[CC 1983 §60.010; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
As used in this Chapter the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
A container for receiving, transporting, and dumping waste materials. A large, covered metal trash bin, often of a kind that is emptied, or transported to a dump, by a specially equipped truck.
All normal trash, rubbish, or refuse to include cooking oils and grease generated in commercial kitchens, is waste material that is discarded by humans, usually due to a perceived lack of utility, but does not include sewage or body waste.
Material most often characterized as outdoor waste, debris that clutter areas. These unwanted items are considered to have no value or purpose and need to be disposed of.
This term is often interchangeable with the term "garbage." Unwanted materials, considered to have no appreciable value.
[CC 1983 §60.020; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
No owner or lessee of any public or private premises shall permit trash, rubbish or garbage to accumulate upon his/her premises in any manner detrimental to adequate sanitation. Containers shall be rodent proof, insect proof, and shall be kept covered at all times except when trash or garbage is being deposited therein or removed therefrom. In case garbage and trash is disposed of separately, separate containers may be required.
[Ord. No. 294 §60.030, 8-6-1987; Ord. No. 18-61, 12-6-2018; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
All trash, rubbish and garbage shall be collected and disposed of with such sufficiency and frequency to prevent a nuisance.
No person, firm or corporation shall collect trash, rubbish or garbage who does not possess a permit from the City of Hollister and said permit shall be issued only after the City of Hollister is satisfied that the applicant is capable of complying with this Chapter.
Collection of trash, rubbish and garbage shall be by means of vehicles which are properly equipped and designed for this purpose and are approved by the City of Hollister.
All residential trash, rubbish and garbage to be collected shall be placed at the street curb no earlier than 7:30 A.M. the day prior to scheduled collection and no later than 7:30 A.M. on the day such collection takes place. All residential trash, rubbish and garbage to be collected shall be placed and totally contained within a container with lid provided for this purpose as prescribed by regulations of the City of Hollister. All residential trash containers will be removed from the street curb and stored in a suitable location at least twenty-five (25) feet from the street curb within twenty-four (24) hours following collection.
All residential housing units in the City of Hollister, Missouri, shall provide by the City's servants or employees, or by people with whom said City shall contract, for the collection of trash, rubbish and garbage from all residential housing and for such services, the occupant of each residential housing unit as described shall pay to the said City of Hollister, Missouri, a monthly sum as established by the Board of Aldermen of said City, with the said occupant to be billed monthly by the said City. The said charge shall continue each month whether or not the occupant has any trash, rubbish or garbage to be collected.
All commercial properties in the City of Hollister, Missouri, shall provide by servants or employees, or by people with whom said commercial property owners shall contract, at their expense, for the collection of trash, rubbish and garbage from their property. All commercial trash, rubbish and garbage to be collected shall be placed and totally contained within a container with a lid. These containers shall be designed specifically for this purpose and screened from the public view.
All other owners, occupants, or lessees of premises within the City limits of said City, not classified as one of such residential housing units having a City water connection, shall be responsible for the collection and disposal of all trash, rubbish and garbage upon his/her premises at his/her own expense under the rules and regulations as herein set out.
[Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
Any business, school, church, charitable or non-profit organization, club or civic organization, commercial or industrial location that disposes, on a regular basis, quantities greater than four (4) 90-gallon garbage containers of garbage, or refuse shall be required to use a solid waste dumpster of the appropriate size.
Requirements. A dumpster regulated by this Chapter shall meet each of the following requirements:
The dumpster shall be located within reason, to minimize conflicts with nearby dwellings.
The dumpster shall be screened so it cannot be viewed from the right-of-way of any public street or from any adjacent residentially zoned property [as seen from any point on the property line at a height of six (6) feet], with the front of the dumpster screened and enclosed by a gate which shall remain closed except when garbage or refuse is being deposited into or removed from the dumpster. The dumpster may be screened with an attractive weather-resistant solid wood fence, decorative masonry wall, evergreen plants or a structure designed to be architecturally compatible with the principal building on the lot where the dumpster is located. The screening shall not interfere with the collection of garbage and refuse from the dumpster.
The dumpster shall not be located within the right-of-way of any street.
The dumpster shall not obstruct safe sight distances for traffic and pedestrians.
The dumpster shall not obstruct the view of traffic signs or street signs and shall not be located on a sidewalk.
The dumpster shall not be located within ten (10) feet of a window or door of a dwelling on another lot.
The area surrounding each dumpster shall be maintained free of litter, the lids shall be kept tightly secured when not in use, and dumpsters should not be overflowing with debris.
A complete copy of this Chapter shall be included in the Commercial and Residential Packets provided at the time a building permit is issued.
[CC 1983 §60.040; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
All disposal of trash, rubbish and garbage shall be by a method or methods specifically approved by the City of Hollister, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources or the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.
[CC 1983 §60.050; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
It shall be the duty of the occupants of each premises to maintain all trash, rubbish and garbage facilities serving said premises in a sanitary condition at all times.
[CC 1983 §60.070; Ord. No. 05-07, 3-17-2005; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
The charge for collection may be amended by resolution of the Board of Aldermen from time to time upon thirty (30) days' notice to the customers of the change.
Each residential housing unit not paying for commercial trash pickup will be required to pay the City of Hollister for trash, rubbish and garbage collection as part of their monthly fees charged for services.
The City of Hollister will contract, through the open public bid process, with a licensed, certified agency to provide exclusive residential trash collection and recycling services for the City. This contract will be in force for a period not to exceed three (3) years and may be extended on a year-by-year basis, or until the terms of the contract are changed, at which time new bids will be entertained.
[CC 1983 §60.080; Ord. No. 23-32, 11-2-2023]
Any person, persons, firm, association, corporation, or the agent thereof, who shall neglect, fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and when convicted, shall be fined in the sum of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than twenty-five ($25.00), and each day that such person, persons, firm, association, corporation or agent thereof, shall neglect, fail, or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed separate offenses and punished as herein provided.