[Adopted as Art. 3, § 7, of the Town Bylaws]
[Amended 5-3-2016 ATM by Art. 23]
There is hereby established within the Town of Sharon a committee to be known as the "Priorities Committee," to be made up of six members detailed as follows: the Chairperson and Clerk of the Select Board; the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the School Committee; and the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the Finance Committee. Each respective board or committee may designate a member other than the member indicated herein to serve on the within Committee and may designate an alternate to serve should a member be unable to attend any meeting. The above members shall serve by virtue of their original board or committee memberships, and their membership on the Priorities Committee shall terminate should a member's original board or committee membership terminate for any reason. Each respective Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson of the Priorities Committee for a term of one year, beginning with the Chairperson of the Select Board, then the Chairperson of the School Committee and the Chairperson of the Finance Committee.
The Priorities Committee's duties shall be as follows:
Inform itself of the Town's revenue forecasts, sources of funding for the current fiscal year and estimates for the next fiscal year;
Inform itself of the Town's fixed uncontrollable special expenditure items;
Inform itself of an estimate of available appropriations;
Aid and coordinate budget forecasts for the Select Board, School Committee and Finance Committee;
Inform itself of sources of revenue including, without limitation, state aid, excise taxation, payments in lieu of taxes and taxation revenues;
Inform itself of and forecast debt levels and the availability of free cash;
Present to the Select Board, School Committee and Finance Committee a coordinated financial forecast and projected budget allocations and/or adjustments related thereto for the ensuing fiscal year.