As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall mean:
Every vehicle propelled solely by human power upon which
any person may ride, having two (2) tandem wheels, or two (2) parallel
wheels and one (1) or two (2) forward or rear wheels, all of which
are more than fourteen (14) inches in diameter, except scooters and
similar devices.
Any two- or three-wheeled device having an automatic transmission
and a motor with a cylinder capacity of not more than fifty (50) cubic
centimeters, which produces less than three (3) gross brake horsepower
and is capable of propelling the device at a maximum speed of not
more than thirty (30) miles per hour on level ground. A motorized
bicycle shall be considered a motor vehicle for purposes of any homeowners'
or renters' insurance policy.
Every bicycle and motorized bicycle shall be equipped with a
brake or brakes which will enable its driver to stop the bicycle or
motorized bicycle within twenty-five (25) feet from a speed of ten
(10) miles per hour on dry, level, clean pavement.
Every person riding a bicycle or motorized bicycle upon a street
or highway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject
to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle as provided
by Chapter 304, RSMo., and this Title, except as to special regulations
in this Chapter, and except as to those provisions of Chapter 304,
RSMo., and this Title, which by their nature can have no application.
Every person operating a bicycle or motorized bicycle at less
than the posted speed or slower than the flow of traffic upon a street
or highway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as
safe, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding
in the same direction, except when making a left turn, when avoiding
hazardous conditions, when the lane is too narrow to share with another
vehicle, or when on a one-way street. Bicyclists may ride abreast
when not impeding other vehicles.
The operator of a bicycle shall signal as required in Section
340.190 of this Title, except that a signal by the hand and arm need not be given continuously if the hand is needed to control or operate the bicycle. An operator of a bicycle intending to turn the bicycle to the right shall signal as indicated in Section
340.190 of this Title or by extending such operator's right arm in a horizontal position so that the same may be seen in front and in rear of the vehicle.
Any person seventeen (17) years of age or older who violates
any provision of this Chapter is guilty of an ordinance violation
and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less
than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
If any person under seventeen (17) years of age violates any provision
of this Chapter in the presence of a Police Officer, said officer
may impound the bicycle or motorized bicycle involved for a period
not to exceed five (5) days upon issuance of a receipt to the child
riding it or to its owner.
No person shall operate a motorized bicycle on any highways,
streets or roads in this City unless it is equipped in accordance
with the minimum requirements for construction and equipment of MOPEDS,
Regulation VESC-17, approved July 1977, as promulgated by the Vehicle
Equipment Safety Commission.
[R.O. 2014 §385.090; Ord. No. 1039 §1, 10-9-2003]
A. The
operator of a motorized bicycle shall not permit passengers to ride
thereon at the same time unless the motorized bicycle is designed
to carry more than one (1) person.
B. Any
motorized bicycle designed to carry more than one (1) person must
be equipped with a passenger seat and footrests for the use of a passenger.
[R.O. 2014 §385.100; Ord. No. 1040 §1, 10-9-2003]
The operator of a motorized bicycle shall ride only astride
the permanent and regular seat attached thereto.