[Ord. No. 686 §1, 7-11-2013]
No person shall place or cause to be placed in or upon any street, sidewalk, alley, thoroughfare or other public place within the City any article whatsoever so as to obstruct or hinder the free passage of persons or vehicles over or along such street, alley, sidewalk, thoroughfare or public place; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall be so construed as to prevent any merchant or tradesman from placing any package of merchandise, which he/she may be receiving or sending away, upon any sidewalk if the same does not occupy more than one-third (1/3) of the width thereof or remain thereon more than two (2) hours.
[Ord. No. 686 §2, 7-11-2013]
It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, leases or controls any lot or parcel of ground which adjoins any public street, highway, sidewalk, alley or other public place to allow any shrubs, weeds or other growth to project over or into such street, alley, sidewalk or other public place.
[Ord. No. 686 §3, 7-11-2013]
It shall be unlawful for any person occupying, in charge or control of or owning any real estate in the City to permit the trees on such property to hang over the sidewalks, streets and alleys so that the lower limbs thereof shall be closer than eight (8) feet to the vehicular-traveled portion of any street or alley. The owner, occupant, tenant or person in control of any real estate shall keep the trees thereon so trimmed that the limbs thereof shall not hang closer to any sidewalk, street or alley than is prescribed in this Article.
[Ord. No. 686 §4, 7-11-2013]
It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to plant, keep or maintain any bush, plant, tree, flower or other vision-obstructing object or fence which exceeds two (2) feet in height measured from the ground level within twenty (20) feet of any lot corner which is adjacent to any intersection of public streets in the City.
[Ord. No. 686 §5, 7-11-2013]
All persons are required to keep the sidewalks in front of or adjacent to the property or premises owned or occupied by them or under their control within the City clear and free from rubbish, filth, refuse, dirt, snow, ice and any and all obstructions and dangerous agencies of every kind and description whatsoever.
[Ord. No. 686 §6, 7-11-2013]
No person or entity shall deposit, throw or place any snow or ice from any sidewalk, parking lot, driveway or building into any of the streets or gutters of the City.
[Ord. No. 686 §7, 7-11-2013]
No person or entity shall place any dirt, chips, mulch, grass clippings, leaves, limbs, straw, paper, ashes or other rubbish upon any sidewalk, alley, street, thoroughfare, gutter line, or into any stormwater basins or drainage ditch within the City.