As authorized by and in accordance Chapter 335 of this Title, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop or yield at every intersection or other location, designated herein, before proceeding.
Street/Direction of Traffic
Belt Avenue, northbound at Shelby Alley
Bledsoe Street, eastbound and westbound at Belt Avenue
Bledsoe Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Bledsoe Street, eastbound and westbound at Dean Street
Bledsoe Street, eastbound at Railroad Street
Butler Street, eastbound and westbound at Belt Avenue
Butler Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Butler Street, eastbound and westbound at Dean Street
Butler Street, eastbound at Railroad Street
Calvin Avenue, northbound and southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Calvin Street, one stop and one caution at corner of Steel and Calvin Street
Clark Street, northbound and southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Cove Street, one stop on the corner of Ridgeview Drive
Davis Street, southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Davis Street, at corner of Summit Drive
Dean Street, northbound and southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Hall Street, eastbound and westbound at Belt Avenue
Hall Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Hall Street, eastbound and westbound at Dean Street
Hall Street, eastbound at Railroad Street
Harris Street, eastbound at Calvin Avenue
Harris Street, westbound at Davis Street
At the intersection of Johnson Alley and Dean Street
[Ord. No. 695, 2-8-2016]
At the intersection of Johnson Alley and Railroad Street
[Ord. No. 695, 2-8-2016]
Miller Street, northbound and southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Moore Street, at intersections of Belt Avenue, Calvin Street, Dean Street and Railroad Street
Morgan Street, at intersections of Belt Avenue, Calvin Street and Dean Street
Parsons Avenue, northbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Railroad Street, northbound and southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Ridgeview Drive, southbound at Highway H (Main Street)
Roberts Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Roberts Street, eastbound and westbound at Dean Street
Roberts Street, eastbound at Railroad Street
Roberts Street, westbound at Davis Street
Sarah Drive, at the corner of Steel Street
Shelby Alley, eastbound and westbound at Belt Avenue
At the intersection of Shelby Alley and Calvin Street
[Ord. No. 695, 2-8-2016]
At the intersection of Shelby Alley and Dean Street
[Ord. No. 695, 2-8-2016]
At the intersection of Shelby Alley and Railroad Street
[Ord. No. 695, 2-8-2016]
Shelby Alley, at intersections of Railroad Street, Dean Street (2 stop) and Calvin Street (2 stop)
Steele Street, eastbound at Railroad Street
Story Street, at Dean Street (4-way stop)
Story Street, eastbound at Railroad Street
Story Street, westbound at Calvin Avenue
Summitt Drive, eastbound at Davis Street
Summitt Drive, on corner of Ridgeview Drive
At the intersection of Summit Street and Ridgeview Street
[Ord. No. 695, 2-8-2016]
Travis Street, at intersections of Calvin Street and Dean Street
Street/Direction of Traffic
Butler Street, eastbound at Clark Street
Butler Street, westbound at Miller Street
Calvin Avenue, southbound at Steele Street
Hall Street, eastbound at Clark Street
Hall Street, westbound at Miller Street
Mills Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Mills Street, eastbound at Belt Avenue
Mills Street, eastbound at Dean Street
Moore Street, eastbound and westbound at Dean Street
Moore Street, eastbound at Calvin Avenue
Moore Street, westbound at Belt Avenue
Morgan Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Morgan Street, eastbound at Belt Avenue
Morgan Street, eastbound at Dean Street
Railroad Street, 2 yield signs at Roberts Street by the Elementary School
Story Street, eastbound and westbound at Dean Street
[Ord. No. 694, 6-11-2015]
Travis Street, eastbound and westbound at Calvin Avenue
Travis Street, eastbound at Belt Avenue
Travis Street, eastbound at Dean Street