Under this Home Rule Charter the citizens of Conway shall forever retain sovereign control, and a responsibility subject only to the preemption of the Constitutions and Laws of the United States and New Hampshire over all areas of commerce and necessities of an ever modernizing society which without limitation of the foregoing includes the following:
Public safety including police, fire, rescue, civil defense, and the local militia.
Public transportation including roads, bridges, tunnels, buses, railroads, taxis, animal drawn carriages, navigable waterways, dockings, moorings and airports.
Public lands including parks and recreation areas, cemeteries and monuments, Town forests, marshes, beaches, rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, and any and all public land and buildings under Town deed or control.
Education and cultural institutions including schools, libraries, and historical preservation.
Public health including rubbish, sewerage, hazardous waste and materials, radioactive waste and materials, disease control and litter control.
Public utilities.
Social evils including gambling, liquor, drugs and prostitution.
Authority for this Home Rule Charter is granted under Part I, Article 39 of the New Hampshire Constitution and the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated Chapter 49-B. The powers of the Town under this Charter shall be interpreted liberally in favor of the town and specific mention of particular powers and rights in the Charter shall not be interpreted as limiting in any way the general power stated in this Charter. SUBJECT only to such limitations as may be imposed by State Constitution and General Laws, the Town of Conway shall have all powers possible for a Town to have as fully and completely as though they were specifically stated in this Charter.
Nothing in this Charter shall be so interpreted in any way to limit rights, powers, and functions conferred upon the citizens. The Town of Conway and the Selectmen of said Town, by general or special enactments, and the rights, powers and functions conferred by this Charter shall be cumulative and in addition to the provisions of such general or special enactments.
If any provisions of the Charter are held invalid, the other provisions of the Charter shall not be affected thereby. If the application of the Charter or any of its provisions to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the application of this Charter and its provisions to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Where questions arise concerning the power of the Town Meeting versus the powers of other bodies of Conway Town Government, the intent of this Charter is that a liberal interpretation shall be given to the powers of the Town Meeting.