[Ord. No. 02-01, 2-21-2002; Ord. No. 06-16, 5-18-2006; Ord. No. 10-33, 11-18-2010; Ord. No. 13-11, 8-15-2013; Ord. No. 20-20, 11-19-2020]
In accordance with Section 360.050 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle between the hours specified herein or for a period longer than the times mentioned herein on any day (except Sundays and public holidays) within the district or upon any of the streets or the parts of the streets as follows:
Ord. No.
CC 1983 §76.060, 305, 13-11, 20-20
2nd Street, south side of street
At all times
Exception: From Walnut to Elm
St. James Street, north side of street
At all times
St. James Street and Downing Street intersection, southeast corner
At all times
Esplanade Street, from Old Mill Road to Railroad Depot, west side of street
At all times
Evergreen Street, from Business Route 65 to school turnoff, both sides
At all times
351, 20-20
Railroad Avenue to Wilshire Drive on the pavement
At all times
364, 13-11, 20-20
Taneycomo Hill Drive, from Grey Street to First Avenue, on pavement on west side of street
At all times
Maple Street, from Business Route 65 to Scott Street, either side of street
At all times
Presbyterian Street, from Business Route 65 to Knox Avenue, south side of street
At all times
93-12, 13-11, 20-20
Esplanade Street, from Second Street to City Hall, west side
At all times
Second Street, north side
At all times
93-12, 97-19, 13-11, 20-20
White Hall and Downing Street intersection, southeast corner
At all times
Corner of White Hall and Downing, west side
At all times
Esplanade Street, Taneycomo Hill Drive, Maple Street to First Avenue, on the pavement on west side
At all times
Southwest Cedar Lane, either side
At all times
97-19, 20-20
White River Mountain Boulevard from BB Highway to Spring Valley Court, both sides of the street
At all times
00-03, 13-11, 20-20
Brianna Drive from BB Highway to the alleyways immediately south of Toby Lane and Tyler Circle
7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. — Monday through Friday when school is in session
03-52, 20-20
Hawthorne Street from Myrtle Street north to dead end, either side.
At all times
06-16, 20-20
Maple Street from Scott Street to end of City limits, east side of street.
At all times
10-33, 20-20
Knox Avenue, from State Highway BB north to east State Highway 76
At all times
Trent Street, Woodside Street, Dogwood Lane
South side; At all times
Scott Street, Mystic Avenue, Stonington Street, Daless Court, Andro Circle
North side; At all times
Ord. No.
CC 1983 §76.060(1)
Downing Street
Two-hour parking 8:00 A.M. — 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday except holidays and Sundays
Ord. No.
93-12, 13-11
Birdcage Walk
From Business Route 65 to Whitehall Street, parking is prohibited except for the making of deliveries, picking up or letting of passengers, or for loading and unloading cargo and then not to exceed ten (10) minutes per stop