[Ord. No. 333 § 2, 4-10-2017]
In addition to any fine that may be imposed by the Judge, there shall be assessed as costs in all cases where the Defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty the following:
Clerk Fee
§ 479.260
Statewide Court Automation
§ 476.053
These monies shall be credited to the court automation fund and shall be paid to the State Treasurer to pay for the automation of the Hallsville Municipal Court.
Law Enforcement Training Fund
§ 488.5336
These monies shall be credited to the law enforcement train fund and shall be paid to the State Treasurer to be expended for the training required by § 590.100 to § 590.180 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, providing that any excess funds not required to pay for such training may be used to pay for additional training for peace officers or for training other law enforcement officers employed or appointed by the City.
Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission Fund
§ 488.5336
These monies shall be sent to the Missouri Treasurer to be expended for law enforcement training pursuant to § 590.178 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.
Inmate Security Fund
§ 488.5026
These monies shall be credited to the Inmate Security Fund.
Crime Victim's Compensation Fund
§ 595.045
Costs for issuance of a warrant, commitment, summons, subpoena, continuance or other process or proceeding as provided before the Associate Circuit Judge in criminal cases in the 13th Judicial Circuit.
Apprehension and confinement costs shall be the actual costs assessed against the City by the County Sheriff.
Actual expense incurred in any other confinement facility.
Mileage in the same amount as authorized for the Sheriff for each mile or fraction thereof an officer must travel (round-trip) in order to serve any warrant, commitment or order of the Court.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (5) regarding the court cost for domestic violence shelters was repealed 10-9-2017 by § 1 of Ord. No. 340.
A trial de novo application shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) (§ 488.020).
[Ord. No. 333 § 2, 4-10-2017]
The costs of any action may be assessed against the prosecuting witness and a judgment entered against the witness ordering the witness to pay the same and that the witness be committed until the costs are paid in any case where the Municipal Judge finds that the prosecution commenced vexatiously or without probable case or, in such case when the prosecuting witness fails to appear without good cause, or upon appearing, refuses to testify on other constitutional grounds.
Notwithstanding any provision of law, Supreme Court Rule, or Court Operating Rule, in a proceeding for a municipal ordinance violation or any other proceeding before a Municipal Court if the charge carries the possibility of fifteen (15) days or more in jail or confinement, a defendant shall not be charged any fee for obtaining a police report, probable cause statement, or any video relevant to the traffic stop or arrest. Such police report, probable cause statement, or video shall be provided by the prosecutor upon written request by the defendant for discovery.