190-31D(1)
Zoning and planning rehearing and appeal procedures
RSA 677:15
§ 110-18
Court review of Planning Board decisions