In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 320 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below on the streets as designated.
Speed Limit
Hall Street (on Hall Street) west of the intersection at Belt Street
[Ord. No. 717, 3-3-2022]
15 mph
Harris, traveling east bound on Harris, the location of the sign will be located on the right-hand side of the street 100 feet before turning on to North Calvin
[Ord. No. 722, 9-12-2022]
15 mph
Highway 61/62
60 mph
Main Street, eastbound and westbound, between the intersections of Miller Drive and Ridgeview Drive
[Ord. No. 725, 10-20-2022]
25 mph
North Calvin, traveling north bound on North Calvin, the location of the sign will be located on the right-hand side of the street on North Calvin and Story Street
[Ord. No. 722, 9-12-2022]
15 mph
North Calvin, traveling south on North Calvin from the Jaycee parking lot, the location of the sign will be located on the right-hand side of the road on North Calvin
[Ord. No. 722, 9-12-2022]
15 mph
North Dean, traveling north bound on North Dean, the location of the sign will be located on the right-hand side of the street on the corner of the of North Dean and Story Street
[Ord. No. 722, 9-12-2022]
15 mph
North Railroad, traveling north bound on North Railroad, the location of the sign will be located on right-hand side of North Railroad and across from Story Street
[Ord. No. 722, 9-12-2022]
15 mph
North Railroad, traveling south on North Railroad, on the right-hand side of the street, the location of the sign should be 100 feet from the school
[Ord. No. 722, 9-12-2022]
15 mph
State Highway H:
East City limits to Church of Christ
45 mph
Church of Christ to Nazarene Church
35 mph
Nazarene Church to Ridgeview Drive
25 mph
Ridgeview Drive to West City limits
35 mph
School Zone:
Story Street
20 mph
Calvin Avenue from Harris St. to Story St.
20 mph
The above School Zone speed limit shall be in effect during school hours when children are present.